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For me – in volume. Honesty – answer the question ” Do you smoke?” – “No” (provided that no)).
Candor – catch a passerby and tell them your life, including your relationship with smoking.
Honesty is somehow related to questions about evaluating yourself, your loved one, or other people. It assumes that giving such an assessment (albeit indirect), a person tries to tell the truth or remain silent, but not to lie. Frankness comes from the fact that personal life, views and opinions, if they are a secret, then not for everyone and not always. And a frank person considers it possible to share their secrets from time to time. At the same time, it should be noted that an outspoken person can also be a liar.Well, an honest person is not necessarily frank.
Let's play association games to find the meaning of words:
Honesty – > honor – > > pride that doesn't allow you to lie.
Candor – > revelation – > > a detailed account of your experiences.
(Using this method, you should take into account the existence of homonyms).
With frankness, everything is simple. This is the opening of the roof over information. The discovery of what was under the roof is closed from the eyes of others. Unknown, secret, or secret message. Frankness – openness and completeness of the presentation of information known to the speaker, without hiding in any part of it.
As for Honesty, it's more complicated. The fact is that the modern Russian language was formed from two main streams, eastern and western. Eastern (Krivichi, Vyatichi and others like them) was gradually formatted from the northern branch of the Indo-European proto-language. The western one went from the Indo-Iranian southern branch to the west, then returned back from the southern Slavs, Bulgarians, Serbs , to the glades, Drevlyans, along with Church Slavonic variants of pronunciation and meanings. Then it all came together again in Russia by the time of Pushkin and Lomonosov. Honoring a person (honoring him) means giving him honors, this is when they give him honors not only in church services, reading (rereading in lists) his name in church rites, but also when his name is in heaven, that is, God honors him, considers him his own. This is a part of the West, from the Church Slavonic meaning. It is connected with the direct understanding of the East, which is related to the Sanskrit derivatives of ” chitta “or from the A-Vesta”chasti”. These ancient roots are still not fully understood by official science. But they mean a direct “reading” of God's thought by the human mind. That is, knowing the world and yourself directly, honestly, directly, without trying to create images and models of the world and a person. And this is possible only if a person remains himself, does not change himself, does not become a traitor to himself, and honestly treats God in himself. This is due to the ancient concepts of Man and the World, which are now almost forgotten. It was believed that when a person is able to keep his mind in a state of purity, not allowing images, models, simplified or complicated schemes of what he forms his thought about, then this thought is honest, from God, without changes. Man remains himself, not variants of himself or of God. He's a God in human form, to be perfectly honest with you. Therefore, to think and understand honestly, to act honestly, to speak honestly, to have honor, it's all about the same thing. Honesty is a demonstration to oneself and others of the immutability of the highest principle of human nature when it collides with certain life circumstances. Example. A hefty drunk beats a small dog with a stick, or a child(there are a lot of options). An honest man will stand up and take the dog and stick, regardless of the danger of getting it himself. And a person who does not respect himself will change his higher principle, change the version of himself, stop being himself, act dishonestly, pretend that it does not concern him, pass by.�
Thus, the Western version speaks rather of “respect” and reverence on the part of others, while the Eastern version primarily proceeds from the inner self-esteem of man and God in himself. But all to one. And it came together in the modern Russian great and mighty. (It should be noted here that my and the Old Slavic concept of God has practically nothing to do with modern religions and religions in general. I am a non-religious person).
Therefore, honesty and frankness are different concepts in origin, and they tell us about different aspects of life, but in specific life situations they can sometimes even coincide in the same place, time and person. All the best.
p. s. Read more about the issue in the note on nektosvostok Yandex Zen.
I will speak frankly with you. I don't agree with any of these answers.
Honesty is behavior. Frankness is the disclosure of something that is happening inside or your own opinion about someone.
You can honestly keep silent. But you can't just keep your mouth shut.
Honestly do what you were told, but not openly.
Frankness is the minimum of information that will show your position. Honesty can hide a lot of things, but at the same time spill the seas.
For example, when asked about politics and the ruling party, you can make a long speech, choosing very careful wording and not broadcasting any lies about the opposition — and this will be honest: you did not lick anyone, do not drown the opposition, do not be ashamed of your words, and moreover you answered very fully. Frankly, you can say: of course, the ruling party has done something quite good, but in general, it has plunged the country into a deep crisis, from which it will take decades to get out. See, briefly and frankly.
Honesty can regulate the degree of openness for a given interlocutor.
— How's it going?”
“Nothing shiny. (An honest answer.)
Or: “I'm tired.”
— How's it going?”
— You know, after I got off my serotonin reuptake inhibitors, I still don't cut my forearms, but I'm pretty depressed. (Frankly.)
– I saw Verka from the parallel, watched the first episode of the last season of the Brine Drill (retelling the entire series), read the Golovlevs (retelling the abstract), watched the stand-up artist Ignat Lopata (retelling all his jokes for 13 years), thought about carburetors. (This is just plain boring.)
Honesty is a way of life. Do not help anyone if you then reproach him with this, do not borrow money that can not be returned, do not poison the weak at school and do not do meanness at work.
But frankness can be used for mean actions.
Sometimes frankness is a forced response. And honesty is a refusal to play by someone else's rules.