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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
I don't care. Sociologists ' data show a steady decline in violence in the world.�
Acceptance standards are being changed in the direction of more humane ones. Even 50 years ago, it was quite common and acceptable to beat children. Now in developed countries, society condemns such methods of education.
Every year, the number of violent crimes decreases, the level of violence in families decreases, and society's tolerance for aggression and violence decreases.
If you have other data, please provide it.
I will not be original and repeat for the majority of respondents – the number of violence in the world is steadily decreasing. This is evidenced by statistics, and you can certainly quote Stalin about statistics, if I myself did not observe what is happening around me with my own eyes. The second point is: why do most people think that there is more violence? Because you live in the age of mass media, the Internet, endless news publications that suck news out of your finger, and most importantly-you live in an era when everyone has a camera in their phone, a recorder in every car, and street surveillance cameras permeate the entire space. Everything comes into view.�
Example 1. In 1993, in my city, in the very center, one group shot another at a disco with machine guns. 8 corpses, 9 wounded, the investigator says that the blood on the floor is ankle-deep. A classmate told me about this, because his uncle worked in the police department. At that time, I didn't even see it in the newspapers, of course, they probably wrote it, but I didn't come across it until about 8 years later.
Example 2. Our days. Maybe two years ago. Again, in my city, someone finds a hard drive in the trash, brings it home, and among other things there is a video dated 2005 (!). The punks tie a big firecracker to the cat and blow it up. The agonizing death of a cat. Of course, the authorities have established who and where. And what do you think? That's right, people in social networks cooperate to go in a huge crowd and arrange a Lynch trial. Since then, the defendants have already managed to sit in prison for the murder of a person and something else, but it is for the cat that everyone is ready to slowly and painfully tear them apart. Although in past times (of course, I strongly condemn this), the percentage of people and especially children who mutilated and tortured animals was extremely high compared to the current era. This was observed by my mother in her childhood, and I in the 90s, and my friend in the same period.�
Now on the street the drunk will push another-already write in local inetSMI who will give a kick to a kitten-not the tenant
Because there are so many scammers divorced that if they ask for help, those in need don't believe them anymore. In addition, the laws of the jungle are now being cultivated – the strong are always right
The period of mankind “exchange of products of manufacture, collection”, without the use of money, was FAIRER, FAIRER. “Who took the money, the SOUL – o t d a l” – the current LAW of mutual relations. My conclusion is: “Big money relaxes the mind and corrupts the soul.” People don't “become evil and cruel” ; they become – p r a g m a t i h n y m i and soulless.
This is not the first time such a strange question has been raised.
Obviously, in the Middle Ages (for example) people were, on average, much more angry and violent. What about the Middle Ages: even 75-80 years ago (on a historical scale, this is generally “nothing”), people made soap and did a lot of other things-different things, and not the terrorists from “banned in Russia”, but one of the leading European states. There is nothing to say about Asia – Google “Squad 731” or the movie “Conveyor of Death”, if the psyche is strong.
Or take the attitude to animals-here is a charming story of the classic Soviet science fiction Belyaev. Nothing wrong? And it was considered the norm. Not like in our “evil and cruel” time, yes.
So-no: with each new generation, on the contrary, humanity and tolerance are added, and there is even an opinion that the latter is already too much.
I think the” malice and cruelty ” of the new generations implies an increasing practicality. Less and less romance, more and more commercialism, efficiency and dryness in relationships – ” but in our years…”
I don't see anything super – threatening-it's just that money has become a big part of our lives, that's right. But somehow the Western countries skipped this period God knows when – and did not die out, did not descend, romance, love-carrots and friendship still have a place to be.
No one becomes either “evil” or”cruel.” On the contrary, there is now a global decline in violence, and each new generation is kinder and more peaceful than the previous ones.
Because rationalism is becoming more and more and emotions are considered to keep more to yourself, or only for a narrow circle of people like family and friends. Now in the general mass of people do not need kindness and need to benefit from each other. Well, the crisis also reduces kindness and humanity now, consider it applicable only by the level of intelligence and interests.
So say representatives of the old generation, traditionally scolding the youth. But in fact, it wasn't the young who got angry, but the old ones who got kinder. In your youth, you are a radical, a revolutionary commissar, an implacable fighter, and you are ready to put up against the wall for an idea. And with age, the person becomes tolerant and understanding, becomes kinder, but the memory weakens – and the grandfather, seeing the young maximalists, as he himself was recently, is horrified: the new generation is so cruel, kokoko
because we are all the likeness of God – and HE-said” I create light and darkness, I create calamities and do evil” and the very first evil-in my opinion-provocatively planted a tree from which fruits are forbidden to eat-further-it was he who was the father of lies- and not Satan-it was he who created all sorts of dangerous creatures that bite kill poison-it was he who created emotion-pain suffering-it was he who was the first to not forgive-still takes revenge on people for biting off an apple it was he who made the first sin of a completely innocent process but the murder of his brother-as if even in the law it turned out-and finally the creation or construction-hell-yes, even pol pot would not have thought of this
The 5th Race of Humanity-the world of evil-will soon give way to the world of good-Consciousness-the 6th race of Super – Man-Demigod! Soon, Russia will become Holy Russia, which will spread from ocean to ocean, where everyone will speak Russian – the Language of God! The fool is a crude statement of the essence of the Antichrist! Conformists are traitors to the Ideals of Humanity and God: brotherhood, equality, and freedom. Truth, kindness, patience – “The narrow gate of God's Wisdom ,” Which is not passed by 70% of the world's population, as the antipodes of God-the Antichrists! Your friends have not lost their Conscience-the connection with God! “Babylon has fallen, has fallen (all the churches of the evil world – 5 senses), the great harlot (with political power)… 18: 2. The future “Religion” of the world of good-Consciousness-Truth-The law of Social Development – The Law of Criticism! True democracy can only be DIRECT democracy, DIRECT political power of the people, the essence of which is Self-government of the people from BELOW-Parallel to the people's power-General assemblies, all administrative and industrial levels of government, whose political will, like a court decision, is mandatory for the execution of the Vertical of power-bureaucrats-executors of the political will of the people! A representative false democracy, the essence of which is false elections-a mimicry of the political power of slave owners over volunteer slaves, when the herd pays for the crimes and mistakes of the “leader”, at a high price and at its own expense?! What will soon be realized in reality through the ongoing, Creative revolution of Consciousness, Which is formulated by God and His prophets, worthy, Conscious people fulfill Their will, and the people develop! Only those people are worthy of happiness and freedom, who can GENERATE their own political will, can Defend It, can Extract Precious Things from the Insignificant, know their own future, being proud, and not disdainful, of their Heroes! “No one will give us deliverance: neither God, nor king, nor Hero! We will achieve our freedom, our freedom. “. With An Enlightened Soul! Consciousness is changing, political power is changing?!
You're crazy!!!! Every next generation becomes more snotty, sneaky and toothless! They can only kill the enemy from a distance and from the air. And to cut the enemy's throat in an open battle for your ideals is inhumane, barbaric, and crass Nietzschean. The British of the 19th century, who conquered half the world for their empire by subjugating or destroying non-compliant Aborigines, were cruel and greedy, but honest people. And this is their difference from the nits of modern times.
My grandmother calmly slaughtered cattle, my grandfather hung up old dogs and my parents completely “degenerated,” the wrong people went”, they bury chickens . by old age)
And no one drowns kittens all cats are stylized nightmare))
It only seems so to you. You saw one otsila two generations ago, and those maximum fought in the Great Patriotic War, and then the atrocities were committed limitless all over the planet. So your observation is already wrong. What, for example, was done in the colonial era, when Europeans for fun shot the Aborigines of Tasmania, who were not even listed for half a person, in principle, were not a person, and then their remains were put in zoos, where everyone laughed at them. In the Middle Ages, there wasn't even a police force. I didn't need it. Or lynching or all chhat. At most, lazy soldiers will come to the victims and take away what is left. So look objectively.
It seems to me that they are on the contrary, every year more and more soft-bodied and infantile, not independent, with dubious principles and ideals due to the fact that life becomes easier and more comfortable. But our grandparents are pure steel. Although if you think about it, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers in general often had a crystallized trash and this was considered normal) So in general, it seems that violence is on the decline in civilized parts of the world, at least, and virtuality is replacing reality.
The tree produces more and more fruit every year – this is the Law of nature, the Law of accumulation, accumulation, the Law of sowing and Reaping. Everything is developing in the direction that the vector is going, and since the vector in the world is directed towards evil and hatred, then this evil and this hatred will become more and more.�
There is an ancient legend about how once the philosopher Socrates, walking with his students through the streets of Athens, met a hetaera who said haughtily: “Socrates, you are reputed to be a sage and are respected by the students, but do you want me to say one word and they will all immediately run after me?” Socrates replied, ” This is not surprising. You call them down, and it doesn't take any effort. I call them to the sublime, and this requires a lot of work.”