3 Answers

  1. There is a saying: “Arrogance is the second happiness.” You don't need to openly violate other people's boundaries, but you don't need to be quiet either. If there is something that you need, then it is better to try to compete for it, because there may not be another opportunity. For example, you work for a certain time in a company, and found out that there is a vacant place above the position that you or one of your colleagues can put you in. If you do not show activity, but sit quietly, then the probability that you will be chosen is very low. Although in each case it is individual, and some bosses, on the contrary, like modest employees, so this situation is just an example. If you are not active enough, there will always be someone who will take advantage of your weakness.

  2. Why in life you need to be more impudent – the answer to this question is subjective and depends on the situation. Whether you need to be more impudent or not, everyone decides for themselves based on the current tasks, situation and opportunities. What will happen if you do not be more impudent, no one will say for sure, because for this you need to have psychic abilities, since life is too unpredictable to predict it logically. Impudence is an action or behavior that is committed in order to achieve one's own goals. At the same time, the interests of others are not taken into account.

  3. It all depends on your goals in life. If you want to achieve heights in your career, climb up the social ladder, then arrogance is necessary, in this game such rules are also played. If you are not interested in the above, then it is absolutely normal to be quiet, I know several such people from the inner circle, they live perfectly.

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