2 Answers

  1. Since ancient times, all conflicts were solved only with a stick and a stone, a person always wants to show that he is the best of all. Unfortunately, since most people are stupid animals, we prefer to solve all questions by force, because this method is easier than discussion.

    Think for yourself, imagine, you are a typical average Lech, you did not like how another person spoke about your passion for football, for example, I said that football is not interesting and there are a lot of other activities, that football does not develop a person much and in general it is a primitive occupation. Which is easier for you, punch me in the chest or start a discussion? Suppose you choose a discussion and your opponent takes advantage of it, thus starting to make you angry, in this case, Alexey, you will prefer to punch me in the chest, because the direction in which you started the attack before has failed.

    And in the end, for most people, a low intellectual level of development and a stereotypical upbringing like “just hit, who is stronger is right” will take up common sense.

    Well, if you take social groups, for example, believers(most of the wars are caused by them), then there people turn into a herd, where people individually do not mean anything, a rough approach will simply take over them.

  2. To be honest, very few people like to fight)
    who wants to catch bullets with their carcass?

    Another thing is that people like to take away, take, take away, push, exalt themselves and so on.

    That's another matter) this is often associated with violence. and war is just a more detailed form of all this

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