7 Answers

  1. Great Britain, England. I read almost one hundred percent English literature – I understand that this may somehow impoverish me, but other things simply do not find such a response (exceptions are found in the form of German and Scandinavian literature, to a lesser extent-Russian). When I read ” England. Portrait of the people”, I was amazed at how much this is my portrait!))

  2. I have a Russian appearance, a Russian family and a Russian young man. But all my life I feel that something is wrong, because my soul is drawn towards Georgia. I may have been a Georgian in my previous life, which is indicated by the slight bump on my nose.

  3. I like Slavic countries. Especially when it comes to Poland, the Czech Republic,or Ukraine. I knew two girls from Poland( via the Internet, though), and I can tell you that they turned out to be very nice people. I didn't have any preconceptions about our Western neighbors before(like “all Poles are Russophobes”),but here I became even more convinced that I would find a common language with the Poles.

  4. Norway. A beautiful nation with a beautiful language. This is in particular.

    And in general – Scandinavia. I'm a big fan of both Sweden and Denmark. And a small, original Iceland, of course.

  5. Don't know. I very pedantically follow the “rules of behavior” as I understand it-I scold friends who throw garbage on the street, give way to elderly people in transport, cross the road on a zebra crossing and always turn green (sounds boring, yeah). I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert – I need to spend at least a few hours alone at least once every two days. My leisure time is also introverted, but I can be both noisy and fun, especially in the company of good friends (and under a small degree). In my relationships with people, I prefer first of all honesty, straightforwardness, empathy and foresight. I am friendly to differences between people, tolerant, but I also appreciate rude, intolerant humor, often black or just plain weird.�

    I've only been to Ukraine from other countries, but if you look at everything I know about other countries, it turns out that Germany is almost perfect for me. Scandinavia can still be there, or Finland, for example.

  6. I've always considered myself very Russian. Maybe because I was born in a country that later called me an invader. I never felt at home there, although I knew perfectly and of course, Russian (native) and state. the language of that country. At some point, it became fashionable for students to go abroad to earn money, so I rushed to Foggy Albion. I went back and forth for 2 years, and I realized that I was going there with more pleasure than “home”. That's how I stayed, and honestly, I never thought that I would feel more comfortable in England than in my homeland. So I became an Englishwoman for 10 years already.

  7. I will be Captain Obvious, but Russia-just because I was born and raised here, was brought up in Russian in Russian and Soviet culture. I have never lived abroad and do not speak any languages other than English, so the process of cultural integration in another country, especially a non-English-speaking one, would hardly be easy for me.�

    And besides, it's fashionable and global to be proud of your culture!

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