3 Answers

  1. Mary, age-related features prevent pensioners from doing some creative work.

    It is already difficult for people from the age of 40 to learn new types of activities, and for retirement age it is already impossible. Moreover, you need to have creative abilities initially, and not start developing them in retirement.

    Rare exceptions only confirm the fact that only a few particularly active older people are capable of this.

    Usually the opposite happens. Those who had some craft skills in their childhood or young years do not want to do this at retirement age (I know this from my own family). The vision is not right, the fingers do not bend, then this activity requires a lot of time. And this is actually true, because the body ages. And only a few people can overcome or slow down this process with an effort of will.

    We will not even talk about the subdepressive state in which many elderly people are, since our medicine does not even track this parameter. Japan, where there are a lot of old people, studies this problem closely and gives terrible statistics. Therefore, they have specialized programs to combat age-related depression.

  2. Older people are not “hindered” by anything, except for one circumstance-they DO NOT WANT to engage in creativity and something socially useful. And many do NOT KNOW how to do it.

    Most of the elderly people in our country have worked all their lives and when they retire, they want to rest and do nothing. This is their constitutional right. Young people who ask these questions have no idea how you can come to hate “work”at the end of your life. How can you hate getting up in the morning on the alarm clock, the indispensable ritual of getting yourself in order, daily trips across the city on public transport and, most importantly, hypocritical politeness with colleagues at work? These people are waiting for retirement like manna from heaven…

    But of course there are people with the opposite point of view. For them, retirement is a tragedy that cannot be reconciled. Here they will work to the grave. And if they are simply forced to retire, then they start doing something socially useful, join veterans ' societies, organize accordion clubs under the Housing Department, participate in makrame exhibitions and go to communist rallies. But there are not so many such active pensioners. Most of them are sitting at home and stupidly watching TV. They haven't saved up enough money to travel around the world in comfortable buses like European or American retirees. And that's why most Russian pensioners have only two hobbies-TV and dacha. And don't blame them for it! They earned the right to watch “stupid talk shows” and plant radishes in the country that no one needed.

  3. Lack of money and health, that's what gets in their way. I know quite a lot of retired people who know what they want to do, but they can't because the pension is enough to pay for housing and utilities and food, but for medicines, for example, there is no longer enough.

    Bonus: it costs money. Well, my retired neighbor is engaged in embroidery of paintings, she does not sell them, but gives them away to all sorts of relatives and friends, while each picture at a cost of 2-6 thousand, depending on the size, and this is so for a second up to half of her pension. Most people just take time for whatever reason, so as not to see the squalor of their lives. The horror is that not only pensioners, but the whole country is in this situation.

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