One Answer

  1. Strange wording of the question. You're confusing warm with soft. Rights and needs all rolled into one? But where are the responsibilities? If you need rights, then there will also be responsibilities. As for the needs, whose are they?�

    A person has needs. He needs to breathe, eat, drink. A person wants communication, attention, and sex. In order to receive all this, he agrees to certain duties that society imposes on him. In return, society gives him access to what he wants. It is access, not guarantees that he will get it all. And to get food, drink, a female or a male, a person has to live by certain rules. This is called socialization.�

    The crowd has no needs. A crowd is, by definition, a certain number of random people randomly gathered in one place. The crowd has no rights because it has no responsibilities. The crowd is faceless and chaotic. It is governed not by reason, but by instinct. The crowd craves entertainment, not truth, justice, or any other “rights”.

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