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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
- Why did Blaise Pascal become a religious man at the end of his life?
- How do I know if a guy likes you?
- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
Well, first of all, the same older generation is very active in saying this. In Russia, a significant part of its representatives could not adapt to capitalist conditions (and in addition, the social system in today's Russia is tougher than in most Western countries). But another factor that plays is that even when a person lived in a barrack without sewage, and with a common washbasin for 200 digs, he was young and full of energy, and everything seemed in a more optimistic light. “Grandpa, when was life better-now or under Stalin? “Well, uh … granddaughter, of course, under Stalin. “Apachima?” – Duc, under Stalin, THE DICK STOOD! ” – here from this series.
And secondly, humanity can and does develop, but only, how should I put it, unevenly. A significant part of humanity is in misery, backwardness, and filth, and at the same time, CHSH, very actively reproduces. In general, the countries of the so-called “Third World” constitute the majority in terms of population. Somewhere in Africa, life really could have been better during the time of colonialism (and 20 years after it, when they used what was built and produced earlier + free help from the warring parties of the Cold War). The shift from the primitive communal system turned out to be too abrupt, and, left without leaders from above, people were not able to properly organize themselves. (And races have nothing to do with it). There are cases of significant regression – take Afghanistan. There is also a whole belt of countries where aggressive clericalism has returned; not everyone who remembers the old days may like it. (Including in a number of CIS countries). And where the surge of religious fundamentalism has kept pace with the civil war and the decline (and as without it) of the economy and living standards, time is rather moving back to the Middle Ages (Syria, Yemen, etc.). Although, as soon as the passions subside, they will try to arrange life normally there.
This is indicated by those who have lived a long life or those who have lived a short but difficult life. Life is never the same color, life is complex and multifaceted. “Those who understand life are no longer in a hurry. He savors every moment and watches the child sleeping, the old man praying, the rain falling and the snowflakes melting. Those who have understood life have understood the essence of things, that only death is more perfect than life, That to know without being surprised is more terrible than not knowing or being able to do something.” With respect.
So they say, because they don't know what to do, they remember the past, where everything was regulated. But Russia is there today, the past cannot be returned, so what should we do?
A society that doesn't develop is falling apart… The example of the USSR is before our eyes. What are we waiting for?
The President of the Russian Federation expects GDP growth of 5-7%, but even the 1.9% announced by the Ministry of Economic Development is questionable. Under the current management system, the president's expectations cannot be met.
What to do and how to achieve constant steady growth of technical, economic and socio-economic indicators. Much depends on the President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, maybe it's time to get rid of the drug addiction of oil and other raw materials. Stop being a raw material appendage of civilized countries.
The only way to economic development in Russia:
You will learn how to properly fight poverty, eliminate corruption, develop regions, and much more.
Perhaps one of the reasons is due to the fact that people often idealize their memories — only the good remains, the bad is erased.
Plus, bright events take place at a young age: first love, first friends, emotions, and so on.
Adult, as often happens, disappointed, routine life in many ways life is inferior to bright youth.
Sometimes I think it was better before, too. But not in everything, of course. Some things are objectively better now, and some things are objectively worse.
And if people compare it to a time when they didn't even live, it's probably not entirely correct.
Not everyone says so – this is the first one.
Second , by gaining life experience, a person becomes able to make a comparative analysis, draw conclusions from this comparison,and voice these conclusions. Based on this, if an experienced person says that it was better before, then so it is. At least not in his life. I very much doubt that in the 30s of the last century, someone said that “it was better before”. Although some small percentage could be nostalgic about the times of NEP, for example, kulaks in particular. The main mass of the population from time immemorial, and until the 30s of the last century, lived disgusting. The vast majority of people, not all of them, but most of them lived well only in the USSR – this is a fact.
And in the conditions of modern capitalist Russia, when the life of the overwhelming majority of fellow citizens is getting worse every year, this expression becomes banal for them)
Why was it better before? yes, because everything was clear how we live. Kindergarten, school, or institute. work, now they are setting up against the Bolsheviks, that is, the communists, that they are bad. Yes! they destroyed churches, but built factories and factories, defeated fascism, were the first to fly into space, and our country was the second largest economy in the world. But in the 90s, traitors and robbers came to power, destroyed and appropriated everything that belonged to the people. Now we have turned from a great country into a gas station,and in this Russia there is no place for the people.
In this matter, you need to rely on the opinion of people who have something to compare with, who lived there, and not who died there. Not those “wise men” described above as a connoisseur of everything and everything, who personally caught the (maybe) not very cheerful end of that era. And really-lived. Unfortunately, there are almost no such people left now, or there are fewer and fewer. But with how many such witnesses at the age I did not communicate in my time, everyone clearly said that it was better before, and in many ways. Well-reasoned, about life, morals, people, and so on, in general. And not about how something there someone stood better, or the grass was greener. This is nonsense for know-it-alls who have no experience, know everything and everything, and about the past, and about the present and even the future.
People say it was better before.Pensioners have something to compare.Previously, at least a little thought about the people.Starting with free apartments, education, medical treatment, free vouchers to rest homes, at the expense of the trade union hospitals.Special food for harmful work.Eight-hour working day, two days off,paid vacation,thirteenth salary.They couldn't dismiss him so easily,there must have been at least three recorded violations.There was no unemployment.Yes, there was no abundance of goods,there was a shortage of imports,but all this was at the farcical crowd, although a little more expensive.Dollars for 64 kopecks (but no one needed them). Gasoline for 7 kopecks, then 9 kopecks.And all this was fucked up in the 90s.When the bandits bought factories, steamships, oil, gas, parliamentary mandates (only they had money stolen at that time)and came to power.They became “honest” aligarchs and “people's elected officials”.Then their children step in.And they sell out the country.And the people are taxed and banned, and they say that you just don't want to work.That's why we're hard workers, and why we get rich.
People choose a comfortable lifestyle based on their usual daily responsibilities, focusing on getting benefits, needs, or just being in a good mood.