6 Answers

  1. Because in schools it is vile to teach. In general, everything in school is disgusting to teach, this is evident from the way people go to extremes, marginalize some sciences and idolize others, instead of knowing what tool to use when.

  2. I'll tell you my story.

    I hated algebra at school. I sat there, trying to understand, but in vain. “What kind of nonsense is written here?” I thought, looking at the equations. My grades for a quarter and a year in algebra and geometry consistently ranged from 2 to 3.

    But my mother decided to hire me a repeater, a teacher from my school who was retired due to illness. And lo and behold! She talked and explained in such a way that previously completely incomprehensible topics, which the school math teacher could not explain even in extra classes, suddenly became extremely clear. Grades went up. Alas, six months later, the disease did its job and the teacher died, and we never found another one like it.

  3. The main driving activity is the game. If we are talking about children.
    Do not make lessons with him from under the stick) Play with him in solving the main problem of the world… How much milk is needed to survive tribe A, when tribe B has already eaten a table and is going to get into the warehouse to A.
    Joke, do not push.
    We for example invent through a fairy tale.

  4. I don't even know. Personally, in my experience and the experience of my friends, there were teachers who were always dissatisfied, shouting at students. But in Russian, literature, geography-no. In mathematics and geometry, yes. In fact, a lot depends on the teacher.

  5. Basically, the love or lack of love for mathematics depends on the level of rationalization of a person, even in their views on ordinary questions or their love of order around them. Mathematics itself is incredibly rigorous and the only rigorous science that is truly rigorous(although modern mathematics is not quite the same in some places, but this is a different story), and if you go up to a level slightly higher than school, it will also tell you that real logic is very different from the logic that our brain represents( I'm talking about statistics here). Mathematics is becoming more interesting to people who like everything to be in its place, to have some kind of certainty, logic and unambiguity, and so on, and this is already coming out of the child's society and environment. It will probably be possible to instill a love of mathematics in the child in the future, from childhood teaching him to put toys in order, try to establish some dependencies everywhere that he will be interested in finding or creating them himself. �Personally, I, for example, studying for a phys.the Faculty of MSU, where the main subjects are different sections of mathematics, studying it, became much more rational in the usual views of the world, began to think more about cause-and-effect relationships and so on, that is, there is a road in two directions possible.

  6. The author, of course, speaks for all children in his personal experience.

    For as long as I can remember, half of them have always liked math, and half of them have always liked humanities. Well, conditionally. There was still a small part of the children who did not like everything together.

    I can only assume that if other sciences somehow found practical application (here, at the moment or in the future), then the abundance of cosines, logarithms and other mathematical wisdom is not particularly.. Only the simplest things. Although the brain and logic develops quite nothing)

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