8 Answers

  1. Because they don't really need to act. The fact that they “need” to strive somewhere, to develop-this is an idea often inspired by others (relatives, advertising,” motivational ” quotes). And deep down, a person understands that he does NOT NEED any business training, sports, or English. Well, he is not going to do any sales, does not want to run anywhere with any ball, does not like to go abroad and is not going to watch TV shows in the original. But admitting these things can be awkward, so you have to come up with something like ” oh, yes, I would love to… Ah, I'm just being lazy…”

    They write about motivation here. They say that if someone has no motivation, then it is necessary to “correct” and “motivate”them. Motivate you to do what you don't need to do… Bullshit, gentlemen!

    I know people who DON't NEED English, and that's why they don't learn it. Some people DON't NEED a driver's license, so they don't go to driving school. Someone wanted to spit on programming and web design, someone in the forest saw yoga and dancing. Just try to admit it when everyone around you is just thinking to “motivate” you. Often for your own money…

  2. Perhaps those people who are aware of this and do not want to act, they are satisfied with the current situation.
    Now, for some reason, it is customary to think that a person must necessarily do something and act. Everyone is different. If a person does not want and is not interested in somehow developing and not standing still, then he is like this and it is more comfortable for him to live this way.

  3. Reality is an illusion. It is only in your perception that they stand still. For them, you are standing still. Laziness is only in your perception of inaction. Such a normal position – you are very convenient for the state – is a social unit. You can't think for yourself. They turn you around as they want, and you are happy. You also imagine that you live, not exist.

  4. I would like to add to Daria's answer: Personally, I am often stopped by the combination of perfectionism in character with the scale of the task before me. It's scary!

    I work on myself: I learn the mantra “better than necessary, don't” and break down huge tasks into small ones so that it is less intimidating and so that I can achieve results more often and feel the effects of dopamine. It seems that something is working out.

  5. Based on my experience, I can say that sometimes you set yourself some goal, for example, to read a certain number of pages of a textbook. It seems that the goal is achievable, and you can meet the time limit, and you are quite optimistic about the result. But suddenly there is an idea to do something else before you start, you think it won't take much time, but you keep putting it off.�

    In fact, the most difficult thing, I think, is to cross this small line, and start doing the right thing for you. Because once you've started, you won't stop.

  6. I think such people don't have enough motivation. They must be pushed by something, or someone. Friends, relatives can motivate, well, he will not stand still indefinitely, sooner or later the desire will overcome laziness and the process will go on

  7. The human brain is an interesting thing. For our brain, the concept of “wanting” = “doing”. The euphoria that a person feels when presenting the results of their possible activity is about the same as the euphoria when directly achieving results. You set yourself the task of losing weight, for example. The brain thinks: “What are you-well done?! Here is Lenka, from the 10th entrance will not be able to do this, but I can!” And with this thought, you can go for years, consoling yourself with the fact that you have a goal and you will definitely achieve it…. someday.

    In addition, the lack of proper motivation can cut down your endeavors in the bud. Let's look at the example of athletes. If you go to the gym with the idea that you will eat chocolate later, because you deserve it, you ran for 5 minutes (!!!) – this is a pre-doomed event. Athletes, for example, replace the pleasure that food might bring them with the pleasure of people admiring their achievements – awards, lifestyle, physical fitness, etc. This motivation will be correct, on the way to the same weight loss.

    From minor causes:
    -Fear of making mistakes;
    – An environment that does nothing and does not believe in you;
    – Fear of wasting time without getting a return;
    – Desire to instantly achieve any results, and so on

    There are many reasons. Everyone is different. You can't answer this question 100% for sure.

  8. To move from point A to point B, it is not enough to want to move. First, you need to imagine where point B is located.�

    Most likely, awareness of the need to act means dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs – this is already the first step. However, if you just move without a plan, you will soon get tired of it. You'll start poking around in different directions, learning French, programming, and movie history, get tired, decide it's all for nothing, fall on the couch to watch TV shows, and eat a vague sense of guilt with pizza.�

    Before you mindlessly invest in the fight against laziness (which may be rationally protecting you from simulating violent activity), you should see the goal, check it for adequacy (for example, according to the SMART model) and then start plowing in. It is much more pleasant to act for the sake of a clear result or a sequence of results (for example: take one-year English courses = > pass the certificate exam = > > enroll in a European university). At the same time, the simpler and clearer the reward for our brain, the easier the action is given. Therefore, it is easier to go for a cake (the result is a delicious cake) than to engage in self-development (the result is an abstract skill that will make you better in the abstract).

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