4 Answers

  1. The universe treats you exactly as you treat it, because the universe around you is your reflection. You are afraid – they are afraid of you. You love – you are loved.

  2. Option number 2-indifferent.�

    The universe has no consciousness, which means it can't be tuned to us or anything else in any way.�

    If we talk in comparison, then the universe is set up to people in the same way as your furniture is set up to you (nightstand beating your little finger, exception, khe khe).

  3. Just as you are attuned to the atoms of your own body. You are hardly aware of them at all. However, if the atoms collect in substances that form certain organisms and cause discomfort to the body, then the body reacts accordingly. What are the reactions of the body with respect to atoms? Friendly? Hostile?�

    But due to the fact that you have self-awareness, you have the opportunity to form your “attitude” to the processes occurring with your body. The universe cannot do this, however, the reactions of the “body” occur: planets form, stars explode, comets fall, life is born. But this happens without any self-awareness.�

    But there is a beautiful theory that a Person is a way for the universe to know itself. It turns out that you are the self-consciousness of the universe. This means that you can also answer the question of how you feel about a person: friendly, indifferent, or completely hostile?

  4. In my opinion, the universe has no relation in principle. We like to attribute human qualities and behaviors to everything from the poor, lonely, and sad pebble to the mysterious cosmos and planets. The universe, speaking very generally: clusters of gas bodies and space that do not have the scientific criteria of life accepted in biology, and even more so do not have a conscious aspect, a psyche in principle, and, therefore, have no relation.

    Another thing is that it seems strange to me to distinguish yourself separately from the universe. I know it may sound a little crazy, but in fact, people are part of the universe (if you mean not only black holes, stars, and so on). Just like celestial bodies, such as stars, we go through stages from birth to death. We have so far (until something similar to life has been found) exceptional characteristics that allow us to lead a complex, only partially programmed life, the only one of its kind in our galaxy. That's cool, I think.


    By the way, a very interesting article on the Wiki gives room for reasoning on this and other issues.

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