29 Answers

  1. I agree not WHY, but WHY. And what should people who have limited funds do? High-quality contraception also costs money. And then it's a matter of responsibility. If you are not ready to fight for the human way of life-you are not ready to develop, think-then to give birth to children, believing that the STATE WILL HELP – is extremely irresponsible. But today, free training is available on the Internet, but WHY should they ?

  2. I don't know why, but it's a funny idea. To increase the population, how many children should there be? That's right, at least 3! Which can already be considered as having many children. Perhaps the population is growing because of those who give birth “a lot”?

  3. Why do any people even produce children, because there is no rational reason for this? Obviously, because the breeding instinct is at work. And instinct doesn't care if a person is poor or rich. There are only environmental factors that stimulate or suppress instinctive behavior. The water in the aquarium was warmed up – the fish began to reproduce, much the same as in primates.

    And if you try to find a logical basis, it is much more unclear why rich people multiply, who can provide themselves with high-quality care for money in old age.

    An exception to these considerations is the natural peasant economy, where children from an early age really help their parents in their work.

  4. I think that the question is not quite correct. The word ” Why ” indicates the goal, not the reason. If it is really about the goal, then it can not be thoughtless, and if it is about the reason, then the wording of the question is incorrect.

    In short, the goal of giving birth to many children from the poor, as a rule, is not there, but the reason is obvious-this is not a big deal. That is, people do not care how these children will grow up, what to eat, where to study, what to wear, etc., they do not care at all. They simply live for their own pleasure and try not to strain themselves (be burdened) with anything, even thoughts, reflection and planning.

  5. Because they are just normal people who have normal parental instincts and enjoy raising and communicating with children. They understand that they will not be young forever, but they are not afraid of a lonely old age – in old age they will be happy and loved by properly educated children and grandchildren. They will enjoy their success in life. To raise a good and successful person, it is not money that is needed, but TIME devoted to the child and communication with him. But these simple things are not understood by egocentric and egoists)) How to explain to a person that giving and receiving the joy of communication is PLEASANT, and it is not a burden?)

  6. My answer was banned, but for some reason the question itself and the questioner are not there. This questioner has no avatar, his nickname is “Hihihi Hohoho”, and the question itself contains a direct insult to parents with many children. This ostalop is not banned, it is normal (according to Yandex concepts). But for me, a person who can send such a khikhokhov beautifully to the corner of the mentally retarded, they almost force me to copy my passport here. Read the Yandex Rules!

  7. Some people give birth to several children, because for this they are entitled to various benefits, payments, and sometimes even give them living space or land. Yes, payments and benefits are sometimes ridiculous, but these people also earn little, so for them they are a good help and an opportunity to survive. That is, yes, for some, several children are profitable.

  8. Most people living in poverty are really mindlessly procreating, out of inertia, like everyone else, “and for whom they sell so many jackets and jackets, so we give birth so that there is someone to wear.”..
    +most of them are irreversibly closed, and therefore endowed with primitive neural networks (security, food, copulation).
    + for the most part, they are victims of stereotypes and popular judgments “to give birth before 30”, “god gave a bunny, will give a lawn”….

  9. Not only is there a rational explanation for having many children, it lies on the surface, but due to the natural stupidity of some people who have received an education, and accordingly the confidence that they are smart, they do not see the obvious directly.

    Having many children is a direct path to a joyful and fulfilling old age.And if a person gives birth to many children in his life, then regardless of whether he was lucky with money or not, but having many children is the strongest guarantee that you will spend your old age with dignity. And I don't care about all the money and careers in the world! Often a beggar, but with many children, lives out his years better than a childless or small millionaire.

    Children love it, and a hired nanny or nurse is at work.

    Of course, on the way to this old man's happiness, it is necessary to follow certain rules in life.

    If you have given birth to a child, it means that you are raising and teaching yourself!

    This is your clone, this is your cyborg, which you created and infuse with skills its software.

    In the end, bring him up for his intended purpose, like your bedside nurse.

    What kind of person, with what qualities would you like to see your nurse? Here is such and bring up! And nothing else…

    In the end, send him to study to become a doctor-paramedic-nurse, teach him patience,the ability to care…

    This is an artificial intelligence created by you – a robot nurse with medical skills. Approach it from this point of view, it will be easier not to be distracted by the desire to “make happy” the child (which always leads to the opposite in reality).

    Everything that hinders you on the way to creating the “ideal” must be removed from the clone, otherwise the clone can be deceived until it is completely done. Under the aegis of deception, they will force you to work in their interests; they will corrupt you, teach you bad things, … anything. Everything must be avoided, especially state propaganda, otherwise they will be corrupted to patriotism… the most disgusting and offensive, by the way… and they'll kill your clone for a shot of vodka…

    The task is really not easy – to train a clone. On the third attempt (model # 3), it turns out more or less successfully. That is why there is a problem of the “eldest son”, and the” loving son ” is almost always the youngest. In fact, it is better to have 5 different-sex clones. On 3-4-5 comes virtuosity…

  10. “Bad business is not tricky” especially if there is too much time, what can two people do? That's right – by increasing demographics, but they don't think about what they will provide, clothe, feed and develop for and how

  11. People with small incomes do not have a maniacal desire to produce a bunch of offspring, believe me.�

    There is only one reason – “Lack of money for condoms”.

    Yes, there are poor, ultra-Orthodox people who produce many children. Why?”Potomusho it is necessary”, God gives children, children-flowers of life. But, such people are in the minority

  12. Yes, because this is the meaning of life. Motherhood and family. This is a trifle of all sorts of teenagers, the meaning of life is simple-to eat sweetly. And adults also want love. Yes, and workers are needed, and soldiers. If women don't want to reproduce, the government will force them. If not your own, then someone else's. These are the game conditions. This is still youth, students are shouting about freedom. And then they want salaries and pensions.
    During crises and wars, everyone is waiting in line for a bowl of hot soup. And everyone wants food stamps. So far, no one has agreed to starve to death for the sake of others. And this is also one of the list of reasons. Who will take care of you when you're old? Do you want to starve to death crawling on the floor in your own shit? That's how lonely old people die.

    1. There is no money for contraceptives for teenagers and parents to ask for this case is not fate-it often happens. And they gave birth to the first at 17, the second at 19, and by 25 they already have a large family with a naked ass and it's quite difficult to change something. As they say, life has made its own adjustments. And it was worth it to earn money from summer part-time jobs/school breakfasts.
    2. There was no money/other opportunities for the normal upbringing of those who are still breeding, and accordingly, those who are breeding do not have basic knowledge about sex and contraception and they believe that the interrupted PA and calendar are fucking methods of protection. Unfortunately, no.
    3. Poor families sometimes have very patriarchal views, and only one man works there. Such families would be less poor if their wives also worked, and in any case, it would be easier for them to survive on two salaries than on one.
    4. Sometimes it happens that they wanted one, but ovulation-mother played a cruel joke and instead of one, two or three turned out at once. No one could have foreseen this right before conception.
  13. Why do they give birth a lot?I don't think people will think twice.In a family2 children are enough or 3 .Children need to be educated ,and when there is a lot of it, it is difficult in our time.You need to hope for yourself children have their
    own life Who will serve a glass of water anuzhna she.I don't have a woman for years,but
    I remember her(I go to the cemetery).Will anyone remember me? We won't know everything exactly.Giving birth is their business.

  14. This myth was invented by lazy egoists.

    In fact, there is no connection between having many children and poverty.

    All those with many children with whom I personally know are quite well off (no one goes missing)

  15. I read the comments, but there aren't many smart people here, so the comments are appropriate. Very often, in large families, all decent and good people grow up. And it happens in families, they raise one, they gave him everything, and he came, such a drunk, and hacked his mother for not giving her vodka. I know another one, his parents gave him everything in his life, and he didn't even bury them. He refused to even pick me up from the morgue!

  16. Slightly upset by the answers above, I will add my simple point of view. Poor people, whether now or a long time ago, give birth to several children for two reasons. First of all, it is necessary to continue the birth, children are born in families with any income, but in poor families the chance of a child to survive and grow up is many times lower, so they can give birth “in reserve”. Secondly, children will bring a glass of water in their old age, that is, according to their parents ' expectations, grown-up children will be able to work and provide for the family on an equal basis with their mother and father…and new children, respectively.
    And they don't give birth very thoughtlessly. And poor people have children who are simply born at the wrong time. Usually such children, found in dumpsters, etc., are shown on TV.

  17. These people, most likely, do not think about the consequences when they get fucked, they live purely on animal instincts. WHICH IS GENERALLY CORRECT IN THE END! But those WHO BROKE THEIR HEADS, do not give birth to more than one on this issue, THEY THOUGHT TOO MUCH! AND THE RESULT IS THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE SHIPKO SMART AND THE POPULATION OF THE POOR…It's also good for the poor and flawed to be easily managed by the smart, which is not so much! So you can choose!!!…. to risk and give birth to one clever boy, which will turn out not to be a fact)…or produce beggars, which can become Lomonosov….so that's it!)

  18. The weaker the mind, the stronger the instincts.

    Apparently, I need to write some more characters, but I don't like to spread a simple idea over paragraphs. Missing again. Well, finally.

  19. moreover, they are produced only by the poor, and this is how the earth lives . people living in affluence do not need children and people living in affluence die out in 3 generations as a whole nation . the famous experiment with rats – 2 groups of rats were placed in different banks , they were hungry-they fought, survived and multiplied furiously . and others ate from the belly – and no, not for 3 generations , they already stopped breeding in the first generation, males were not interested in females, moreover, they were drawn to the male . full prosperity is not a path to extinction – it is a guaranteed extinction .

  20. In this issue, the values of a modern person are often traced. For example, if you love yourself very much, then the birth of children for you will be a burden and a routine in which you will not be up to yourself, and this scares a developed person. When a person has a huge choice of what to please and occupy himself, he will never think about children! Therefore, Europe is slowly dying out, where it is considered that more than 1 child cannot be fed on a PO of 5,000 Euros… And we also began to think so, and earlier in the Soviet Union in rural families less than 7 did not give birth, but there was a different fashion…other values! And the answer to your question? Compared to whom do you consider him a beggar? Believe me, you are also a beggar compared to a State Duma deputy!))

  21. Because this is at least some hope of surviving in old age. Well, one child will not be able to pull both his family and parents. And somehow you don't have to count on a pension.

    It's always been like this – at least some kind of old-age insurance…

  22. children are HOPE, the worse a person lives ,the more he hopes. all this works on a subconscious level. and the potential of nadezhda is huge – it's not for nothing that they say-they feed young people's hopes, and young people can do a lot, although not modern ones – who don't give a fuck about everything. svarozhich.

  23. The higher the intelligence, the lower the need to have children and vice versa.�

    Although the need may not be there. But there will be such things as, abortion is a sin, contraception is not Orthodox �and �conversations in the style of “so it is necessary, so God wanted it” – this justifies the birth of children in such families in 99% of cases.�

    So you don't even need to try to find common sense.

  24. Because sex is the most accessible pleasure for any person… Spiritual enrichment, positive emotions, a great reason to relieve tension, make this natural act of love an indispensable companion for low-income families. The greatest pleasure of children is in the very process of producing them…

  25. 1 Poor families often do not have official employment, so they do not expect to retire.�

    2 They also do not have to hope for savings.

    3 They understand that money is going away and the main thing is family.

    4 Due to the specifics of low-paid work, many people have time for children.

  26. My opinion will be based on the example of India. In India, only 12% of the total population can apply for a pension – these are those who have worked in a public position for a long time. We also have a pension, but in a rare case this pension will make it possible to make “ends meet”, so in poor families (as we wrote earlier) they breed in such numbers in the hope that at least one of the children will “shoot”. And of course, the lack of intelligence, awareness and financial resources for contraceptives.

  27. I once read a book (I don't remember the author) about the formation of the Sicilian mafia. So the author writes there that the Sicilian poor have many children: Sex is sometimes the only pleasure that a poor person can afford, and children are like payback for it…

  28. Everything is really banal and simple. People living in poverty are often guided not by reason, but by a momentary impulse, that is, feelings, emotions or, roughly speaking, the instinct of reproduction. The need to leave something behind (often subconscious). Such people do not think about the future, about opportunities, and so on, but are guided only by the desire that has arisen in them here and now.

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