7 Answers

  1. More people know me and love me = more resources they will give me.

    Like a plant, our ego tries to squeeze out as much water, light, and nutrients as possible from the world around us. Spread the seeds as far as possible, plant your ideas in as many minds as possible.

    Because it is those plants that are greedy and able to produce a lot of offspring that will survive and reproduce.

    And it works the same way for humans.

    The more popular you are, the more resources you have. More consumers for the brand, more girl candidates for the guy, more pleasant evenings with friends. More grants for scientists. More jobs for the applicant.

    Different people need different resources, of course. But popularity is always pleasant – because any resource, even an unnecessary one, is an extra profit. You never know what a new acquaintance will do for you.

  2. What person? Why you want to – no one will answer, except that very successfully at random.

    The reasons for this desire are different, but there are two most general directions. Often this is the notorious vanity (linking self-esteem and self-esteem with public recognition); sometimes-popularity plays a purely instrumental role. Well, for example-a popular artist stupidly earns more.

    From my point of view, the last few are “to the right”, unlike the first ones. Because they are often mistaken about the ratio of approval and condemnation in connection with popularity. Most of the people who know about you from popular sources will not at all love you to praise, and often even on the contrary, expect an endless background of criticism and other things.

  3. A good attitude of others towards you, a good name, reputation, fame, popularity – this is a natural desire of a person. The ancients said that this is the only way for mortals to attain immortality, as the power of good memory can outlast your physical body. Another question is whether to put this value first and sacrifice all others for it.

  4. A first-grader's question. No matter how much a person shows off, he was, is, and will remain a monkey for a long time, only a mangy one. A monkey is a pack animal. A pack is not just a group of individuals, but a hierarchical structure, and the members of this structure are genetically determined to occupy the highest possible position in the pack. And you can take this position by doing something useful for the pack. In humans, this pack instinct is expressed in showing off in public. But true popularity is enjoyed by professionals. As Zhvanetsky said, ” A professional can be seen from afar and a queue is immediately formed for him.”

  5. I'll try it in a simple way-without frills. I think it's a disease. It affects all people to one degree or another. Some people have this disease in a chronic form : artists, deputies, etc. Naturally, there are people who can control themselves and this disease occurs in them in a mild form. These are the ones who do not earn very much and do not have time to stick out their selves.

  6. All people have their own unique psyche, different levels of spiritual and moral potential,some people like secrecy,modesty …so not everyone wants to be popular.There are people with this mentality : they need the attention of other people ,like water and air,without attention, they wither like a rose without water,they like beautiful,gorgeous dress,love compliments,they need a big SCENE where it looks and voshishaetsa “ocean” people who love nature,flowers,that is, all with the prefix “beauty,pretty,beautiful,beautiful,” they love animals,they are empathic,compassionate to the plight of other people..and popularity gives them a “waterfall” of other people's attention,for them attention is energy, positive-euphoric sensations,the amplitude of waves of “motley” feelings…Such people in life usually choose such professions as actor,actress,singer,dancer,dancer,comedian,comedian….scene..attention…admiration

  7. Let's remember Maslow's pyramid, which consists of five steps: the foundation is physiology, above it is the need for security, above it is love, then dignity and respect, and the top is self-actualization.�

    We are interested in two final needs in this pyramid. Each person has these needs for a favorable coexistence with himself and the world, so the desire to be popular is normal, based on the theory of our needs.

    The level of dignity and respect is quite important on our life path because it forms self-esteem, causes a sense of self-necessity and belonging to this world.�

    A person truly respects himself as a person as a result of the well-deserved respect for the results of his work (Maslow).

    A person needs to be respected, many people have a desire for prestige and recognition of various manifestations of their individuality (talents, skills, etc.), and if successful, a person comes to self-confidence and harmony with his personality.

    The final stage also plays an important role – self-actualization. The need for self-expression, self-improvement, and personal development. This is important for a person as a subject of their activity, but without the previous stage, there will be no corresponding motives for activity. This is the very stage that allows you to develop spiritually, based on which views and beliefs are formed.

    This is all a very tight chain insanely interconnected. The very need for popularity among many people still depends on ambitions, goals, desires, etc., but I believe that this is still an unconscious need for respect.

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