6 Answers

  1. * Church unity-God only knows how many independent Protestant communities there are in the world. And they are constantly splitting further. The Catholic Church is based on the foundation of apostolic succession: from the Pope of Rome to the most obscure prelate in the most obscure corner of the world, all bishops trace their priesthood lineage back to the apostles and report to the Pope – the successor of the Apostle Peter, whom Christ called the rock on which the Church will stand.

    * A clearly formulated creed – each Protestant group has its own interpretation, Catholics always have the opportunity to clarify or find out the official position of the Church in the Catechism-a collection of doctrinal doctrines.

    * The education of Catholic priests who have been studying philosophy, theology and many other important disciplines for at least 6 years. And for bishops, a defended dissertation is also a prerequisite. Protestants do not have the priesthood as such, preachers are elected from among the faithful and do not have specialized education (this is partly due to different interpretations and schisms).

    * The number of sacraments-Catholics have preserved in its original form all the 7 sacraments established by Christ (baptism, chrismation, priesthood, marriage, unction, penance, Eucharist), Protestants have only baptism, and that is not always valid. Marriage is not considered a sacrament among them, and they do not believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, unlike Catholics and Orthodox.

    * Ritualism. Protestants practically do not have it.

    * Using various kinds of peculiar practices. Catholics, unlike Protestants, do not fall into a trance and do not “speak in tongues” (from the outside it looks like a mass psychosis, to be honest, and the religious moment of this action is personally incomprehensible to me).

    * Control over parishioners. Catholics do not have it, Protestants have a very well-coordinated system of tithes and centurions or quarterly and district responsible persons.

    * Monetary requirements. Although Catholics have a nightly collection of donations for worship, there is no requirement to pay the congregation 10% of the income, as Protestants do.

    * The presence of the institute of monasticism – Protestants do not have this. As well as collections of prayers, and a whole list of prayer practices.

    * Protestants rely on emotions, including singing, and blind faith. Catholics are called to believe intelligently and not blindly (for those who do not believe, read the encyclical “Fides et Ratio” written by Joseph Ratzinger and signed by John Paul II, as well as the sermons of Benedict XVI).

    These are the main differences.

  2. The Catholic Church, in whatever country they are located, is part of the one universal Catholic Church headed by the Pope. Protestants do not submit to the Pope, only to local authorities. A Catholic priest can only be a man and priests do not marry, while Protestant priests can marry, and a number of Protestant churches also practice the female priesthood. Protestants, unlike Catholics, do not have monastic orders. Baptism in Protestant churches is performed only at a conscious age.

    Protestants do not recognize saints and deny the authority of the Sacred Tradition (the works of the so-called Church Fathers). Protestants reject Catholic dogmas about the Mother of God. In some Protestant churches, there are no sacraments at all.�Protestants do not recognize intermediaries in communion with God.Catholics take communion on unleavened bread; for Protestants, the type of bread for communion is not very important.

    1. In Catholicism, there is an organizational unity of believers, cemented by the authority of the Pope. Protestants do not have unity, and there is no head of the church.
    2. Among Catholics, only men can be priests; among Protestants, there are also women among the clergy.
    3. Catholics accept baptism at any age, Protestants-only in adulthood.
    4. Protestants deny the Sacred Tradition.
    5. Catholics recognize the cult of the Virgin Mary. For Protestants, the Mother of God is just a perfect woman. There is also no cult of saints.
    6. Catholics have seven sacraments of the church, Protestants – only two, and in some movements-none.
    7. Catholics have a concept of posthumous sufferings of the soul. Protestants believe only in the Last Judgment.
    8. Catholics take communion on unleavened bread; for Protestants, the type of bread for communion is unimportant.
    9. Catholics confess in the presence of a priest, Protestants-without an intermediary before God.
    10. Protestants do not have a special form of worship.
    11. Protestants do not recognize icons, crosses, or venerate the relics of saints, as is customary among Catholics.
  3. Protestants have no apostolic succession; no saints; no elders; no spiritual fathers; no fasting; no confession and penance; no communion; no vast spiritual literature; no subtle self-education work; no paganism, icons, and spiritual art; no monasticism and monasteries; no precise and definite teaching; no ” sacraments.” Protestants believe in the salvation of a person only because they believe in Jesus Christ and do not require good deeds. They abandoned the two-thousand-year spiritual experience of the Orthodox Church.

  4. Catholicism is the foundation of Christianity. It is a powerful branch on the vine of Christ. It originated in the catacombs of Rome. It also created its own state, which still exists today. There are a billion Catholics in the world today and about three hundred million, Orthodox-the next branch on the Vine of Christ-a billion, Protestants are half as many as Catholics.

    Together , we are a Force. As Christ said, half of Humanity.

    The question was posed provocatively, incorrectly, and according to my knowledge – illiterate. All Christians seek unity. For example, I am pleased with the behavior of the Catholic and Orthodox clergy, and here full agreement can come very quickly. If the state does not interfere, especially now, as we have in Belarus and in Russia.

    Think and read as you formulate your questions. It is difficult to say something in response to such statements.

  5. The main difference between Catholicism and Protestantism is that for Catholics the highest authority is the Pope and his infallibility.

    The highest authority and highest value for Protestants is Jesus Christ. There are other differences concerning the internal structure, the position of the clergy, and the decoration of churches, but this is not so important.

    Protestants in their views on faith and life in the world are very close to Baptists, who differ: honesty, conscientiousness, decency and a heightened sense of justice, which can not be said about Catholics.

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