One Answer

  1. In dependence, a person is not free, dependence is the relation of strong unfreedom.�

    Attachment is understood as different things; there can be three types of attachment, two of which are about addiction, but the third is not.

    An anxious type of attachment is an addiction: I can't bear life without you! Imagine saying to a person: I will never do/ I will do (something that could jeopardize our relationship, make you angry against me) – TERRIBLE. Chthonic, infernal horror, from the depths. Impossible without him / her! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! I will try to be good for you!..

    Closed type of attachment-dependence on the panic horror of BEING dependent. Counter-dependency. YOU WON'T CATCH IT!! – That is, the attraction to the object of attachment, but also a super-valuable idea; no, not an idea-panic, clenched teeth, burn! – do not become dependent on him / her; on anyone!! And this, of course, is the same UNFREEDOM that has turned out and is afraid of itself – a kind of addiction.

    A stable type of attachment is the happiest and most SECURE. I'm not afraid to get attached, and I'm not afraid to let go. “I want it, but I don't need it.” Want. Love. I don't plan another life. But we're free to say whatever we want to each other. Share any feelings. Without the horror of losing. It is from what is dear to each other – but definitely NOT AT ANY COST. And then from openness, directness and freedom – that closeness, which is a stable type of attachment. ATTACHMENT without DEPENDENCE. …Why “sustainable”? – And the relationship is much more stable than in the other two types of attachment.

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