5 Answers

  1. God is a reality, moreover, the only reality, and everything else is either a derivative of this reality, or something apparent, that is, a fiction.

    Does reality perception belong to the realm of the senses or the mind? Obviously, both. Denial of reality will end badly for any of these areas.

    As for the “education of a religious feeling”, it is difficult to answer here, since it is not clear what is meant by “religious feeling”.

  2. Faith in God affects both the mind and the senses,the main commandment says:

    “Love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, is the first and most important commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself “(Matthew 22: 37,38).

    I don't know if this feeling can be called religious,because the feeling that God expects from us is the love of children for their Father . And of course, this feeling,like faith, can be nurtured by learning about God from the Bible. As He reveals information about himself to you,giving you understanding, love and faith will grow.

    “I will give you understanding,guide you on the path that you should follow. I'll give you some advice and keep an eye on you.”(Psalm 31: 8). This should be asked in prayer.

  3. Faith in God belongs to the realm of reason and feelings, and above all it is organized and social and does not exist in anyone but man.

    Cognitive psychology shows in experiments that it is very difficult for a person to solve problems related to probability and determining causality. It is these features that lead to the collapse of everyday thinking, when personal experience is exhausted to explain more complex phenomena (evolution, questions of the microcosm, the universe, etc.). Therefore, a person needs science, a scientific method and theoretical thinking. But a lot of people live based only on the available worldly experience and like to speculate, so their logic is full of vulgar examples about “Boeing, which itself gathered in a landfill”, etc. Their life experience is a truth that they do not doubt. This firmness of beliefs is also a fact discovered by psychology, showing that a person will go to great lengths just not to change their views.

    The desire to preserve the ability to measure everything with your own experience, the confidence that there are no accidents, the inability to establish causal relationships pulls a person to simple explanations, and not such vague and incomprehensible scientific formulations.

    This explanation easily becomes the idea of a God who thinks more clearly in general. Faith in God is created by society and is not an inevitable, natural conclusion, but social approval and sometimes pressure easily comes to the rescue and helps a person to “fill in” incomprehensible gaps with an understandable anthropomorphic meaning.

  4. True religion is always reason, but reason without Faith also does not exist, because at least you need to believe the scriptures. Just like in school, when we just believe what the teacher tells us. Religious feeling or faith comes when we start doing spiritual practice, and Understanding God is the ultimate goal of all spiritual practice.

    In BHAGAVAD-GITA 7.16, God says, ” O best of the Bharatas, there are four types of pious persons who take up the path of devotional service to Me: those who are suffering, those who seek wealth, those who are inquisitive, and those who seek to understand the Absolute Truth.”

  5. In fact, faith does not belong to either feelings or reason, but it can, so to speak, be “fed” by both feelings and reason. That is, when you perceive something with your senses or think with your mind, and you previously believed in this something, then your faith increases. Consider the examples of Jesus:

    1. The students seemed to believe in him, but not completely. And then he walked on the water. His feet barely touched the water as he walked. Small waves were spreading out from where he had just stepped, and water dripped from his feet. The students saw it with their own eyes and understood that none of them (and indeed none of the people!) he can't do that. They knew that there was no shoal where Jesus was walking, and they knew exactly what it was, because they were fishermen and had spent their entire lives fishing in that area. They were so impressed by what they saw that the disciples believed in their Savior. They never doubted again.

    2. Not so with the Pharisees. They prided themselves on their learning and education. Therefore, Jesus did not show them miracles and magic tricks, it would be useless with such an audience. But on the other hand, he struck them down with his wisdom, excellent memory, resourcefulness and knowledge of the interpretation of the Scriptures. Although the Pharisees and Sadducees were not particularly fond of Jesus, they had to recognize his greatness. Some of them even came to consult him on religious matters.

    Thus we see how faith is increased in the first example by means of the senses, and in the second case by means of reason. But faith itself is neither one nor the other. Faith is a function of the soul. That is why Jesus constantly turned to faith – he knew that this is the most “subtle” aspect of a living being.

    Similarly with God. It is possible to believe in It both with the help of feelings and with the help of reason. It is easier with the help of the senses, and most believers are at this stage. But it is also possible through the mind, no problem. Another thing is that few people like to “move the gyrus” 😉

    Again, using examples:

    1. A person sees a flower in summer, and then patterns on the window in winter and understands that it is as beautiful as it is useless. That is, for Nature, well, there is no benefit from this beauty 😉 And then he slaps his forehead and sees.

    2. A scientist studies the secrets of the origin of this universe through the Big Bang Theory. And suddenly he realizes-this does not happen! This can't happen, because it can never happen. It's never happened before that you blew up something somewhere and there was, say, a house. Or at least a fence. And here is the whole universe! From the explosion?!

    But if you have a plan, then you can easily build a house. And if everything here is so perfect, from the subatomic level to the intergalactic level, then there must have been a Plan. And if there was a Plan, then there is a Creator of this Plan.

    So two completely different people came to believe in God in completely different ways. One through the senses (specifically through sight), the other through analysis by the mind.

    Therefore, there are also different people among the believers. Some people have more senses and less reason. And these people are sentimental and religious fanatics. And there are those who, on the contrary, use their minds more. They tend to philosophize, indulge in various philosophical speculations, etc. Among the believers of almost any denomination, people of the first type are the overwhelming majority, and they like to participate in various rituals.

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