9 Answers

  1. Religion is a way of thinking about the world. The method may not be capable of objectivity – the carrier of this method may be capable of objectivity.

    There are a sufficient number of religious people who can adequately and objectively assess both the point of view of representatives of other faiths and the ideological position of atheists.

    Orthodox ignorant fanatics are also plentiful.

    As for the clerical aspect, any Church, any Order, any religious institution is always, by definition, extremely subjective and irreconcilable. The function of a religious institution is governance, and the basic principle of any governance is “divide and rule” and ” whoever is not with us is against us.”

  2. Now, for some reason, it is customary to call objectivity what people perceive with their imperfect senses or with the help of their amplifiers (all sorts of microscopes, telescopes, locators and other devices). In other words, this is the main criterion: we were able to see, hear, touch, smell, try, well, or somehow fix it experimentally, so it objectively exists.

    But in reality, objective reality does not depend on whether a person can perceive it with their feelings or not. Objective reality is the reality that exists in any case (and whether we can fix its existence or not is entirely our problem).

    So a person who is blind from birth will not be able to detect the presence of those 16 million colors that (according to manufacturers) are displayed on the screen of your smartphone. And all your attempts to even explain to him what they are (let alone prove that they exist) will be futile.

    If we imagine that society consists of 99% of people who are blind from birth and apply modern criteria of objectivity, then it turns out that no colors objectively exist at all (because it is not proven). And if 1% of sighted people claim to have seen, then this is either a deception, self-deception, or a subjective unverifiable experience. A rough example, of course, but the idea should be clear.

    Therefore, it may be that the holy scriptures are the only source of objective information in its entirety.

  3. Just like any other form of social consciousness that expresses the objective in a subjective form. Without objective content, neither art, science, nor religion would have any power or authority. They acquire them only when they express something real, objectively significant, which depends not on the will of man, but on the objective will of God.

  4. Objectivity is the manifestation of objects and their properties.

    The word RELIGION-there are lessons and practices for developing logic.

    If lessons and practice are objects, then maybe religion can become objective.

    Philosophical concepts of OBJECTIVISM And SUBJECTIVISM from blah-blah philosophers. Invented for blatant brainwashing.

  5. Religion consists of people with their own knowledge and ideas about everything. Just like people outside of religion. The question of whether religion is capable of objectivity can be answered by first answering another question : is a person capable of objectivity at all? If their knowledge and perceptions are subjective and relative. And even if someone is able to give an objective point of view. Will other people who perceive the world through the prism of their own ideas be able to hear and understand it exactly as he said?

  6. And what is not objective in the death of a person ??? Can science objectively assess its necessity and what follows??? And religion can and will do this so that even life after that takes on a completely different meaning ???

  7. It would be good to first look at the root of the word “religion”… I remember that the Latin religare means “connection”, and now there is something to speculate about. Here's the phone , and here we are. What is prayer? Crossing ourselves , we dial God's number. Pronounce: “Oh my God… ale”. We feel it… connection. He hears… however, it doesn't listen. Does it respond? No , we answer for ourselves. Therefore, God is never responsible for our understanding and decisions and actions that correspond to our understanding. God is the Presence. There is no objectivity here. Only and only – subjectivity. And you have to navigate in the intonation of Silence-whether it is approving or reproachful, condemning or blessing… This is the nature of human-to-human communication. And formal religions only parasitize on what is essential to man. And so there is no God in them.

  8. To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept of objectivity, which can be interpreted as follows: objectivity is a characteristic of facts or processes that are not refracted through the prism of the subject's worldview and perception features. In this situation, the subject is religion itself, the obligatory predicates of which are belief in the transcendent and setting guidelines for virtue. Accordingly, religion will rationalize phenomena and processes in accordance with its spiritual attitudes. Religion is capable of scientific, objective knowledge only in matters that do not concern the first cause or transcendental categories.

  9. Any fabrications of a person are exclusively subjective. True objectivity is not available for a person (in the current conditions). Which means that the answer to your question comes from whether you are a religious person.

    If you are, for example, a Muslim, then the Qur'an is for you the truth transmitted to humanity by God. Then this particular religion (Islam) is capable of objectivity, because it is based on objective teaching.

    If you do not recognize the truth of certain religions, then for you all religious teachings are formed by people-beings who think subjectively. In this case, religions are not capable of objectivity.

    There is, of course, a third possibility: since we don't know what objectivity is, there is a possibility that our subjective judgments randomly overlap with objectivity in some places. Then religions may also be capable of objectivity to some extent. However, for the representatives of religions and authors of teachings themselves, these intersections cannot be visible, and the probability of such “intersections” is most likely infinitely small.

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