One Answer

  1. From the philosophical point of view, it would be necessary to separate the concept of love from all other related concepts in order to exclude sexual instinct, attraction, intimacy, love, friendship, and the like, which are often mixed together.

    The aspect of philosophical anthropology that deals best with the categories of loneliness and communication. The easiest way to consider this is to use Karl Jaspers ' idea of objective and existential communication as an example.�

    Objective communication is an elementary exchange of information and / or actions that takes place within a particular social group. School, work, and the like are regulated precisely by transactions from the sphere of objective communication. Everyone does it.

    Existential communication is a need for a mature person. The need to find a person who is extremely close to you, form a special type of mutual understanding with them, let them into your world and get into their world.

    Where does this need come from? There are usually three reasons: biological, nostalgic, and epistemological. For love, let's take only epistemological-individual consciousness needs communication, because it tries to comprehend the “objective” reality, which is usually given to us only subjectively.�

    The extraordinary closeness of people in the process of existential communication makes it possible to see the world and its components as if you were looking at the world simultaneously with your own eyes and the eyes of a loved one. Any criterion of truth-empirical, logical, or pragmatic – is communicative. Therefore, love is a way to see the world, yourself, and yourself-in-the-world in the most vivid, complete, and diverse way.�

    I don't equate existential communication with love, because the very term “love” is too context-dependent. But if we remove all the optional values, then existential communication will also include what we can call love.

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