3 Answers

  1. Otherwise, they wouldn't be human. Even if you take all the most formally kind, good, sweet and gentle people, put them in a separate space, they will soon be divided among themselves into leaders and subordinates, honest and dishonest, scoundrels and good-natured people.

    There are so many different things in one person that if we were simple and “other”, we would just be biorobots

  2. This is due to lack of Krsna consciousness.
    The name Krsna is not used in a narrow sectarian context; it is one of the names of God, which means All-attractive.
    Krsna consciousness allows you to understand who everything belongs to. Sri Isopanishad, mantra 1, states: “Everything living and inanimate in the universe is under the control of the Lord and belongs to Him. Therefore, everyone should use only what he needs and is allocated to him as his share, and not encroach on anything else, knowing well to whom everything belongs.”
    Hence, until people are able to realize God, they will be” like this”: they will falsely identify with the place where they were born.

    Tellingly, films about an alien invasion unite people, at least at the time of viewing, with the thought I am an inhabitant of earth :). But this identification is just as false as identifying oneself with the place of birth.

    The first lesson that Krsna teaches Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita is that you are not this body, you are the eternal soul.�

    These books provide not only a universal answer to this question, but also a practice by which you can stop being “like that”yourself.

    Sri Isopanishad


    The Bhagavad-gita as it stands

  3. Because of the hypocrisy and double standards that have emerged evolutionarily, apparently as a mechanism for forming and retaining groups. “What is allowed to Jupiter, is not allowed to the bull,” said the Romans. That is, we apply some standards and terms to ourselves and our “fellow tribesmen”, and others to outsiders. Hence the “spies” with “scouts”.

    Personally, this is also a defense mechanism, when a person equally takes into account logically incompatible attitudes. If he needs each of them, then the awareness of the contradiction is replaced by his justification. From this point on, a person thinks separately and is not aware of contradictions. That's why it adheres to two mutually exclusive paragraphs at once.�For some situations, one setting is used, while for others, a different one is used:”Why did I get drunk? Well, that's because I have a complicated life. Why did Vasya get drunk? Because he's an idiot.”

    Of course, this strongly contradicts logic and looks stupid on the outside. However, few people have abandoned this mindset.

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