20 Answers

  1. When do we do something? When we have a need for it – a need or a desire. When does the need arise? When a certain stimulating situation occurs (external or internal).
    The situation can form a necessity or a desire (or nothing).
    But our actions, regardless of our motivation, are based not on the need itself, but on our attitude to the situation that has arisen.
    Our attitude to the situation is formed from our experience. Lived and meaningful, according to the results of which we give each situation a subjective assessment – “good”(like, pleasant, good..) or “bad”(do not like, hurt, evil..). Which accumulate and make up our personal level of morality.
    Each such assessment carries all the baggage of previous experience, which is unique for each person. Therefore, the attitude of each person to a particular situation will also be unique. (People are not judged by themselves.)
    That is why “good” for one person does not mean “good”for someone else.
    But people are proven to be influenced by the surrounding information field. People see and hear what others think is good or evil around them. What they do in this case. And in addition to their own assessment of events, they inevitably take into account the opinion of others (the so-called “opinion leaders”work on this feature of the psyche).
    And that is why it is necessary to do good. In the sense in which it exists for you. So gradually social morality will evolve.
    But, given the difference in understanding the good, you should not expect any reaction from others to this. Unfulfilled expectations are the source of many problems in society.

  2. Why do anything at all. To change what is there.

    Doing good-we change in a good way.

    There is never too much good.

    Kindness makes us happier.

  3. What is good? Good is everything that is good for the preservation of the human race; good is something that does not cause pain, suffering, or damage to anyone. It can even be good to just keep silent on someone's evil word.

    Why do good at all? And imagine if all people did only evil, if everyone tried to harm the other. What would happen in the world? Would you like to be treated always with evil, and not do you any good at all? You go to the store and they are rude to you; you try to change lanes on the road, but no one lets you in; you go to the doctor for help, but no one wants to see you, and so it is always and everywhere. I think that everyone wants to be treated only kindly.

    Often a person wants to be treated kindly, but he does not want to do this to others. It is not necessary to expect changes from other people, but to change yourself personally. If each person, for his part, tried to wish everyone and do only good, then life on earth would be completely different. There would be no theft, no deception, no cunning, no guile, no hatred, no murder, and so on.

  4. It is not necessary to do good, it is somehow itself,and if you suddenly decided to do good, think about whether it is necessary for you to do good, and for whom.And whether this good is necessary to the person to whom you offer it.

  5. How great, the kitten is now suddenly happy.And the fact that he lived in the wild full of cat life does not bother anyone,he is a fucking predator and licking your hands is not an end in itself. They will take you to a brothel -they feed you and give you all sorts of good things,so how is there joy?

  6. To develop and get closer to God. Good is best for everyone: the person who does good, the people around him, the world as a whole, and even God. And it is the amount of good done that is the main thing when evaluating our life.

  7. The very existence on the planet presupposes movement! And if so, then the result of the movement will be extremely different.In this world, this is good, and actually evil! But the quantities themselves are incredibly subtle, which is why you should first sort out what is what??? Good satisfies a person, but evil burns inexorably! In my opinion, it is exhaustive.

  8. “A person should treat people the way he wants them to treat him,” implies one of the postulates of Kant's categorical imperative.
    It is obvious that everyone wants a good attitude towards themselves, good around the world. To do this, first of all , you need to start with yourself and do good “Not for a beautiful thank you, who heard you nearby”(Shura).

  9. I'll answer based on what's inside me, and I won't call anyone.

    I just love it!

    Everyone has their own story in life, and not everyone can be happy with what is just there. Every time I do a good deed, I hope that I have made someone's life better, even for a moment. I like it when people smile and thank you.

    I can't be disappointed, because I don't expect anything. And even if someone responds with evil for good, well, that's what's in them, and I feel more sorry for them. Just imagine what's inside him if this happens. Again, I want him to feel better.�

    It can be difficult and painful for all of us, somewhere inside. And here, a person not familiar to you, just takes and does, albeit a trifle, but something pleasant. Such moments inspire and make you think. Thanks to such random people, I became kinder, for which I am sincerely grateful to them,and life somehow became easier. And I hope to pass on this “Good Plague”to others.

    Run and close your doors, for it is already coming for you.

    To sum up, why do this at all? No need.

    If you enjoy being a “Bad boy”, it's only because your life has turned out this way. Don't trust, be afraid, be envious, and make mistakes-all of this is just a result. In your head, it's a way to survive.

    But remember

    You can live differently)

  10. I offer you an excerpt from the book by Annette Simons about storytelling.�

    “I know a successful businessman who spends a lot of time working in a hospice for AIDS patients and helping the city's ballet school. While encouraging other businessmen to donate or personally help these institutions, he tells them about his trip to the Holy Land, where he was taught the difference between the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. Both seas are fed from the same sources, but the Dead Sea only receives rivers and streams flowing into it, nothing flows out of it, and gradually the concentration of salt killed it. The Sea of Galilee is alive, because it not only receives tributaries, but also gives up water. This metaphor not only explains “why he is here”, but also illustrates his “vision”, his ideas about life, because we feel alive when we not only accumulate, but also give away riches.”

    So it's simple: we live by doing good 🙂

  11. There are two answers: romantic and cynical.

    Romantic in that it's what makes us human, cynical in that it pays off in the end. And both of these answers are technically correct, but the truth, as always, is much more complex.

    If you are really interested in this topic, I can recommend the book “The Selfish Gene”. It is also about this. You expect an answer from a psychological / philosophical point of view, but I will answer you purely from a biological point of view. Yes, the need to do good is stitched into people at a deeply physiological level and this is our behavioral feature as a species. And not only ours, by the way, but these are completely unnecessary details.

    Here we should make a reservation that culture also makes a huge contribution. But the basic concepts of good and evil are universal among different peoples. And, most importantly, good applies only to representatives of their own society. A person in decent clothes, for example, will receive much more gratuitous help from strangers on the street than a person in rags. And the boundaries of this society are very much dependent on culture. Unfortunately, Russia is a very atomized society in this regard.

    So, why do good? Because if everyone around you is doing good, someone will come to your rescue in a difficult moment. Trite? Yes. Does it work? Rather, yes.

    1. You can't know what's good or evil.

    2. But know for sure: imposed good is evil.

    3. You don't know what the universe needs.

    4. If you're right, you're wrong.

    5. There is no such thing as what is called right and wrong, you don't know what is what.

    6. There is nothing wrong, there is something that upsets you.

    7. There is no good, there is something that pleases you.

    8. The universe is too big for you to damage.

    9. Maybe your mistakes are what the universe needs.

    10. Your mistakes won't ruin the universe.

    11. Do not seek the truth, it is not there. And if you do, you don't need it.

    12. Don't look for meaning in life, if it exists, it lies beyond it.

    Read more…

    1. How do you define the purpose of what you're doing? And does it belong to you?…

    2. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the universe values you too much for you to be wasted.

    3. Don't look for your own fault. It's not your fault.

    4. Don't worry about what path you are guiding the other – do you know which is true and which is false?

    5. If what you're doing is difficult for you, think about whether you need it.

    6. Do only what comes easiest to you, but do it with all your might.

    7. If you do something by accident, you do it on purpose.

    8. Support what you like and avoid what you don't like.

    9. If you can correct the consequences of your mistake, then you haven't made a mistake yet.

    10. What happens happens on time.

    11. Sometimes finding the right solution will cost you more than a mistake.

    12. What is happening is happening against your will, but it is up to you to accept it or not to accept it.

    13. If in doubt about the road, take a hitchhiker, if you are sure-go alone.

    14. To be strong is to be alone.

    15. The strong is strongest alone. You can choose what you want to be.

    16. Everyone is lonely. The strong one accepts and blesses his loneliness. Weak – runs away from it.

    17. Be calm and attentive to the World, then you will not miss the moment of Power.

    18. When you try to learn about yourself from others, you give them power over you. So be the measure of what happens to you.

    19. Bless the missed opportunities, you have gained great opportunities.

    20. Give-easily, Lose-easily, Say goodbye-easily.

    21. Do not regret that the joy was not enough, this will give you another sadness.

    22. Love your enemy to win.

    23. If the enemy has taken you by surprise and you are still alive, he is in your hands.

    24. The worse the situation, the better it is.

    25. Do not be afraid of the one who tries to break your will, for he is weak.

    26. The true revenge is to neglect.

    27. By yielding, you pass the test.

    28. Give in – to weaken the resistance.

    29. Don't try to be stronger than your opponent, but look for places where the opponent is weaker than you.

    30. When you love your enemy, you get to know him better. The more you get to know him, the more advantage you get over him.

    31. You can't always win, but you can always make yourself invincible. Victory depends on the opponent. Invincibility is from yourself.

    32. No matter who your opponent is, always try to see him as a human being. And you will soon find that this approach gives you a huge advantage.

    33. Taste and be satisfied – each of them has its own pleasure, but do not mix them.

    34. You know the rules, but you don't know all the rules of the world.

    35. The world is sophisticated, but not malicious.

    36. There are people who destroy you by being around them. This does not mean that they are bad. This means that being around them destroys you. There are people around whom being around strengthens you and makes you stronger. This does not mean that they are good. This means that being around them strengthens you. Be attentive to yourself at the moment when you communicate with others. And you'll know who's who. Avoid communicating with the former and strive to communicate with the latter. If that doesn't work, then avoid friendship altogether.

    37. Do you get what you do?

    38. When the fire approaches, it first shines, then warms, and then burns.

    39. You are immortal now, for you are not yet dead.

    40. Do not be afraid of curses, do not seek praise, they will not bring you anything new.

    41. You create anxiety and anxiety when you measure success by the measure of praise or blame.

    42. Don't think about where to go next when you're in the middle of a suspension bridge.

    43. When you do it, do it now, and then you'll never do it again.

    44. You can never tell where you're going, only where you hope to go.

    45. Don't fight it. For you inevitably become what you are fighting against.

    46. Remember the law of the thirteenth stroke. If the clock once struck thirteen times instead of twelve, then such a clock should be thrown away, no matter what guarantee is given regarding its repair.

    47. Every behavior consists of opposites. If you do something and try too hard, then sooner or later the opposite of that something appears. Any excessive striving produces its opposite.

    48. Too much force leads to the opposite result.

    49. A wise manager does not create an event, but allows the process to unfold itself. If you find a situation difficult, leave it to yourself. Left to its own devices, it will resolve itself.

    50. A wise leader does not block the process with a rigid task and does not force the event to develop in a certain way.

    51. Don't rush things. Let the process unfold itself.

    52. Silence is a great source of Power.

    53. Periodically leave people and return to silence. Learn to come back to yourself.

    54. Silence and a clear sense of being are the sources of any effective action.

    55. Silence and empty space reveal your mood. This is the field of your being. The force field of Being.

    56. Strive to be genuinely interested in yourself. This will teach you dedication.

    57. Listen lightly rather than hard. Give up the effort of listening to every word. Immerse yourself in your inner silence and watch yourself. Then you will be able to think clearly.

    58. Discover your innermost depths, and you will be able to talk to the depths of another.

    59. When you let go of what you are, you become what you can be.

    60. When you let go of what you have, you get what you need.

    61. When you feel most destroyed, I know that you are at the beginning of a period of growth.

    62. When you desire nothing, much will come to you.

    63. When you give up trying to inspire, you will become quite impressive.

    64. True power of influence is not based on technical techniques or management setups. Be in Being, not in Doing.

    65. Remember the hidden wisdom: Give to achieve.

    66. Excessive attempts lead to the opposite results.

    67. Being in Being, not in Doing. Use the formula: Be-Do-Create. If you want to create something, ask: What should I do for this? But do not rush to do it, do not repeat the mistakes of many – those who try to fussily do something, but do not achieve anything. Take another step back to the beginning of the formula and ask again: What should I be for this? And stay in being. And the doing will be done by itself, without your participation. But you will get a clear, concrete result, exactly the one you wanted to create. This is the core of magic.

    68. One who is in being has nothing to do, but everything is done.

    69. Know where you stand and know what you stand for. This is your foundation.

    70. The person does not defend or attack. His touch with the World is light, almost imperceptible.

    71. Make your goal clear. Then you can reach it without fuss.

    72. Observe the natural processes. They are powerful and powerful because they simply exist. The movement of the planets, the light of the Sun, the attraction of the Earth. Your body also works in accordance with these principles. Freedom comes when you begin to obey the natural order. Freedom comes from submission. Remember that you are also part of the natural process.

    73. When you are outside of events, meditate on the question: What happens when nothing happens?

    74. There is no difference between What happens and How it happens.

    75. Learn to be led – in order to learn how to lead others.

    76. Your influence starts with you and spreads out like ripples on water.

    77. Stay neutral and don't accept anyone's position.

    78. Trust what's going on. Accept what happens. Trusting and accepting keeps you strong.

    79. The power formula is a management formula. The art of management is based on understanding this formula. if you want to manage the many, imagine that you manage the few. Strive to see the small in the big, and manage it. It's easier to manage the same people than different ones. People who strive for a common goal are easier to manage than people who do not have a common goal. People who have a common enemy are easier to manage than people who have different enemies. Divide a large number into a small number of parts. And you'll get a small one. Do it effortlessly. And something that would have split up on its own, without your participation. To manage effectively, make people look the same. But the ability to make people the same grows out of the ability to see them as different.

    80. Be the Host, not the Guest. The owner is the one who allows or does not allow, allows or does not allow. He is not the one who asks, but the one who is asked. Not the one who needs , but the one who is needed. Not the one who goes, but the one to whom they go, the Guest-the one who asks permission to come or enter. The one who asks. Who needs it. Who comes and who asks for a meeting. If you have an appointment, try to hold it on your own territory. Let them come to you. But if you find yourself in the guest position, switch places with the host. Much depends on the internal position. Being a Master is more of an internal position than an external one.

    81. The disputant is always the petitioner. Behind the scenes, he asks that his arguments be treated with interest. So the argumentative guest.

    82. Avoid an argument and don't let the argumentative person get you involved. Don't be complicit in one stupid thing.

    83. The person who starts an argument is obviously in a weak position, because he is an unspoken petitioner.

    84. Think about the Power that is behind you, and then that Power will actually be behind you.

    85. Stay indifferent to any messages. Don't be like a king who executed a messenger for bad news. The power is in indifference. This power is obeyed by the world.

    86. Learn to distinguish between the reversible and the irreversible – and you will learn to own time.

    87. Let for a time your teachers will be: Darkness. You can't see anything in it. Thunder. Don't predict it. Who will hit and who will hit. Fire. It's warm nearby, but it burns when you get close. Learn unpredictability and inaccessibility.

    88. Your best Teacher is your Way. No need to look for a Teacher, He is nearby. His presence is here. Just open it and see it.

    89. Distinguish between Empty and Solid. Solid Quality-support. The quality of Empty Content is unreliable. Solid is information that can be trusted. This is a person you can rely on. A promise to be fulfilled. A car that starts up and starts driving in a timely manner. The order to be executed. A word that will be heard and understood. Solid is what gives results. Empty – information that is not reliable. An unreliable ally. The renouncing friend. A lazy employee. A dishonest manager. An unfulfilled promise. The interaction of Solid and Empty gives Empty. Grandfather gave his grandson to strangers to learn a craft. However, they did not teach him the craft, but forced him to work for themselves. He was also badly treated. And then, when it was already quite painful, the boy wrote a letter begging to be taken back, but the address was not specific-to the village to his grandfather. This email will never reach you. The email itself is Solid, but the address is Empty. The result field is Empty. If even one element of your plan is empty, then all your efforts will be in vain. When something doesn't work out for you, look for something Empty. Separate the Solid from the Empty inside of you.

    90. Strive to feel your Way. Path is the Greatest Manager.

    91. If you know your Way, then good luck and bad luck will move you forward.

    92. You can't tell the difference between luck and failure until you live to see tomorrow.

    93. Understanding is higher than knowledge.

    94. Each of us rules the world. Someone does it badly, someone-well. The child manages the parents, the worker manages the master. Everyone controls everyone. Everything controls everything.

    95. If you are asked to do something and don't want to do anything in return, know that you are not being asked, but only offered to do it

    96. Don't be stingy. Do not be afraid. Don't ask for it.

    97. The Past and Future are born in the Now.

    98. God is Here and Now.

  12. to understand why to do good, you need to do it. and you will immediately understand why. and this “why” may be different for different situations and people. But it is difficult to explain this, and it is hardly possible to fully explain it

  13. Just using your own personal example. I do good simply because I like it, even if it is free of charge and, so to speak, not profitable. But after all, what joy in your own heart from the perfect help, the support provided! Your mood improves, you start to think about yourself more positively, as a result, your self-esteem increases, and your perception of the world improves in general. Of course, some people start to sit on your neck, giving you an extra load, but isn't that what tempers you 😉

    Do good :3

  14. This is a great question. Especially if you ask it not because you want to choose what is more profitable or better for yourself, but simply, like all thinking people, look deep into every concept and opinion. Sooner or later, everyone thinks, and what is good? what is morality?isn't this an atavism of society, its prejudice? And if you suddenly think that morality is a natural phenomenon, then this is not entirely true.

    In fact, a person is the only living being that has morality. What is truly natural is natural selection. Don't think of it as a direct battle with blood and death. More often, it's just survival of the fittest. Other animals are used to worrying about their offspring and their surroundings, but no more. A person in this business has achieved more. We have an understanding of the need to take care of old people, we do not accept the need to throw people with disabilities on the margins of society, although from the point of view of the natural (natural)but it is a damaged gene that cannot benefit society in the form of healthy offspring or high-quality production of goods.

    Why does a person do good? Because, either subconsciously or quite consciously, he is driven by empathy. A person cannot do evil if he is deeply aware that he would not want to be in the place of the victim. But the level of empathy again depends on many factors. I don't want to say that this is a skill that needs to be upgraded, but it is necessary to strengthen and deepen this feeling. You can't imagine how life will open up to you when you learn to put yourself in a person's shoes and reason about why they did this or that. Then it will be easier to forgive and understand him. Before you yell at your loved ones because of a quarrel, think that they are not just yelling that they had a difficult day or a difficult event in their life.( And a person never does anything for nothing-especially when they are expressing extreme emotions.)It's not for them (loved ones)justify it, but then you will understand it, there will be no need to enter into a quarrel, which is more valuable in this situation to reconcile and try to support. You will not respond with a shout to a shout and will not continue this chain. That sounds a lot like Christian morality,doesn't it? That is why it is a world religion. She turned history upside down not only because of the Crusades, but also because she formulated the main theses on how to live more correctly.

    Why do good? First, there is inner happiness, which is difficult to explain. I have so far agreed that this is the same empathy. You're glad someone else is. Secondly, it is a defense mechanism of society. Evil generated by evil would create chains of uncontrolled processes of destruction and destruction. People wouldn't last long. Simply because they have higher intelligence ,which means they have more ways to achieve their goals, especially if these paths are not blocked by a moral barrier.

    I would like to note in the end that these arguments are just part of my philosophy. I talk about this topic because I am used to rethinking everything that has been invested in me since childhood. Starting with why paper products are the most important means of exchange and accumulation of wealth, ending with why I must sometimes sacrifice my own good for the sake of another, because we call it good and teach everyone to do the same. After that, I realized that good is not always a sacrifice, because you find an inner balance by doing the right thing(very vague, I understand, but I feel that way, and I'm sure many people do) , and if there is a sacrifice, then it is one that you are ready to make and even happy to do it. Even if I initially came to the conclusion that good is weak, I am willing to sacrifice myself so that 1-2 or maybe more people would see the example and also set an example to others. Generate a chain of good. And imagine: everyone consciously proceeds from good intentions in their actions – there is trust in society, there is no need for strict regulation by the state. This is utopia. It is created not by the political regime, but by what is in the heads, but in the closets.

    The only unresolved part of my theory is the role of evil. I can't deny that perhaps his role is important as a counterpoint to the good. Everything needs a balance.So, no matter how it may sound, evil is also necessary to some extent. Then our goal is to reduce their participation to a healthy minimum.

    Good luck to all 🙂

  15. Don't do good, you won't get evil.�

    More profoundly, actually doing good is just one of our needs, which appears when other lower needs are satisfied.

    And in general, I think “good” is too loud a word. Yes, and what is considered good, for example, now I often hear about charity in Russia, these ghouls through whose fault people degrade and die in poverty, tell us how they help disabled people and children in boarding schools. Here are good people, so good people.

  16. Why do anything at all? See. People's actions are divided into bad and good. It is always difficult to understand what is bad for someone and what is good for someone. But that's not the point. The bottom line is that from the fact that we do good or evil deeds, then others and we have an impression of us. (it can be completely different for everyone)�

    When a person does at least some action, his internal assessment of himself changes. A person who does only good or evil goes mad. Each person should have his own balance among good and evil, and it should not be raised to the absolute, because even darkness can show light.�

    You need to do good at least for yourself, otherwise you will go crazy for yourself and become some kind of joker.(go nafig please in the suicide squad, I'm talking about a comic book, well, or from the dark knight in extreme cases)

    From the good, you should not expect any boomerang and other garbage, this is imposed garbage by society, so that we would be afraid to do evil and do good,and any message would be taken for this “boomerang”. This is a normal blindfold. Do not go blind from any delirium. Good deeds that please your soul and make you feel good and useful are necessary for you, no matter what you go.

  17. Good is done for personal gain. However, personal gain is not just about money. The benefits of good deeds can vary, for example, moral pleasure. So, sometimes a person does good just to see the smiles on the faces of friends.

  18. To enjoy the process-волон volunteer work or just selfless good deeds have a great effect on both mental and physical health. Good deeds are a trigger for dopamine production.

  19. People who do really kind and selfless things, most likely, rarely think about this question. Doing good is as natural to them as breathing.

    It is good that is especially needed on Earth right now. It is in the power of each of us to help each other in order to somehow compensate for the selfishness, hypocrisy, and deception of our society.

    It makes me uneasy when I see people who think only of themselves and do not want to help others just like that, without any benefit.

    By doing good, the person himself changes internally, he becomes better. You can not postpone good deeds for later, everyone can help each other and change the world a little.

    About a week ago, I picked up a little sick kitten from the street. Yes, I understand that I can't help all homeless animals, but the future of at least this kitten has changed for the better. I just couldn't stand to watch him die out there.

    Try not to wait for someone to take the first step, do it yourself-do good and appreciate those who also create like you and sincerely accept it.

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