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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
It's all about the attitude: a stupid person, does not understand why people around him treat him with disdain, sarcasm, condescension in moments when he is kind, open. But it is necessary to show aggression, arrogance, persistence – they begin to respect him, fear him, pay attention, and obey. Such people are more likely to devote themselves to power sports, an aggressive image (Black BMW), and set material benefits as the goal of life.
Intelligence also implies rational thinking, speed of information processing, and analytics. And in life situations, an intellectual, working out the development of events, comes to the optimal solution for himself – and, as a rule, there is no aggression and persistence, but there is diplomacy, tactics and strategy to achieve the goal.
I note that any kind of aggression is nerves, stress, illness, and kindness and prudence is calm, harmony, and health.
And finally, there will always be people who, after reading this answer, will furiously claim that I am smart with an active lifestyle and go to the gym, and I will put a minus sign or write a devastating comment. Do you think that would be wise?
THE PROVERB – “MODESTY adorns a person” – is known only to the smart.
SMART people have already grown up to be culturally modest.
STUPID people have not yet grown up to cultural modesty.
Something again provocative question!))
Not a fact at all! In one person there can be both an excess of intelligence and an excess of stupidity! It depends on what facet of personality to talk about. And both positive and negative character traits can be found both in geniuses (in general, most often, complex people!), and in narrow-minded people. This is a strange generalization…
A smart person can sense and even see the simple….you don't need much to live on! Stupid thinks the opposite.It's more a question of parenting.Yes, and the temporality of this life, some moves to the eternal, and others to a stupid set of everything that can be typed
What is smart ? Stupid? Erudite, professional in the matter, the owner of worldly wisdom? I think the statement contained in the question itself is simply the result of propaganda of “modest” people. I don't think it's confirmed.
Not always, you just notice those who stand out-modest and persistent. But people who are predisposed to modesty are really predisposed to a high level of intelligence, and persistent ones to stupidity.
You should only answer when asked.
If a person deeply knows the subject, he will rather remain silent than answer an amateur question-in parallel, too much to explain :-))))
Here rather on the contrary-persistent stupid : -))))