2 Answers

  1. Let's hear itMachiavelli: A people accustomed to living under monarchical rule and freed by some accident, can hardly keep their freedom. Many examples presented by ancient historians show how difficult it is for a people accustomed to live under monarchical rule to maintain their freedom later, even if they acquired it on some occasion, as Rome acquired it after the expulsion of the Tarquins.

    This difficulty is understandable, for such a people is nothing but a brute animal, which, though ferocious and savage, has been reared in prison and in slavery. If it is suddenly set free in the field, it is unable to find either pasture or shelter, and becomes the prey of the first person who tries to take possession of it again.

    However, these difficulties meet the people who still have not quite depraved, debauched because finally people are not only may last for any time freely, but may not even be free, prove it below; that is why I speak here only of peoples who still not entirely corrupted and that more good than evil.

    It was a great blessing to Rome that her kings were soon corrupted, and that they could be driven out before the corruption had penetrated the city's bowels. In consequence of the unspoilt character of Rome, all the innumerable troubles that arose in it were not harmful to the Republic, but beneficial, because the intentions of the citizens were honest.

    From all this, it can be concluded that no disturbances and disturbances are harmful to the society of the undefiled.

  2. “It turned out that the liberals did not foresee that extreme or untimely and inappropriately granted freedom leads to unbridling and enslavement; they did not foresee that a person who is not ripe for freedom can abuse it in unbridling and sell it for personal or class interest, for pure profit; that enslavers will arise in the world, to whom he will be given into slavery; they will be able to clamp down on the unbridled, destroy the people of honor and conscience, organize the evil, force their new slaves to serve themselves for fear more than for conscience – and then they will encroach on the enslavement of all other peoples, the whole world. The liberals realized with horror that they wanted something completely different: they were preparing for an idyll, and it was debauchery… And even the most extreme – liberals, anarchists-saw with disgust the ugly riot of the rabble and the living hell of totalitarian communism (Prince Peter Kropotkin). But it was too late. Immeasurable freedom is either a childish dream or a temptation of the devil, and in life-both together. Evil is hidden not at all “in compulsion” or in “statehood”, as Leo Tolstoy preached, but in the godless and evil human will, which is madly granted “freedom”. And therefore every freedom must have its own measure and form, and moreover, each nation has its own special… ” – – – end of quote—

    If there is one thing we can agree on, it is that any extreme, any extreme position of thinking is ultimately enslaving. Such thinking is free that recognizes its own value as equal to the value of other positions that differ, even if they do not always coincide with reality. The world is whole, it consists of connections between people, of mutual concessions. If a part of the world starts to ignore connections and try to behave without restrictions of its freedom, without responsibility to the rest of the world, showing extreme freedom that is inconsistent with other parts, sooner or later it will lead to a reaction of the whole nature of the world, and thus this part will be put back in its place. Therefore, freedom should be restricted. But not by violent methods, but first of all by methods of educating people in self-discipline. Education of a clear vision of the limits beyond which you can not go, so as not to harm other people and the world as a whole.

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