22 Answers

  1. This is a complex question, so there is no easy answer to it. In fact, nothing can be said for sure about this, because we are in the area of questions that can't be answered.

    Let's say that justice is built into us biologically, and we are “fair animals”, although this does not sound too true, then what? I can't imagine what benefits this answer can bring.

    And also if this feeling is brought up in us by culture. All right, let justice be gained. What's next? What does this change? Has justice ceased to matter to people around the world? Hardly.

    And if it's innate, does that make it more solid? Also no, because even if justice is not inherent in us, we will not be able to exist without this regulator. As in the well-known expression: if there is no God, he should have been created.

    It is impossible to imagine humanity without justice at any stage of development, not only now, when we are more civilized than ever. Therefore, the question of the source of justice or freedom or morality always stumbles over this practical necessity. Even when Nietzsche scolds morality and says that it comes from an ambiguous and vile source, he admits that there is no way without it. And justice, no matter how it is used, remains a fundamental sign of humanity.

    Something like that.

  2. Sense of justice – a person's inner sense of the correctness or incorrectness of people's actions and life phenomena. For example, a person might say,”It's not fair that my colleague gets a bigger salary than I do, because I work better.” Or:” It's not fair that such a little girl's mother died. ” I.e., he evaluates what is happening around him and with himself using his own criteria of justice.

    Where do they come from? From family traditions, from religious upbringing, from life experience. And since we all have different conditions of childhood and growing up, our ideas about justice sometimes differ greatly.

  3. Experiments show that the sense of justice appears in children at the age of about 3 years, but manifests itself in different ways. With age, the way this feeling manifests itself is more synchronized with the consequences of parenting. I would suggest that we have an innate tendency to justice, and a specific kind of it-some people think it's fair that both found candies should be taken by the finder, others-that the finder should share with those who have not found anything. Over the years, culture has been crushing almost everyone.

  4. The innate sense of justice (given by Nature and from birth) later develops or, on the contrary, degrades (with a degenerative lifestyle).

    Justice is the most important scientific and practical concept and feeling that is initially given by Nature (an initial intuitive understanding of the basics) and is optimally implemented even in the animal world (all animals respond to good with good and thus illustrate the principle of fair optimal behavior).

    This concept helps to live, survive, and develop-by making optimal decisions in all tasks of life-which is exactly what natural selection welcomes.

    The great philosopher Confucius recommends-to respond to good with good (justice), to respond to evil with justice, but not with evil (“You need to respond to good with good, and you need to respond to evil with justice”).

  5. EVEN animals respond to kindness with kindness and thus observe the optimal principle of justice, given by Nature and beneficial for the survival and development of humans and animals.

    The innate sense (instinct) of justice gave rise to the important scientific and practical concept of “justice”.

  6. It is common for any animal to provide privileges for itself or its offspring. The sense of justice is familiar only to the highest animal-man. This ethical sense is acquired only with education. It is necessary for the unity of the community, its survival and prosperity.

  7. What is a sense of justice? This is a person's perception of himself and other people in society from the standpoint of morality and social hierarchy. For example, it is unfair to steal someone else's wallet; if a professor of philology wears a mink coat, this is normal, this is correct, but the same fur coat is worn by a person with reduced social responsibility – this is abnormal, unfair. Is this feeling innate or acquired? Where we are talking about true morality (and not by explaining the morality of certain status games), this is acquired because a person is not born with an understanding of morality (just look at child cruelty to understand this). But the sense of status authority, the perception of behavior through the norms of the herd hierarchy, is innate, and for this you need to observe the monkeys already. The daily search for “who's boss in the house”, fights between old harem females and new females, monkeys 'fear of male humans and demonstrative dirty tricks towards women and children – this is an innate understanding of primates' status and hierarchy.: “you're the boss , I'm the fool, I'm the boss , you're the fool.” That's why alpha kids at school hate nerds: from the point of view of the innate hierarchical perception of primates, if you are an alpha, then all the best things should go to you, and quickly and first of all (the best partners should be yours, the teacher's love should belong to you), which, as we understand, most often happens wrong. The struggle for justice (or what a person considers justice) is associated with energy, will, minimal presence of complexes, a positive attitude towards oneself and the world (with a negative attitude “if I am a trembling creature, then I have no rights”, if my world is evil, “where the court is, there is always untruth”, etc.).

  8. To begin with, justice is not a feeling.

    It's strange, but it's true.

    Justice is the result of our Mind working.

    Justice is a concept that arises from comparative assessments of our Mind and this comparison is always in favor of ourselves – “fair”!

    And here (and not only here) is the fusion of the Mind and Feelings caused by the influence of our Mind.

    That is, the senses respond to the command received from the Mind and significantly increase the impact on the person.

    Here it is important not to forget that both the Mind and the Senses are processes, not “things”, that is, they are always in motion and what was NOT FAIR yesterday can be declared FAIR today.

    That is, everything depends on the conditions, the position of the person, his point of view… RIGHT THIS SECOND!

    It is on this simple basis that justice does not exist as a concept that remains unchanged.

    If you suddenly look even deeper, then justice for any person is a concept that grew up on the benefits for the person or group of people, in any of its manifestations.

  9. What is a sense of justice? Justice should not be understood as mechanically following the rules. Virtuous action is the spontaneous interaction between body and mind, perception and reaction; it is a living, active judgment of good and evil, the embodiment of the divine and the ordinary. To the ordinary mind, virtue is something remote, pure, and unattainable. This is a moral quality peculiar only to divine beings. We can imagine it, but we can't feel it; we can grasp it mentally, but we can't use it physically. “Rather than seek justice in vain, It is better to avoid passions hourly. It is better to point out to people the modesty of Personal desires and submission to Heaven.”Lao Tzu. With respect.

  10. Once, when life was just beginning on earth, not all organisms were in equal conditions and therefore did not receive the same set of chemical elements, which resulted in the emergence of a sense of injustice and the search for justice, that is, equality.�
    That's how communism came about.
    To answer

  11. “Justice” consists of several qualities, some of them innate. For example, the feeling of your “leadership”, alpha, inner strength. This quality forces a person to look for the most effective ways to organize a pack, making the pack competitive and self-generated.

    Also innate can be called the ability to see the most effective way to solve a problem (relationship). the so-called “pigeon tactic” and “hawk tactic” which alternately give the best result.

    And then this innate quality develops and improves to the point where a person receives the label “Fair”.

    How the ability to count and compose songs develops.

  12. Both. Any spiritual qualities do not accumulate in one lifetime, and even more so may not manifest in full force during the current incarnation.

    Justice is a synthetic quality that cannot manifest itself in full force without the development of others, such as: compassion, devotion to moral principles, caring (more precisely, a burning heart), pure thinking, not burdened with prejudices and prejudices, and many others.

    For the manifestation of justice, it is necessary to be able to recognize and compare, to have commensurability, because “the law of justice is very diverse”©.

  13. I think it's an innate feeling. After all, all people want justice for themselves and their families. Everyone likes to be treated fairly and their feelings are taken into account. ⠀
    In addition, a sense of “justice” means that we have a conscience.⠀
    Everyone has free will, that is, the ability to make their own decisions. If a person listens to the voice of conscience, it helps to do the right thing and not do bad things. I am sure that the very existence of conscience says that God loves people and wants us to live in unity and do good. 😌✨⠀
    In order to act fairly, it is important to develop good qualities, because they will help to overcome those negative traits that usually encourage people to be unfair. ⠀

  14. A sense of justice is a childhood trauma, read Liz Bourbeau's 5 traumas.

    And it occurs at a time when you previously took everything for granted that everyone has what they want, and then suddenly you were deprived of what you wanted. And you start to wonder. Why someone wants and gets, and someone wants, but does not get. There is first resentment and then a sense of injustice.

    But the legs grow out of not accepting the world and yourself. When a person accepts the situation that not everything that he wants can come to him, that the reason should be sought not from the outside, but inside himself-then this feeling disappears. Because when you understand your uniqueness, you stop demanding things that are not your own. For example, if you know that you are an artist and you have a gift for painting, you will not demand that they listen to your music, or send you to study at a music school, etc. You just realize that this is not your way.

    And understanding that if you didn't get what you wanted now (which also makes you feel unfair), then you don't need it, or you're not ready for it.

    And communism is depersonalization. This is the same for everyone, despite the uniqueness.

    It turns out that this feeling is acquired:

    1 not built self esteem and uniqueness and non acceptance of yourself

    2 hence the rejection of peace

    3 hence the requirements for the world

  15. Of course, this innate heightened sense of justice prepared the way for me to search for this justice, which has been the focus of my entire life from a young age to this day.

    For example, by 1983 I had come to the firm conclusion that Socialism in the USSR had not been built, and over the years I had found the true path to its creation. But the trouble is, the people prefer to go back instead of moving forward, which is mainly the development of humanity.

  16. It comes from the heart. The soul is located in the human heart, which is also a magnet that determines what is good and what is evil. Choose more with your heart, then you can't go wrong. Some people have a heightened sense of justice, while others don't, but everyone has it.

  17. According to the Holy Scriptures, the source of justice is God. He loves (Fair trial)

    “For the Lord loves right judgment (just judgment) and will not forsake His faithful. They will be safe forever, but the generation of the wicked will be uprooted. ” (Psalm 36: 28)

    Because we are created in the likeness and image of God, we are able to reflect his quality of justice. God has put this ability in people and it is in us from birth as a conscience.

    “Whenever people from other nations, who have no law, by nature do what is lawful, they, although they do not have a law, are a law to themselves. They show that the essence of the law is written in their hearts, while their conscience bears witness with them, and in their thoughts they accuse themselves or justify themselves” (Romans 2: 14,15).

    However, it is important to train the conscience in order for it to judge fairly. Like a compass that needs to be periodically checked against a standard, we need to train our conscience against the standard of good and evil-God, in his Word of the Bible.

    “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully prepared for any good work” (2 Timothy 3: 17).

  18. The sense of justice is just a feeling, it arises in the process of being and everyone has a different idea of justice. For me, there is only justice from God, so I never complain. Moreover, I have long known about God's plans for humanity.

  19. Human qualities are not exact sciences, physics, mathematics, etc. and there is no specific single formula, each person is individual and perceives everything in his own way. Justice is born and manifests itself in a complex of feelings-laid down from birth, instilled during upbringing and fixed in the process of living.

  20. “Rather than seek justice in vain, It is better to avoid passions hourly. It is better to point out to people the modesty of Personal desires and submission to Heaven.”Lao Tzu. This feeling is acquired!!!

  21. In homo sapiens, justice seems to have emerged as a sociocultural phenomenon as larger groups (states, empires) emerged. For example, the Hamurappi Code (1770 BC) considered it fair for an aristocrat who killed an aristocrat to have his daughter killed as a punishment. From our point of view, this is savagery, because the criminal himself, in fact, did not bear any punishment at all. However, the Babylonians considered this fair. An example from the Bible is ” an eye for an eye.” Today, more or less “universal justice” is human rights.

  22. A sense of justice can be compared to virtue, which is considered a character trait. I can't say for sure, but most likely some character traits are given to us at birth. Maybe virtue is also on this list. But justice is still determined by society and is embedded in our consciousness from childhood. Hence the resulting directions, such as the fairness of civil rights and so on.

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