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Confidence – readiness, possession of some kind of skill and applying them, knowing that you know something.
Narcissism – falling in love, convincing yourself that you know something even if it's not true
Self-confident people recognize both their strengths and weaknesses, and adequately assess their capabilities. They are easier to bear difficulties than narcissistic people. Because in the depths of their failure for narcissistic people will be very painful, although outwardly they can hide it.
Narcissism is, as it were, a negative quality, and self – confidence is a positive one.
For me, the most obvious formula was from the transactional analysis:
I'm ok, you're ok, they're ok-mature, consciously optimistic. If expanded, then I am normal, you are too, people are also very normal. We are all here with our own cockroaches and weaknesses, and this, as Malysheva would say, is NORMAL. And Dzhigurda is also in the topic, if th) we all live here, grow, develop. If fate throws me a problem, then I am quite adaptive to solve it. This is self-confidence.
Narcissism is in the language of transactional analysis: I am OK, you are not, they are not. This can manifest itself in “all women are like women, and I am the queen”, and in “they all just don't understand my genius”.
Narcissism has the same signs as falling in love.
Obsession with the object of falling in love
The subject sees only the advantages of the object of love, the disadvantages are ignored
Attempts by others to “sober up” the lover cause aggression and resentment
High expectations (yes, I'm not going to plow for 20k a month, I deserve more)
Maybe something else, but that's all I can remember so far.
In short, as soon as a person begins to think that he is the best of all – the border is passed, typical narcissism.