52 Answers

  1. Yes zadolbala would choose! And in general – it would be ko9shmar, of course… Life would lose some of its meaning-it would mean that I am the only woman in the world… Nightmare…

  2. I'm afraid of the number of people who want to build harems 😀

    But not like the realization that a few billion people want me. This, you know, is fraught, not everyone accepts refusal. And some people can go so far at all. Most likely, I would have had to fake my own death and secretly live in a bunker to get out.

    And the choice is obvious-favorite, clear stump, what else. Why did the herd of strangers and outsiders give up?

  3. You'd have to be very tough to control this raging horde of horny men. I don't even know if I could have done it. It's easier to go underground, but it's more interesting to LIVE and try to take power over men. Since there are also reasonable men, I would address the crowd with oratory, appealing for wisdom and honor. Respect for the feminine principle.
    And since the man you love would be at risk of being killed, your personal life would be conducted underground. Secretly.

    (The qualities of a man are already embodied in my husband: understanding and respect for the feminine essence, wisdom, kindness, love of life, optimism, kindred spirit, gallantry , warm heart)

    And in public, I would arrange jousting tournaments. Using men's valor and exploits for the benefit of society as a whole. While remaining for everyone only a dream, unattainable.

  4. I would have chosen a harem of actors and singers. Gosling, Colleen Farrell, both Afflecks, Trever Fimmel, Tom Hardy, Cumberbatch, both Leto, Hidsleton, Lowe, Fassbender, Redcliffe, Bale, McAvoy, Alex Turner, Sergio Pizzorno and others (I won't take Mads Mikkelsen, he was taken by other women from the answers above) Since they want me and I don't mind, I'll be rich. In view of this, I will open a film production studio, me and my harem will snort cocaine and shoot a movie a year, with me in the lead role and my harem in the supporting roles. I'm going to shed a tear.

  5. This doesn't happen.. I'm not a beauty queen:)))))))) And they don't meet the only ones twice. :))

    I would, by the way, and meet again the one I love. Still.

  6. I like two dozen Korean idols right now, and about 5 more Chinese and 5 more Americans. And my passion alternately once a week swings on all of them. This is probably how I would organize my leisure time!^^

  7. I'd take all the long-haired, handsome metalheads, Legolas, young Vikernes Varg, and so on. I would have my own harem. But these are just distant dreams.

  8. M … I think I'll create an army of haerast sexy men and be their favorite great leader. We will have a glorious journey through Mother Earth, during which we will search for our fellow soldiers. I will gather an army of incredibly sexy and die of happiness. And my loyal soldiers will forever honor my bright memory and preserve peace and beauty on earth. The end.

  9. I would have kept my boyfriend and picked out some other handsome guy from the crowd who looked like mc. And we would live together and have a threesome. Peace, friendship, love.

  10. Oh, it's simple. With my luck, even with all the most beautiful men on earth at my disposal, I would still choose the biggest fucker.

  11. One. Active site. Beautiful. A smart one. So that we are not completely identical, but there is something similar. The correct one. I don't want to share it with anyone. And preferably without my parents (I have no desire to argue with them. I just can't accept it.)

  12. I would choose an adequate smart person who will be able to provide for me and the children we will have in the near future

    That is, not a woman with eggs, but a man with eggs and a head on his neck).

  13. I wouldn't have chosen anyone at all. I would have stayed on my own.

    This is very tedious and very annoying when many people want you all the time, and when everyone wants you, it will definitely cause a protest.

  14. And more than one person who mentioned actors, perhaps theater workers, did not think about the fact that those people who are on the screen/those who they are in reality are different people
    And I myself, being a girl, would choose no one
    As much as it may sound, loneliness is so familiar to me, even if there are people around, that I wouldn't do something like that.
    Or, more likely, I would have been a different person-because I would have grown up and been born in much better conditions than the real ones�
    I would think differently, choose the same thing, and in the same way-in a different way
    However, it all depends on which model of interpretation of thoughts to choose
    (postscriptum-punctuation marks, like an opinion-purely from yourself
    The way I would voice it
    And how I would have thought then).

  15. Well, I would create my own political party, which could change laws and introduce new ones without voting.I would choose one very smart guy to consult,and one very handsome and charismatic guy to meet and relax with.I would meet with other people for conversations and discussions,with celebrities, politicians, and so on.I would also hire a security firm,because if all men want me,then all women will hate me,which is fraught with consequences.Well, in between covert operations and investigations, I would swim in the pool, eat seafood with champagne, and invite famous personalities to relax for the day.I'd get pregnant by a smart, beautiful, and nice man who wouldn't live with me, and I'd send the kids somewhere in England so no one would know I was a parent.In my old age,when I was sick of the luxury life,I would have gone to my children,faked my death and changed my identity, living on dividends from millions of deposits.

  16. Someone who is already close to me) Because this is the person I fell in love with for nothing, but just like that)�How can you trade your own darling for someone else?)

    The response must not be less than 140 characters long

  17. Even if I was wanted by all the mudchins on the planet, even if I could choose any man on Earth and beyond, I would still choose the one I have now.

  18. Uuuuu, there's no need to even think about it, without any doubt, I choose my beloved Tom. What can be better than your mc? I don't see anyone prettier or more suitable than him. Even no actors or singers can compare to my mc. Uuuuu, I'll give him a hot night tonight. All love 🌚🌚🌚❤️❤️❤️

  19. Well, if such an incredible thing suddenly happened) then it would definitely be a two-meter-tall, hundredweight, all covered with hair, ambal. And definitely dark. Approximately like this)

  20. Based on my preferences, I would choose an IT poker player with the appearance of Colin Farrell. Preferably a virgin. Oh, it would take a long time to find.

  21. If Michael Fassbender wants me, so be it – I'll choose him.�
    The main thing here is not to get lost when everyone wants you. There are really a lot of cool guys around.

  22. My answer won't be rosy. Everyone wants you – it's a horror of some kind, not only do all the girls hate you, but you can't communicate with men normally, so it's probably also all sorts of surveillance, because everyone has a different “want”, �among these men there will most likely be psychos and moniacs. In general, if everyone wants you, then most likely you will not have time to choose, because you are very likely to be killed either by women or by some psycho.

  23. My ex-boyfriend, and even then he would still stop loving me(

    (please, I gave a detailed answer and it is very interesting for me to read it, now it is not less than 140 characters)

  24. First definitely Macaulay Culkin. He looks so good right now. It would be interesting to watch him.

    And then Mads Mikkelsen.

  25. Difficult) the first people who came to mind were Matthew Bellamy, Mario Goetze, Sasha from optimus gang (🤗).. of course, it is difficult to speak without knowing these people personally, but still something like this: 3

  26. It's too complicated, impossible to choose. Ryan Gosling? James Franco? Theo Hutchcraft?? Chris Pratt???�

    Well, Franco will probably be the most fun. I'll choose it.

  27. Konstantin Khabensky or Ivan Okhlobystin, I consider these people very wise, bright, correct. These are the men with whom it is calm and interesting.

  28. My friend and work colleague. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for him, he is married and happy in his family life. I'm not going to look for some unrealizable “ideal” men.

  29. How awful. There are too many of them, they'll eat you alive.

    I would enlist the support and help of my most decent female friend, disguise myself and dump somewhere where no one would find me, on a desert island in the middle of the taiga.

    And there I would sit in the most secluded corner, trembling with fear and worrying that someone would suddenly find me.

  30. Everyone wants me and now just have time to snap your fingers , but why do you need them all if you love one and the heart and mind belong only to him and my body belongs to him, he is my lord!

    • I would create a harem of the most beautiful men. She would sit on the throne like a queen and choose according to her mood who to touch and caress today. All my favorites are standing around, and my favorite Ben Whishaw would be sitting next to me with his head in his lap…Hugh Dancy would be on the right, Mads Mikkelsen on the left…a little further Sasha Petrov (God forgive me) in the image of Gogol))) Well, then many more, including the young Keanu. I would also put them together and watch the most beautiful slash in the world in real time🤣
  31. For me, the situation would not have changed – because my choice wants me to: D

    Yes, sympathy from a well-known successful man is cool, but it is important to me that with a man you can get 400 rubles in small change from the piggy bank and go to the stall for shawarma at 3 o'clock in the morning, create game, burn out, but at the same time periodically seal zucchini on the couch with a laptop and cartoons all weekend long.

  32. Even if that had happened, I would have stayed with my boyfriend. For me, he is perfect in everything, and I don't need any Hollywood actors and all this pathos. The main thing is love and loyalty

  33. Ezra Miller.�

    He is a wonderful actor, and his personality is close to me, because he is also a wonderful person. Beautiful inside and out. But, however, only after I get the director's job-he needs really worthwhile projects to unlock his potential – after all, “Something's wrong with Kevin” is far from the limit of his acting abilities.

  34. There are too many such men. Tom Hiddleston came to mind first. Even at the age of 16, I wanted to marry Zac Efron very much. Hmmm. Well, I'd probably choose one of them. And if it didn't work out with them later ( who knows, we don't know each other personally), I would choose a rich, handsome or just a nice, charismatic guy who is fond of physics and philosophy. Here.

  35. And I would choose my husband, because I already chose him according to all the criteria. All those famous personalities, about which we wrote above —in general, it is not a fact that they will be what you imagine them to be, and appearance is not the only factor of choice at all.�

    And people who ignore the answers to the question about the personal opinion of the respondents, which is not the same as yours —why do you generally ignore the answers? Please answer for yourself!

  36. Shia LaBeouf, come to me, darling. In general, initially I would have been very confused. After all, Mads Mikkelson, Brad Pitt, Culkin, Terry Crews, Snoop Dogg, and a bunch of other men of my dreams would have wanted me in that case, and my ex is also nothing like that. Can I see them all?)

    But if the condition was to choose only one, then come to me, Shia LaBeouf.

  37. For starters, I would take back a couple of slightly worthwhile exes (one will have to be resurrected). And then, if you can resurrect and rejuvenate – Bowie, McCartney, Jagger.

  38. If it's just me that everyone needs, then why the hell should I choose just one?) I will enjoy the moment and use them to the maximum :)) And when I get tired of it, I will choose the most insecure, complex and modest one and I will be with him until the end of my days)

  39. One that, most importantly, will not make you feel lonely in a relationship with him. Who will not leave in a difficult moment and will not throw words to the wind, no matter how changeable our world is

  40. Mads Mikkelsen !I really like the Nordic type.I would like to see a Viking next to me 😀

    Well, and so moderately well-groomed, with a sense of humor and good taste, wise and purposeful.It is desirable that I would not drink at all.

  41. Soloist of my favorite band BØRNS❤️❤️❤️ Not a man, but a dream. Beautiful hands, like all musicians, eyes look into the heart, and a smile makes your legs give out

  42. I would have gone straight to the monastery! :DD
    everything, everyone wants, the incentive is gone, there is no interest… it is better to go into seclusion and comprehend yourself, new levels of your personality and the world around you (you can, in principle, go to Buddhism, not necessarily your native monastery))), than to degrade in a world where you are already needed and interesting to everyone indiscriminately.
    well, or I would have switched to girls. I would test my abilities in conquering women, since everything became clear with men
    (sorry, the question was very hooked))

  43. I don't know how to answer directly, but my imagination started dancing.

    First of all, I'll hang out (without bodies) with some guy from showbiz, who will organize a project for us, like “House 2”, only with some guys who will build me a house, swear, compete, put laxatives on each other, tear hair on my head and other things. Since everyone wants me, everyone will agree and watch the show.
    Let's say a winner appears. But everyone still wants and needs to cut babos. And the showbiz guy and I are renewing the project for the second season, then for the third, for the fourth, etc. And so that houses are still being built in different cities and countries, well, so as not to offend the gentlemen overseas.
    And all the time I'm living with my hamster Chickadee in a luxury house from the previous season, and the winner of that season, so be it, is entertaining us. Although it's not a fact that he will succeed – scandals with kicking out of the house can only raise my_threatness. And on a permanent basis, I will most likely have some not at all cute, cabinet-shaped and bald peasant bodyguard. Conversations do not interfere with drawing/writing/watching TV shows and the functionality is good both for home and travel.

  44. Since I don't have a man, I can answer without a twinge of conscience. I will support a domestic manufacturer, so to speak, and choose Danila Kozlovsky.

  45. Just yesterday, inspired by the same question for guys, I thought about it. I couldn't decide exactly among two candidates: Pavel Durov and Bo Burnham.
    Durov is interesting to me as a person, and in general, we are similar in outlook. Travels a lot. Even if we do not talk about his merits in the field of programming, there are still many factors why I will choose him. By the way, appearance also plays an important role.
    And Bo is a creative person, one of my favorite stand-up comedians, and just a cutie. He has been writing songs since he was a teenager, which became incredibly popular on YouTube, and by his twenties he became a sought-after comedian. I strive for self-realization, it would be interesting to meet the same person. Thanks to a lot of tours, we didn't have time to get tired of each other.

  46. I would choose someone who not only wants me, but also loves me with all his heart, like a sister. Someone with whom I could talk for hours and I would always be interested , and most importantly, who I could trust with all my heart . In principle, in life, and so many want, not all of course, but in fact. But the choice does not fall on everyone…

  47. For me, there is nothing more attractive, sexier, smarter and more masculine than my man.He will always be number one for me, even if absolutely everyone wants me)

  48. I would have stayed with the person I'm currently sharing a house with. I love him too much to just go off with some famous guy like that…)

    But if that's the crux of the question, it's probably Aaron Johnson. A very sexy man.

  49. Wow, well, if you imagine yourself in the abstract, so that anyone is straight….. then, without a doubt, Colin Firth would have been chosen by me immediately))�

    A unique combination of beautiful proportions of the face, perfect figure, impeccable manners and fine mental organization will perfectly decorate my leisure time and satisfy aesthetic needs.))

  50. If everyone really wants to, then there will definitely be someone who shows me a minimum of attention and behaves as coldly as possible. Whether he does it by accident or on purpose is not the point.

    That's what the choice would have fallen on, so it's much more interesting!

  51. Oh, and I already have an answer for this question, my choice would fall on the magnificent Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen. He has an incredible appearance, a maddening voice, and he is also talented and generally hot. No wonder he received the title of “the sexiest man in Denmark”.

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