3 Answers

  1. Terrorist attacks have become, unfortunately, a part of the life of the world community. Preventing them is not easy, and protecting yourself from them is even more difficult. This is nothing more than an act of powerlessness by the minority (almost always wrong), with the goal of intimidating the majority and being heard. It doesn't solve the problem, but only makes it worse.�

    First of all, people who have not yet learned how to negotiate are to blame for terrorist attacks. We do not “hear” each other and communicate, as before, in “different languages”. All you need is to be able to listen and listen to another person with their religion and worldview. It's so simple and so complex at the same time.

  2. It's always the terrorists ' fault.

    In this topic, it is necessary to understand that there are different “terrorism”, i.e. different types of terrorist activities and organizations that conduct it. Most of these organizations in the past and present are related to the internal political situation in specific countries and do not pose a significant threat to other countries, tourists, etc. For example, the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka operate domestically. So did the Irish Republican Army: it fought with the UK and against British targets abroad. ETA – in Spain, Sendero Luminoso-in Peru. There are two dozen countries with such organizations. Despite the fact that they are recognized as terrorist organizations by at least part of the world community and commit terrible bloody terrorist attacks in their countries, they do not pose a real immediate threat to the rest of the world. The fight against these organizations is the task of local governments, which can resort to the help of other countries in terms of obtaining additional intelligence, organizing security measures at airports and public places. The greatest effect was achieved by including the political structures of these organizations in the national reconciliation process with the dismantling of military structures and the cessation of terrorist activity (successful examples: Ireland, Spain, and Palestine). In Peru, they took the path of direct military operations against Sendero Luminoso, which, combined with the capture and arrest of the movement's leader and his successor, significantly weakened this group, but caused it to split into several small factions. The level of activity, of course, is no longer the same, but the attacks continue.

    Another thing is international terrorism, which until recently was represented by Al-Qaeda, and now by ISIS (both are banned in the Russian Federation). By the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the” war on terrorism ” launched by the United States after 11.09.2001 had yielded tangible results – Al-Qaeda ceased to exist as a more or less integral organization capable of transnational operations, and its remnants in Iraq, Yemen and North Korea.They are subject to intelligence control and do not have the capacity to organize operations outside their “own” areas.

    Neither al-Qaeda nor ISIL can be included in any political process anywhere-they don't have a political agenda that can even be discussed. Therefore, only the option of their physical destruction remains. In part, this is achieved by tracking down leaders of various levels and eliminating them using drones. This measure, judging by the level of demoralization and disorganization achieved, is very effective. In the remaining structures of Al-Qaeda, leaders literally do not have time to change. The campaign of bombing and military operations against ISIL also achieves its goal: over the past 2 years, this organization has lost almost 50% of its former territory, and financial flows have been disrupted.

    To undermine the potential of ISIS, it is necessary to end the crisis in Syria as soon as possible, as well as the religious conflict in Iraq, which is pushing local Sunnis to join ISIS. Both tasks may well be solved.

    It is possible to stop the bloody ISIS attacks in Europe, Turkey and other countries by closely coordinating the activities of national intelligence services. Apparently, the French can't do this yet, even inside themselves. The Americans were in the same position before 11.09, but after that they were able to improve. This can now be done internationally. Right now, following the terrorist attacks in Belgium, France, Turkey, and the Saud.Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh have detained the perpetrators – the information received from them during interrogations must be brought together, compared with the information already available, and there will definitely be new “threads” – on personnel, structure, finances, etc. – for further action. This is all solvable, we need to deal with it.

  3. Theomism is designed to put an end to wars and terrorist attacks. Only by realizing its true ontological status and achieving fundamental ontological agreement can humanity achieve peace and tranquility. In this best of all worlds. It's possible, isn't it?

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