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I will answer from my own experience (although I went when I was still an Orthodox believer): the service is an enchanting performance with quite a decent script (which came to us from Byzantium, where they knew a lot about Pafos) and direction (especially in large churches – not for nothing that the First Channel broadcasts services in the XXC at Christmas and Easter), and also practically free (well, unless you yourself want to donate to the temple and do not order trebs). In bright sets, specially trained actors in costumes with raucous intonations utter high-sounding remarks in an unfamiliar language (especially in this regard, protodeacons are specially appointed from among the owners of powerful basses), which is accompanied by quite melodic chants. I was most driven by the moments when the most significant and well-known hymns were sung by all those present at the divine service (“O Heavenly King…”, ” Thou hast seen the Resurrection of Christ…”, the greatness of the feasts, “Heal us, O God…” during the cathedral service, etc.) – a kind of feeling of unity arose, as at a concert of a favorite artist/group. I still sing ” To the King of Heaven…” before you start drinking beer (in Pastafarianism, this is considered a kind of communion with LMM).
I agree with the previous options, but I will add something else.
To believe. Not all of them, yes, but such people also meet, I personally know such a person. He just didn't understand why so many people were getting involved and why they were happy with it, he was curious. I came, looked, talked with the priest, fortunately, he got an adequate one. Now he goes to church as a believer. He does not “maniac”, does not campaign for, but said that for him personally it made a lot easier. And life often lacks simplicity
To calm their conscience; because that's what everyone does; that's the way it's done in their family. For such people, it is more like going to any other institution – theater, cinema, museum, etc.
In Warsaw, on Easter, there were insanely beautiful services: rain outside the window, and inside the churches the lights were completely extinguished, and this huge architecturally beautiful space was consecrated only by candles. One of the ministers was standing in the pulpit, singing delightfully, and sometimes a deep, deep male choir would join in. Some people were sitting on benches, and some were just standing quietly by the door, having come in from the rainy street to warm up and watch the service go by. I was standing among them, and something turned inside me from how beautiful it is, from the way they sing along softly, from this magical atmosphere in general. I am, by the way, a staunch atheist, and have been for a long time. But you don't have to believe in God to be thrilled by truly impressive rituals. What can I say about organ concerts or gospel music services, which, unfortunately, I haven't been to, but I've been dreaming of going to for a long time.�
It is also worth mentioning such phenomena as St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, such places are really visited by people as attractions and, believe me, it is really worth it. In principle, any architectural structure of huge dimensions (and if it is religious, then it is most likely unusual and beautiful) is very impressive, and from an aesthetic point of view it is pleasant to look at these towers, stained glass windows, columns.�
I also know people who do not believe in God, but go to the church to communicate with good people, with whom they became friends there.�
Everyone likes to complain about how greedy and rotten religion is, but no one likes to say that it still performs its function: to inspire, unite, make people feel that they have a soul (don't throw scientific slippers at me, I'm speaking figuratively). Therefore, there is nothing wrong with going to church if you are looking for something of your own: thoughts, emotions, people, impressions.
Perhaps I'll start with the banal: it's a cultural experience and aesthetically pleasing. Have you noticed how temples (whether they are mosques, Catholic, Orthodox, or Buddhist) are usually beautiful? Frescoes, stucco molding, stained glass windows, icons, dim lighting. This, and, in addition, a calm, measured environment (I'm not talking about days when believers celebrate holidays and there are a lot of people there) encourages deep reflection, bringing feelings and thoughts into proper order. In addition, temples are cultural monuments, especially old ones. Some offer guided tours, so you can go out of curiosity and for self-development. Although I was never a Catholic, I used to come to church to listen to the organ and enjoy the sunset sun shining through the stained-glass windows, sitting on the farthest bench. This is one side of the question.
On the other hand, there are no absolutely unbelieving people. It is a normal state of the human psyche to seek protection from the supernatural. Therefore, in difficult situations in life, even atheists who beat their heels in the chest and shout about their disbelief run to put a candle, because “what if”. This is the way we are built – the human mind is too rational (a paradox), we want everything to be under control or explained, and when we are not able to be “at the helm” ourselves, we begin, even subconsciously, to rely on someone big and kind to help us. Not all of them, of course, but it happens that way, too.
The third reason, I think, is the inability to resist the majority or any authority. It is not so easy for a person from a religious family to say about their skeptical attitude to the supernatural, since they expect a negative reaction and misunderstanding in advance, so they are encrypted. I think this also includes the fact that in the world the church is tightly integrated into the culture of society and going to a temple/mosque/cathedral/synagogue is perceived not as an opportunity to pray, but as part of an event. A banal example: a child is born and is being baptized. Even if the parents don't really need it, it's still customary. A person has died-they are carrying a funeral service. For some, this is just an action that traditionally accompanies life stages. After all, few people believe in Slavic gods, but all sorts of Maslenitsa traditions, Ivan Kupala and other similar holidays are still loved by the public.
I hope I didn't bore you with this dreadful longride.
I like churches, cathedrals, churches, etc. for their interior design. It is interesting to look at it, to admire the scope of the work. When traveling, I always visit such places. And I also like the smell of incense: it's like incense, and has a calming effect.
In fact, I go there as if to a museum.
For the company. For your impressions. For holy water for the busy. In our neighborhood, the church is located near the store, so people go to church for the store.