2 Answers

  1. Your question suggests that you can negotiate with men, but not with women.

    The behavior of men and women with each other is strongly influenced by the social environment. Starting from the country where people live: Pakistan or the United States. It is clear that women currently have fewer rights in Pakistan than in the United States.

    Social, economic, cultural, etc. factors impose certain behaviors on men and women. This creates expectations, estimates, and so on.

    You may not understand a woman, not find a common language with her, not build a compromise because your expectations turned out to be a mistake.

    And, given the wording of your question, you really either don't have the skill to communicate with the opposite sex, or you want to justify the prejudice about women.

    Analyze your behavior, your words, and your attitude toward women with an open mind. Answer for yourself why you need a woman and what her role is. It is not excluded that these answers will contain something that prevents you from negotiating with a woman.

    Usually, if you respect a woman as a person, do not consider her role as a servant and concubine, then there are no problems. Difficulties come from sexism when faced with an independent woman.

  2. I already have 4 answers to this question:

    1) Because instead of compromising, some people prefer to define the essence of a common problem more precisely and look for its SOLUTION. A compromise assumes that the problem is totally unsolvable, and all interested parties need to accept, tolerate and distribute the load/damage. In short, it's because they believe there is a better solution.

    2) You can only find a compromise for a while, because this is a mutually beneficial agreement. Such agreements are not sustainable. They usually take the form of a mutual promise that will be broken after a while. I want to believe that it will not be broken, but there is no real faith in the fulfillment of the promise.

    Therefore, many people unconsciously resist the idea of promising someone something, even if they want to do it inside themselves. They believe that the promise will be broken sooner or later, and it will be even more painful (given the wasted time).

    3) Women are more likely to use the “I'm small and helpless, and if I don't get everything I want, it will be fatal for me, and it will be your fault.”

    A compromise implies equality of damage, but if one of the parties has previously received damage from life, being a woman, then for equality of positions you need to compensate for this damage and do everything yourself… and it works, if you think so yourself… no! if you want to think of women as weak-willed and stupid. And here you can compromise with yourself, giving out wishful thinking.

    4) The lack of compromise can also be the result of some symbolic battle between people. Sometimes a person DOES NOT WANT to solve a specific problem, because then he will lose the legitimate opportunity to fight openly. Sometimes the process of fighting is important to people as a way to learn their strength… the limits of one's strength, and the limits of one's weakness.

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