7 Answers

  1. Regarding Andrey's answer:�

    “If a person frequently encounters a phenomenon that is harmful to himself or others, he will fix in his mind the connections that cause destructive behavior. Therefore, a healthy society tries to minimize such phenomena, and isolate people from them.”what about the power of taboo? When we see something forbidden (swastikas or videos of executions), it produces a reaction not because we have often encountered it, but just the opposite. And the less often they talk about it, the stronger the effect. To minimize harm, paradoxically, you need to see and talk about these things more often. After all,only then will we understand that they are not really dangerous (it seems that they correct various phobias, fear of spiders, for example). So, here's the answer – it's all the fault of the taboo, not the content itself. After all, the brain reproduces the situation in context, and taboos are a very powerful factor that clearly separates the good from the bad. A person is not born with a moral compass in his head. The attitude of a person to any thing is initially neutral, but it is formed during life. In some situations, people consider it normal to kill a person with their own hands, and they do it without any injuries to their psyche (more about this in Phillip Zimbardo's “Lucifer Effect”, he also writes about the Stanford experiment there), so genocides are committed (Rwanda in 1994, for example, where a neighbor killed a neighbor, and fathers and mothers of their children – only because of the “picture” in their head). These people did not see anything wrong with the act. All this is a combination of social and personal factors. So, if there is any trauma, it is only a reaction to a taboo, a reaction to the “picture” in the head that the environment and the person himself have drawn.

  2. I consider it necessary to divide “shock content” into actual shock content-viewing accidents, dismemberment, etc., and pornography, and I'll start with the second one, since everything is much simpler here:

    1. Getting used to the ideal. Once you get used to seeing only perfect bodies, it will be harder to perceive real partners who may be inferior in their data to porn models. But this is a double-edged sword, because if you think about art or science, they also often talk about ideal and idealized things, but no one complains that this interferes with the perception of reality:) Watching porn raises standards, and whether that's good or bad depends on the individual.
    2. Habit. The mechanism of arousal works in nature in a very specific way, assuming arousal from the contemplation and feeling of a real woman and performing translational movements. When we watch porn, we use only one or two channels – sight and hearing (well, if you watch with sound:)). If the experience of watching porn prevails over the experience of sex, then this can have negative consequences, since a real woman may seem to smell bad, even if this is not the case, kissing is an abomination because of saliva, and in general the situation will upset, since everything is not as cheerful and simple as in porn. In addition, the mechanism of arousal and satisfaction from viewing will be adjusted to the fact that you need to sit / lie quietly, without straining, and in sex this will not work, and the need to strain can spoil the erection. The next thing is that it may be impossible to get pleasure from sex, because the habit is developed on the hand that there are other sensations. As a result, what we get: a real woman does not excite because of the physiological aspects, as it usually did without this, it does not excite very much, since the situation is not the one in which arousal usually occurs, and sex is not so pleasant, since again the habit has already been developed for something else.�
    3. Ease. No need to strain yourself, no need to spend so much time, which can be an easy way to have fun and can turn into an addiction. However, anything that brings pleasure can become an addiction.

    These points are not a priori consequences, but a trend that sometimes manifests itself too strongly, which can create problems. Now about the shock content.

    1. Shock content, when viewed frequently, begins to be perceived as something ordinary, which can have a number of negative consequences, although not necessarily. Example: increased violence and aggressiveness, poorer empathy, and less effective responses in critical situations, since real horror will be less frightening than the other person. This list can be continued for as long as you can imagine. The bottom line: adding a large amount of information about cruelty and violence to the worldview will distort it, and how – depends on the individual. The consequences can be negative, but not because such information is destructive. The reason is that a person who wants to view shock content already has some mental flaw-a large amount of suppressed aggression or a love of being scared, but it will not necessarily increase from viewing it.
    2. Inability to fit the views you've seen into the worldview. These are sissy ladies who are close to fainting when they see someone fighting. Just like getting into a real stressful situation, watching something like this can cause a lot of stress, which the psyche may not be able to cope with.

    To sum up: shock content is not harmful, but people with mental disabilities tend to view it. If a “healthy” person watches it, they may not be able to perceive this, but such people will also get a shock from being in a slaughterhouse, whereas for rural residents it is commonplace.

    Murder, death, dismemberment, and brutality are all part of our world, and turning a blind eye to something is a bad strategy, just as it is the other way around, drawing your attention only to that aspect of our world.

  3. I watched an interview with a famous maniac, Ted Bundy, the day before the execution. In that interview, he links his murders to watching porn and violence. Since childhood, he was addicted to viewing forbidden magazines. Each time he needed more and more sophisticated paintings, since the previous ones did not give such vivid emotions. Once again, he couldn't get enough of what he had and went for real violence. Of course, a normal person is not capable of this, but for a person who has mental problems, such films can be a boost.

    It may seem that shock films do not affect us, but at night very often they can come in nightmares, even after many months after viewing, because the brain has recorded it and it is not known when this nightmare will come up. Anxiety is provided.

  4. There are certain consequences, this is called “fatigue syndrome”. Simply put, over time, a person does not stick out any tin and he is looking for more and more rigid shots that would get a shock-emotion. By the way, this also applies to porn.

  5. I will answer as it really is. Shock can cause anything, and anything can have a negative impact on the psyche, but there are those who have a trauma associated with clowns. Unjustified fear of dogs. Just once you see the snarling mouth and blood-filled eyes staring at you from around the corner.�
    So you can call shock content your whole life

  6. The psyche can be defined as a network of connections in the brain. In the course of evolution, a person has acquired the ability to react to dangers and remember them, that is, to create new connections in the brain when meeting something important for life. The body reacts differently. If a person has encountered a predator or a fire, the connection in the brain will tell you that the body needs to release adrenaline in order to escape faster. If a person meets a tree with fruit, the connection in the brain will determine the release of dopamines, substances of the internal reinforcement system. The more often this connection is activated in the brain, the stronger it will become. Conversely, this connection may disappear if it never receives a signal.

    Society, as it evolves, develops laws that tell people how not to harm themselves or others. If a person frequently encounters a phenomenon that is harmful to himself or others, he will fix in his mind the connections that cause destructive behavior. Therefore, a healthy society tries to minimize such phenomena, and isolate people from them.

  7. You can't say that categorically. There are people who love dismemberment, love horror movies, and porn lovers, in my opinion, even more. Different people have different minds.

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