2 Answers

  1. Feeling and thought are inseparable.

    It will be easier to understand as follows:” emotion “is a simple and short thought, and” thought ” is already a long and complex reasoning.�

    What we call emotions is a whole complex of perceptions, cognitions, experiences, and behaviors, but very simple and primitive. For example, “you stepped on your foot in the subway-that's a freak – the blood boiled in your head – you need to yell at the impudent person” – this is all one emotion, anger. The brain does not need to include any complex reasoning, we just react with all this emotional complex together.

    But if we, for example, meet a “strange” person on the street, one simple emotion may not be enough. Something's wrong with it, but what? The brain tries to react with a simple emotion, but it can't turn on fear, because it's not sure what exactly this strange person should be afraid of. What exactly is it “weird”about? Is there something wrong with his clothes? Does he walk strangely? Acting suspiciously? We connect reasoning, analyze the appearance of a stranger, and understand that he has a strange gait, which is why he seemed so suspicious. But after a closer look, we realize that he just has cerebral palsy, which means that there is nothing terrible about him.

    Plus, your mood can be affected by your physical well-being and hormonal balance. For example, if you are tired,you will have a more lethargic and irritated mood.

  2. Both emotions and thoughts are the reaction of consciousness to external stimuli (information). Only emotions arise spontaneously, immediately, and can be deceptive. And they can be expressed in the body's reaction (for example, fear-sweating, tremor, defensive movements, etc.) Thoughts appear when trying to evaluate, analyze, make decisions about responding to stimuli, and then it is the body's turn.

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