9 Answers

  1. The viability of the human body is determined not by the years lived, but by the degree of wear and tear of the body. As long as the internal organs and systems work normally and interact, a balanced metabolism is maintained, and old cells are renewed – the body exists! Only after the age of 100 can an organism be called old. According to scientists ' calculations, the biological aging process stretches as much as 300 years! Only after 300 years does our body really become unviable, and then death from old age occurs.

    From a biological point of view, aging is a very slow process. Death most often occurs not from the natural aging of the body, but from the accompanying diseases. In biological terms, the age of 20 years, 40 years, or 73 years is a conditional time division of the human life span. However, not only the degree of body wear determines life expectancy, but also self-programming.

    A person himself, through his subconscious mind, “creates” his appearance and his Life. According to reasonable calculations of scientists, we can live in health and mind up to 120-150 years. Self-programming “for old age “and” it's time to go to another world ” occurs imperceptibly for a person, starting from his childhood. Each negative emotion has an unfavorable effect on a certain part of the body (it causes a spasm of muscles and blood vessels, a deterioration in blood supply to the organ). The program of aging and the upcoming life expectancy that exists in the subconscious mind “God willing up to 70 years”, created with the participation of the human consciousness, dramatically reduces the number of years lived. A person does not actually die of old age, but from diseases that develop in the body. The body doesn't have time to age, it gets sick. It is incorrect to call a modern person over the age of 70 years old, it would be more accurate to say – a patient waiting for an early death on the principle of “like everyone else”.

  2. At 30, you need to raise children, and 200 is not yet the norm of life. In 150 years, it will become the norm of life, and old age will begin at 130 years old. Remember: how many of your friends, acquaintances, or relatives have died of old age in recent years? Almost no one!

    “Old age is a bad habit that very busy people do not have time to acquire” by ANDRE MAUROY

    Cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, stress (and as a result, depression, loss of immunity and diseases) are the main causes of today's deaths.

    “Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, death is suffering, a relationship without love is suffering, separation from a loved one is suffering, unsatisfied desire is suffering, in short, any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering” Buddha

    We are dying of misery…

  3. To begin with, in order to correctly answer the question, let's clarify – a person dies at 70 not from old age, but from diseases.

    If a person does not have serious diseases, kidney failure, or cardiac arrest, then anyone can live to 130-150.

    If we calculate mathematically our age, how much our body's resources are sufficient, telomeres, cell division, and the creation of new cells, then the age at which a person should die naturally turns out to be approximately 150 years.

    But as early as 30, we see catastrophic changes in our bodies.

    Every organism on earth has reserves of resources for regeneration, replacement of old cells, and their division.

    For large animals, sharks, whales, and large turtles, the age can range from 150 to 400 years.

    For some forests, the reserve of resources can reach more than 40,000 years, if we take into account that their root system is unified. Each individual tree is more like a hair on the body of the root system.

    For humans, this is a modest 150 years. Diseases decide the rest. Few people in their right mind live to be 120 years old. Although even those who even drive a car at this age are known (Guinness World Records to help)

    But humans are the only beings on the planet who are given intelligence, and who are able to unite and, if desired, increase their life span and improve regeneration, improve resistance to diseases, extend the age at which they will be young.

    Now, with the current technologies, laboratory tests have recently been published that can increase the age of any animal by about 80%. That is, if we can live 120 years without diseases, then an improved person will live about 210 years. And as these experiments show, at 120, you can look 30 years old.

    But not everyone wants it. Many believe that it is better to live a short life, die quickly, and stand before God. And only then in hell or Heaven to live forever.

    Everyone's business. I'd rather live on an Earth that's perfect for us than dream about something that doesn't exist.

  4. Questions about the nature of aging and death, life and its duration are inextricably linked to the depth of immersion in the nature of our reality…In addition to the physical, biological, metaphysical, epistemological and philosophical aspects, the true answer will always be based on the basis of understanding and awareness of our human nature and responsibility for our MISSION and role in the Evolution of the Universe…. As long as we do not put the question in this plane … we don't even discover the answers that have long been embedded in the depths of our being… We are the creators of our own Destiny and the Fate of our Home… Your environment and your Reality…. This is the answer in essence form…AS for THE SCIENTIFIC SIDE OF THE MATTER… the mechanisms of the cell cycles in us only serve as higher orders of realization of the Power of Life invested in our Path…. These are excerpts from my BOOK OF SPHINXES ….hug…

  5. The civilization of society is to blame for early aging and early death. How, perhaps, someone knows that Adam died at the age of 930, and at what age Eve died, so far, no one can say anything. Their children and grandchildren also lived a long time. But with the development of civilization, gadgets appeared that gradually removed the previously necessary functions of the human body. For example: excellent vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, third eye, and others that we now don't even know about. Because of this, diseases associated with the degradation of a reasonable person began to develop, and since modern medicine does not keep up with the appearance of new incurable diseases, a person dies from them or from laziness at the age of 36 to 100 years.

  6. When a person learns to defeat cancer, then he will be able to live without aging, directing-changing the division of cells in the malignant scenario to a positive regeneration of vital non-profitable ones for the renewal of the entire life system. These things, in my opinion, are two aspects of the vital activity of our body. There is a mystery here. And if you add cyber integration into the body and the replacement of organs, due to various reasons, necessities, for identical natural analogues, then what are 200 years there, even 1000))

  7. Hello , because “breakdowns” accumulate in the body and it is more difficult for the body to cope with them. This age is determined by the standard of living and medicine in the World. For example , the immune system in old age works worse than in younger ones, and a common cold can be more disastrous.
    For a more complete understanding, I present the book “Telomeres” by Elizabeth Blackburn.

  8. Premature aging can also begin at an early age. This is a serious medical condition called progeria. Even people who suffer from it are dwarfed in stature and build. example.

    bioorganisms age due to the fact that it is a genetic program, in fact, the collapse, folding of the body. why does it exist? if the question ” why ” is even relevant… It exists on the principle of “nothing lasts forever under the moon”, it requires constant replacement of the biomaterial. the presence of immortal organisms is essentially not required for evolutionary tasks. if you can even think like that.

    from 70? you're overstating it a lot. only with a very good diet and lifestyle as in modern developed countries, people die in 70. even in our country, the average life expectancy of a man seems to be 68 years. in the ancient world, where food was worse, where the environment was sanitary dirtier, where living conditions were more difficult, people did not always live up to 20-30. At the same time, they did not age in the literal sense, they just wore out earlier. only a few people live to reach 100. one in a million. so the record for life expectancy is just over 120 years.�

    why not at 30? there is a certain approximate service life of all organs. provided that they exist in acceptable conditions, without injuries, without poisoning with something like alcohol. so the heart is approximately designed for a billion beats. creatures with a fast metabolism like hummingbirds-live only 9 years. turtles with a slow metabolism, energy saving, and live up to 200 years, longer than humans. humans among all other species live quite a long time, but the overall figure is closer to the average, there are also bioorganisms that live longer.

  9. For a long time, a person could start having children somewhere from the age of 16. Then, approximately at intervals of 3 years, a child appeared in a couple who needed up to 12 years of growing up. This is the first independent child at least in 28 years and then-in 3 years. If they survive and do not die of diseases. And this was very noticeable – they probably did not live long, about half or even less. That is, reproduction of the population – 28+3+3+3 = about 37 years old. Well, roughly about 40 years old. (depending on the intensity of risk from predators and diseases).

    This is the biological early limit of aging – if some genes caused the body to fail earlier, they simply did not have time to reproduce – after several generations they were cleaned out of the gene pool.

    But those who survived this threshold have already acquired more or less sufficient offspring so that genetic “time bombs” can be triggered without interfering with the transmission of the genes that cause them to the next generations.

    The genes that would lead to greater longevity, of course, are on average in the black, but this plus is getting smaller and smaller. An individual is more and more likely to die by a certain age from an accident, predator, or disease. Genes that would program death not in 100 years, but in 200-could actually manifest themselves not so often – up to this age (100 years), for natural reasons, very few people survived at that time (for reasons not related to aging) – accordingly, the pressure on the genes of “time bombs” �is minimal.

    And the fact is that individual cells, if they have the opportunity for immortality, can be terrible for the body – because of one failure of division control, they can start a cancer transformation-divide without stopping, growing a deadly tumor for the body. There are about trillions of cells in the human body over a life of up to 100 years… the probability of cancer breakage is significant. Therefore, “time bombs”, in particular, limiting the number of divisions of individual somatic cells can be very useful, limiting the ability of individual cells to divide uncontrollably – the tumor that has begun to grow will not be able to overcome a certain limit of divisions. At least one of the “time bombs” works something like this.�

    In general , the more difficult it is to successfully raise a child to its independence – the later the aging. – above the early �aging limit

    The higher the risk for an adult to die – the earlier the aging – the lower the upper limit of aging and vice versa.

    At the same time, species without natural enemies can become long-lived.

    Something like this.

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