5 Answers

  1. Imagine that you have woken up in the middle of the night and there is absolute silence and darkness around you.

    In addition, let's imagine that there are no thoughts in your head and that you have laid down not only your arm, as it happens in a dream, but also your entire body so that there are no sensations left from it.

    What is left when there are no sensations, sounds and thoughts is you.

  2. I will not be able to answer this question, because the question requires a large number of words, which means that I do not yet have clarity on this issue.

    If the answer is short and clear, then the person has comprehended… I don't know yet.

    But I often use this “I Am” mainly to bring myself back to the here and now.

    Usually a person, having a somewhat (if not quite) incorrectly organized mind, somewhere “flies” in his thoughts, which jump like fleas, betweenPast and presentThe future without stopping for a second inHere and Now.

    As soon as I feel that I have “flown away” somewhere, no matter for what purpose, but clearly for an illusory one, because the Past is no longer there, and the Future is not yet there, and this Future is happening in the Here and Now.

    But I'm not 🙂

    Then what's going on, who's doing it?

    Not me again?

    And this is what was said – “”I Am” brings me back to myself, to the body, to thoughts, to feelings, even if at first for a very short period of time, then it increases and increases somewhat…

    And this makes my Life full of me, that is, the “I Am” is much more than I am, because the “I Am” is able to bring me back to itself.

    Well, something like that…

  3. This phrase (azm am, which is nothing but consciousness) does not refer to the Self that feels, acts, and thinks, but is absolute consciousness, which is not identical with ordinary consciousness.

    This absolute consciousness-the higher Self-is the infinite and eternal essence, the only reality, but our small, egoistic lower self is a transient illusion, a reflected ray of true essence. This is pure vedanta.

    Since access to the plane of higher reality (the state of azm esm) is available only to a few highly developed individuals, this state, which is often meditated on in various techniques of so-called schools and courses of “spiritual development” is a dream and craving for such a state, but not achieving it. You can find various assumptions on the web ( sometimes very plausible and logical) about what a person experiences in a state of unity with the higher consciousness. But this will not be a report about personal true experiences. In addition, there are no statistical laws in this area. Perception is always purely individual.

  4. When answering this question, I focus only on my own Personal understanding of this process. Answer: This is a complete-complete perception of yourself, both physically and psychologically-energetically. The Soul, Mind, and Body are collectively one. Headed and controlled by the main energy component of the Soul by the Personality of the Self. I am – I live, I exist ! This is just my opinion and that's all.

  5. This is awareness. But in what category – another question. Awareness of yourself as a person, as a creative person, as a spiritual unit, etc. But if you ask a question about categories, this will be a different conversation.

    And if we talk about religion, then in the gospel text the Lord uses the expressionγγὼ εἰμί, which in Slavic sounds like Az am, and in Russian is usually translated as this is Me, and less often-I am.

    In Hebrew, this phrase is nothing more than the name with which God revealed himself to the prophet Moses (Exodus 3: 1). In the inscription, it is the so-called sacred tetragram.


    In contrast to I am, the following can be found in the Bible.

    When Peter denies Christ (John 18: 17, 25, Lk 22: 58), he says: “oκκ eἰμ” (I am not) – “I am not”, leave me, I am not – I am not.


    It turns out that God is who He is and has life in Himself (John 5: 26). Man, like the whole world, is created out of nothing and has no autonomous source of existence. It exists only to the extent of participation in God. If a person does not establish himself on the unshakable foundation of the divine I am, he not only slips into the abyss of nothingness, into the abyss of his original nothingness.


    I'll tell you right away – I didn't invent this, but I read it in a very interesting article.

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