34 Answers

  1. The author of the question seems to believe that there are some principles in religions according to which humanity has lived and is living?! Today, it's like climbing into a cave and talking about going to the moon.

    The entire history of mankind is essentially a history of wars. Including religious ones, when the “principles” of religion were burned at the stake, women were persecuted, cities and villages were uprooted… Does the author talk about these principles?! Then I will immediately answer that I do not want to live in a world with such religious “principles”.

    Maybe the author is referring to certain words in the holy scriptures or in Chinese ancient religious philosophy about certain moral norms of society?! Then I must disappoint the author that these principles reflect the original human relationships that were only formulated in religious texts, as well as other words, for example: about the domination of the Jews over the world or the murder of infidels in Islam.

    Modern norms recorded in civil and criminal law have not religious sources, and they were formulated not so long ago, but at a time when the church began to separate from the state. Humanism of the XVII-XIX centuries made its way as a young escape from the asphalt of religious “principles” of humanity. Even the twentieth century, which is supposedly called atheistic, in fact continued to live by the religious “principles” of war and destruction. Politics and religion go hand in hand to reap the harvest of human lives and suffering.

    So, I hope that people will finally live according to human principles, and not religious or ideological ones. And I'm not just ready to live in such a world – I live in this world.

  2. Yeah. I am ready and would be very happy.

    Many believers have such a delusion that without religion and belief in deities, there would be no morality, and people would turn into a mad herd. Although it is enough to look at your unbelieving neighbors, friends and relatives to understand that this is not so.

    The rules supposedly “instilled by religion” are actually the usual rules of a human community, and they work not because some deity carved them on tablets, but because people strive for the comfort and safety of their lives. In history, there are many examples of atheistic societies that existed for quite a long time (the same USSR). And there, for some reason, it was also impossible to kill, steal and perjure yourself. A coincidence? I don't think.

    In addition, many of the principles enshrined in religions become obsolete and die out with the development of society. All these domostroyevsky requirements for the family and women, “halal”, mandatory respect for elders regardless of their real actions, humility and meekness – all this has long been archaic and unnecessary. However, for some reason religion clings to such remnants, demanding their unquestioning submission from adherents. I don't mind living in a world where imaginary beings don't serve to throw away responsibility and justify all sorts of stupid things.

  3. I am ready, and I want to add, I dream of living – in a world of common sense, in a world free from obscurantism, in a world where people plan their lives on earth, not in heaven, and benefit society.

  4. What are the principles instilled by religion, which are not instilled by any other source of norms? Here I live all my life without these principles and do not complain. These principles can come from any source, not just a religious one.

  5. I am not an atheist, but to answer your question-Religion(any) adapts to the current state of society, its principles of morality and current scientific progress. If you open the Old Testament, you will simply be horrified for what actions it was necessary to kill your neighbor according to the scriptures of this book. It was so simple because society was like that at that point in time. When society changed and it became somewhat difficult to kill everyone left and right, religion and the Bible and other “writings”changed. When Peter I issued a decree that the priests in whose churches the icons would “flow myrrh” would be impaled, what do you think happened? That's right – ALL the icons stopped flowing myrrh at once!! Suddenly.

    In 1982, Sheikh Bin Baz issued a fatwa recognizing the Earth as flat, and those Muslims who believe otherwise contradict the Koran itself. The year is 1982. Today, thank God, they finally recognize that the Earth is not flat.

    What is the result?

    Religion does not and has never instilled any moral principles or “spiritual” qualities. Any religion always follows the current needs of society and adapts to what is happening around it.



  7. I live in it anyway. The point is not in the principles, vaccinations, but in the fact that a person chooses by himself, by his own will.

    There is not a single proof of the existence of God, the soul, the afterlife, etc. Such questions of the author are a departure from the main question ” The lack of evidence for the existence of God is a direct proof that he does not exist. There is no other way to prove what doesn't exist. There is no god, and there are religions that are based on the majority's fear of death. and a minority is adept at exploiting this fear.

  8. Don't kill in the name of God…? I think I'm ready. It is foolish to think that only religion has given humanistic norms of human coexistence. Besides, morals are not unique. Chimpanzees also have compassion, politics, and a sense of justice. These are stages in the evolution of society. The Internet will wash away local religious narratives and unite everyone into a global social culture, unifying moral norms. We already wear the same clothes, use the same social networks, and share the same memes and clips.

  9. Of course, I'm ready. Religion, especially Christianity, has a habit of instilling principles that are absolutely perverse, based on which it is impossible to live normally. And in order to define the principles of a normal healthy life, no religion is needed. For this purpose, the life experience of generations is enough.

  10. Religion has little to do with the practical inculcation of principles.

    It proclaims them. But the church is a human organization of control over souls, it instills. Only these principles are passed through a specific sanpropusknik before vaccination. Like a piece of beef in a supermarket, they are labeled with characteristics and ingredients that should not be there in principle. In addition, they put down their expiration dates and illuminate the carcasses with a special light, which gives the impression of the freshest virgin product.

    I understand the author of the question the most that neither is an atheist. I do not believe in a personal wrathful and merciful god, I do not believe in the existence of a personal devil along with all the devils of hell. But I deeply feel and respect the teaching that Jesus brought to the Jews. First of all, morality, compassion, zervennost, love.

    Moral principles of religion (teachings of God) without interference, the churches themselves are a magnet for intelligence. In fact, it does not matter whether a person is a believer or an atheist. Its moral component is important.

    Among believers, there are much more demagogues and spiritual deceivers (who, knowing the teaching and declaratively following it, actually prostitute it in ordinary life). than among atheists.

  11. What's wrong with life without terrorist attacks and sectarian wars?

    Without wasting time on obscurantism, when people pray instead of creating their own lives?

    Of course, I am ready, because religion does not inculcate anything but anger and darkness.

  12. We already live in such a world. And they always have. Society's (tribal) ideas about good and evil, as about what harms and what contributes to the well-being of society (tribe), have existed for a long time (tens of thousands of years) before the emergence of world religions. Religions only parasitize reasonable moral principles and try to monopolize and absolutize them with the help of mythology, as if it was their God who gave people these principles in the form of tablets of the covenant, for example, as described in Jewish mythology.

  13. I am not an atheist, because I believe in the other side of the same God, but I would be HAPPY, even if my happiness is not hindered by playing into other people's misery. The principles of NON-Love, hatred, disunity, lies and so on are instilled in religion!!!!! What are they for? Religion, continuing family values, generates everything that we get-SELFISHNESS, separation, disasters, wars…. so much so that people DO NOT SEE the connection …. brains are completely fucked up

  14. Of course, and nothing will change. Representatives of each religion, portraying God in their own way, establish in accordance with this the norms of morality supposedly inspired by God and, of course, mandatory for all believers. As a result, confusion is created in the understanding of true morality.

  15. No, as an atheist I am not ready to live in a world in which there are no principles inculcated by religion – if only because atheism itself can arise only as a reflection of a religious way of knowing and relating, and therefore atheism itself is nurtured by religion and in some sense instilled by it.

    Further, religious principles cover such a wide range of human feelings and attitudes that if you try to remove them, you will destroy humanity itself.

    As an atheist, I am ready to live in a world where all the principles instilled by religion are perceived not as given by religion from outside, but as realized by the mind from itself – as a moral manifestation of the spirit to itselfBut.

  16. Counter-question: why is there no obvious requirement among the commandments not to own another person?

    Ancient religions were formed at a time when slavery was a natural thing. And now slavery is morally and legally banned all over the world. Without any pressure from religions.

    At one time, almost all culture was preserved and developed by religious institutions. Over time, science and art separated from religion. And made a sharp jump. Then morals and ethics. And they also began to develop, solving new problems and unleashing old contradictions.

    Now only myths and rituals remain in religion.

  17. There are many beliefs and religions. And their principles are often different.

    Maybe I didn't understand the idea of the question correctly, but I got the impression that the author believes that everything is based on fear of punishment on the one hand and motivation for paradise on the other. And everything. I apologize if I misunderstood, but if all the good things instilled by religion are based on fear, then no, this is not very good in itself.

    In addition, I fundamentally disagree that apart from religion and the gift from above, the principles of rational humanity and morality can not arise in any way. And they can, and most likely, they arose in this way, and then took shape in religion. As ideas with circumcision or denial of pork, purely from the everyday life of those peoples where this was later included in religious prescriptions.

    I do not believe that man is such a primitive animal that if he is not threatened with God's punishment for his sins, he will go all out. And I don't believe that religious people are such animals that only fear keeps them alive.

  18. I'm not an atheist, but I'll answer that. Even in the modern world, there are no moral principles instilled in society by religion. Religious institutions are the mouthpieces of power. The principles of social morality are created as rules for people to live together. And they are created, yes, oddly enough – by themselves. And in the understanding of people who identify themselves with a particular society, it is fixed that they are socially protected in this way. And from the negative impact of the external wild world, and from hostile societies-communities, and from the persecution of those in power in the end.

    The tradition of following certain moral principles develops even without the participation of religious institutions. The latter only help to create conditions in which the change, development of traditions, their transformation becomes impossible.

  19. I think there would be less crime. 99% of prisoners are deeply religious people. because a pious person is almost devoid of the concept of conscience and personal dignity, i.e. a person with his own personal dignity will not stoop to a crime, he is not allowed to commit a crime by his own self in a compartment with conscience. A believer, on the other hand, has no remorse (everything was decided for him), a kind of fatalism. And it is guided only by the dogmas of Scripture and as a deterrent from crime only responsibility to the creator and that's all. And since God is merciful, after a murder or rape, you can repent and God may forgive. This is the reason why there are more religious criminals.

    There are certainly a few words in the Scriptures about love for people, but love for the creator prevails, and it is he and only he who should pray, think about him, and love him. From the believer's point of view, this is spirituality, and it is taught by the clergy together with humility, humility before the Almighty. And life shows that there is nothing good in it. Although of course in the past it was good because there was no other. And this really helped to reduce the number of unnecessary sacrifices in a different way than only through humble love for God, life was not valued at all.

  20. Religion makes a person human.It doesn't matter what religion,any.Science makes man a god.All the world's religions inculcate human relations and lead to good. Not everyone who is an atheist can remain decent. Therefore, religions are useful.

  21. This is the simplest thing you can imagine, because this is the Stone Age and complete degradation of the individual, back to stone axes and loincloths. In the place of normal cave dwellings, in the place of normal food that I got, instead of heat, fire, etc …

  22. Hello.

    Now many atheists defend the view that morality does not depend on religion. But is it true?

    Christianity has become the cause of humanism in Europe, despite the harshness of Christian families and states in general. It was the soul brought up in Christ's love that was able to think of humanistic values. Think of Ancient Rome. How the victims were bullied there! After tormenting not only Christians, but also other criminals (and Christians were then considered criminals, Jesus Christ Himself was counted among the villains and crucified among the robbers) these people, laughing in the dark, went to lunch or work. This was the norm.

    Everything is gradually being squandered. After the great masters appeared in the Renaissance, and they still had a strong Christian teaching, a long time passed. And now we've come down to avant-garde styles and an almost demonic culture. People don't think much about God now. The leader of the group ” the king and the fool “(already deceased, drugs have done their job) said that thinking about God raises his blood pressure. And his works were very moral!

    Little by little, an atheistic society will become bestial in the flesh and demonic in spirit. It can't be otherwise. The Soviet period did not lose its morality because our grandmothers went and prayed; because the war was terrible, many people then remembered God. But now, even though the temples are open, the souls are covered with godless culture. Now children behave like scoundrels, and young people like a bunch of Satanic people. Elders are not respected, matting on the street and at home, sex without any thought of marriage or children, the cult of money and pleasure corrupts the last thing that remains.

    Don't be deceived, citizens! If God is not with us, we will fall prey to the devil and his minions.

    Therefore, all those whose conscience has not yet completely fallen asleep, whose heart has not become hard, whose will has not weakened, and who still have at least some mind, at least some memory, we will all believe and pray to God, and we will raise our children in the Orthodox Christian faith. God willing, this difficult time will pass and we will be with God again, and God is with us and we are all together.

    God help us!

  23. All the useful principles that exist in different religions (do not kill, do not steal, respect your elders, etc.) arose long before the appearance of religions. Some even long before the appearance of man.

  24. religion has not brought people anything new that this humanity does not know. Therefore, atheists will find examples that will encourage them. Religion is not for the sake of the past, not for the sake of establishing any principles, but for the sake of the present, for the sake of saving the living.

  25. Billions of Chinese have lived and continue to live by the moral and ethical principles formulated by Confucius (553-480 BC). Without any divine commandments! And they don't live badly.

  26. The question contains an error. If religions are “grafted in”, then they do not belong to a person. Since there is only one species in the world capable of performing such a complex action as vaccinations – Homo Sapiens, it is nonsense to talk about vaccinated religions. If you are trying to say that the current religions are vaccinated, the following two questions arise: what religions are there and who was vaccinated? As for the principles of religions.. What is wrong with the principles of “don't kill” or “don't steal”? And if these principles are instilled, then the natural ones should be the opposite: kill and steal. No. I am against living without basic humane moral and ethical standards.

  27. This is a strange question. I, as a person with an atheistic worldview, am READY to live in any world – in the one where religions exist and in the one where they do not exist. With the only condition – non-prosecution for their views.
    Or did the question suggest something different? For example, scare them? They say that if you asked for it, you'll get it, but don't complain. So scaring atheists with a world without religions is like scaring a hedgehog with a bare ass, sorry. Now, if you put your question differently, from the reverse side, like: “As a deeply religious and religious person, are you ready to live in a world where there will be no principles of instilled religions? “perhaps it would be interesting. At the very least, there would be ground for discussion.

  28. As an atheist who still believes in God, I believe that the principles instilled by religion, or rather by people, among whom Do Not Kill, Do Not Lie, Honor your father and mother, should still have a place in the world . Let me also remind you that in essence, many Constitutions are written from the foundations taken from religious texts , and those, in turn, from society. After all, every current truly religious person is yesterday's atheist. I remembered that moment from the Bible about the Roman legionnaire, because he was also essentially an atheist, but still believed( the first peoples who converted to Christianity were the Greeks ,Romans, Armenians-who had pantheons of Gods and at the same time developed science , who were formed under the influence of such people as – Herodotus – the father of history , Seneca and Cicero – advocacy, oratory and legal debates , Socrates and Plato – philosophy ). �It is necessary to understand that in addition to faith or its denial by science, there is a third form of perception, or rather the denial of everything, such as anarchy , which in essence is now shown by people hiding behind religion , a thirst to rob foreign countries, to present others in black and themselves as an albino zebra . So it is better to live in harmony between science and faith than to not believe in anything and call it “RELIGION”. ( terrorism, fanaticism, extremism) �OR SCIENCE (fight for survival-survival of the fittest, let's drop bombs save THE WORLD-racism-Nazism – theory of higher races – �business structure crush others, live better )

  29. It's not a question, it's Boredom…

    A mortal at that…

    Let's start with the simplest, with the PRINCIPLES.

    What principles are we talking about?

    About the principles of our nature, such as the law of Universal Gravitation, which is quite difficult to break, but still violated! Look at the satellites launched into the sky, for some reason they don't fall to the ground, right?

    Or religious PRINCIPLES based on commandments such as ” Thou shalt not kill.”.. which, by the way, was violated even by the author – Moses.

    How do we not violate the principle – Do not steal?

    Yes, they put everything on it. Stole a drink in jail, romance!

    The “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” principle.

    Killed a neighbor and got a sentence. I killed the enemy, because the politician pointed his finger and said “fas”, and got a medal.


    So, I could give examples of violation of principles, laws, and commandments for a long time, but I'll just ask a question:

    And what the hell is the use of these Principles if they are constantly violated? Or they exist like this… just for the sake of form?

    As an atheist, are you ready to live in a world without the principles of religion?


  30. I immediately clarify that I am talking about Christianity, because I do not consider knowledge of other religions sufficient for such reasoning.
    Who says that the rules of morality are instilled by religion? In decent families, in Soviet schools, morality was absorbed from childhood. And religious dogmas made us think that it is possible to deviate from the natural norms of good. And that's terrible. It turns out that the follower of religion does not do evil only out of fear of punishment. And if he sins, then it is enough to repent so that the sin is forgotten. That is, a person is such an insignificant being who does not have his own understanding of light, good or evil. Accepts his weakness initially, i.e. allows himself to sin in absentia. He lives in the constant oppression of his sinfulness, not allowing himself to be happy and free from the fear of guilt and punishment,in constant regard for the strict shepherd. What about your own responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and life? Religion is power, the ability to inspire the masses with the necessary way of thinking, acting and inaction. The word “slaves”is not accidental. This is slavery. Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and freedom of thought. Opium for the people – the correct definition

  31. It depends on what principles. I am not ready to live in a world where the good do not resist the evil and turn their right cheek to them, Where they love their enemies. Because in such a world, evil people, oppressors, will feel too comfortable. If they don't meet any resistance. There would be no progress in such a society. But there are certainly good principles, such as”love your neighbor as yourself.” And “thou shalt not kill”, “thou shalt not steal” – this is obvious even without religion.

  32. You are confusing morality and religion… These are completely different things. Morale is a function of a bunch of variables – time, place, situation, culture, and so on. Religious morality is a constant that is more akin to the instincts of animals, that is, programmed actions without taking into account the situation.

  33. Do not kill your neighbor is not an inculcated principle, but a way of survival of the group and exists in us as a result of natural selection. Because that potential ancestor of ours who did not observe it was sent to the soup by his fellow tribesmen.

    Ням ням ням. Yummy food. 🙂

  34. It is usually considered that ” stealing is bad – this is already clear to a normal person.” This is actually a big question. It was obvious to Soviet atheism that religion was evil. However, a number of values, for example in the “gender” issue, remained quite conservative. As time passed, they were forgotten.

    A well-known contemporary critic of the “morality of atheism” is J. R. R. Tolkien. Peterson, I advise you to watch his speeches on this topic, debates.

    Apparently, with the absence of religion, morality as such will disappear and will be completely replaced by law. Everything that is legal is moral. At the same time, the legislation will become more complex and, possibly, robotized.

    The sad result of such a process will be that the person as we knew him will disappear. For more details, see C. S. Lewis '” Man is Abolished “and Adorno and Horkheimer's” Dialectic of Enlightenment”.

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