16 Answers

  1. Attractiveness and beauty are very different things, although they often have the same effect.

    Let's just say that beauty is a narrower concept related to visual perception. That is, we perceive beauty only with our eyes.

    Attractiveness is perceived by all our senses, including the mind. We are more likely to choose those who are attractive to us, namely, they smell nicer, look prettier, speak better, make a good impression, etc. If you give a guy a choice of two girls, one of which is very beautiful, and the second is very attractive, then in 99% of cases he will choose the more attractive one. We often confuse the concepts of attractiveness and beauty.

    To be attractive, it is necessary to attract all the senses of a person, in other words, to attract both by smell and behavior, and speech, and manners, and the inner world, and psychoemotionally create comfort and intimacy. In other words, to be attractive, you need to combine charisma, a good impression and actually attract the person's senses(sight, smell, hearing, etc.)

  2. The recipe is so simple that it is complicated 🙂

    The first thing that has already been mentioned more than once: banal neatness and hygiene. If you stink, even if you're Alain Delon, people will walk around you for miles. The second, a little more complicated: dress in what suits you. Imho, better okoloklassika. Third, find a case that lights you up. This directly affects your self-perception, and this is transmitted to people around you. Fourth, expand your horizons, and not superficially. It is always a pleasure to communicate with someone who rediscovers the world for you. And the fifth and most difficult thing: be polite (but not fawning) and show people your interest in them. We always reach out to those with whom we feel important.

    If you follow at least these five rules, a person will not even wonder what you asked 🙂

  3. Read the materials of “Evolution” in livejournal under the tag “image”, there such things are described in great detail

    “Fitness helps to make a good figure out of almost any figure, and with good initial data – an excellent one. Disharmony of facial features is most often a major mistake in the image. Any face can be included in the image in such a way that it will be harmonious. Except for serious deformities that are corrected by plastic surgery. And to all this, you should add charm, which people with poor reflection do not notice at all, consider beauty, that is, they just sit with their mouth open and consider a person beautiful when he is just very charming. That is, this is all about nooooda, it's all about the external locus and laziness, with the exception of speech about disabled people”

  4. Start going to the gym, but not on Monday or next month.�Update your wardrobe. Images can be viewed in magazines and on the Internet. Now there is a lot of information about trending things and fashion trends.�Change your haircut. A good haircut is a must – have. You need to choose what is right for you. There are a lot of ways to be attractive without having perfect looks. Of course, you need to be able to behave and be more confident.

  5. Develop yourself in various topics, be a great conversationalist, read more books, and play sports.�

    Don't forget to take care of your face and body as well.

    The main thing is that the person is well-groomed in appearance (clean hair, pleasant smell from the body and from the mouth, not bitten nails, clean clothes). Together with a well-honed speech and competent utterances , you will become more attractive.

  6. The concept of prettiness/ugliness is very subjective. For example, I once entered the query “the most beautiful men” in a google search engine out of nothing to do, and I can say that 80-90 percent of them did not seem beautiful to me at all. A person may have a certain set of ideal external signs of a person in their head, but one day you can really meet such/such a person in real life and understand that this character does not cause any internal response – there are many nuances, plus the inner world also greatly affects the appearance (manners, movements, facial expressions, voice, clothing style, hairstyle, etc.) And my favorite model, Marijacarla Boscono, also has a very unglamorous and typical beauty, but nevertheless I consider her one of the most beautiful women.

  7. Nothing prevents you from becoming attractive. Personally, I believe that the attraction lies in self-care and self-love. Acne? Use special tools. Don't like the hairstyle? Surf the Internet, check out your hairstyle, and don't regret spending more money at an expensive hair salon. Do you think that the style of clothing is not quite suitable? Again, based on your complexion, face size, etc., choose the right one using the Internet or, if you have the means, consult on style and image. Don't like your body type? Find a program with the good old Internet or sign up for a gym. Once you start doing all this, you will eventually develop an inner confidence that will make it easier for you to communicate with the opposite sex, if you reduce the problem to this.�
    To conclude all this, I'll tell you what. Even if a person is “beautiful” from birth, if he does not take care of himself, and cannot use what he has, then there will be absolutely no sense from his beauty. And remember that what's inside is more important than what's outside. Confidence gives you many things, and self-love is the best tool to achieve this goal. Love yourself and will love you, good luck.

  8. I want to start by quoting Sherlock from the BBC series: “Beauty is only the product of children's impressions and role models.”

    As for me, beauty is not something universal, because if you ask to describe a “beautiful person”, then many will not be able to do it. So it turns out that society, almost from birth, creates an image of a beautiful person, which we, as we grow up, supplement with various stereotypes.

    Do not try to imitate someone-be yourself, but do not forget to take care of your body.

  9. Self-care, a good haircut, interesting clothes, self-love, a practiced smile. You can look away from your ugliness. It's simple

  10. I read the question and immediately introduced myself as Adriano Celentano. Well, objectively scary. But good, you scoundrel!�

    In my opinion, beauty in a man is a matter of the tenth importance. First of all, a man should be a man. So that he could say that everything would be as it should be and there was no doubt about it. Second , it should be very interesting to talk to you. Here it is important to understand the line, so that it is not boring because of the fact that you are carrying do not understand what and because the information is too detailed and specific.�

    In general, the main and universal advice for all occasions is to accept and love yourself as you are, to develop what you want, and not what you need. Just enjoy life and get high. And there will definitely be someone who wants to join in such a pleasant life. Regardless of external data.

  11. Beauty is not as important as charisma, it attracts. Charisma is a product of inner self-confidence. Inner confidence can be built up by starting to understand something well. To begin to understand something well, you need to follow your curiosity. And you don't need to dig deep yet…this might be a question of … umm…and why do men need the head of the penis, why such a hat?

    But do not forget about hygiene and neat appearance. Meet on clothes after all…

    Ps the answer to the question about the penis you can learn from the book by Mary Roach “Sex for science, science for sex”.

  12. First of all, beauty is a changeable and objective thing. I believe that you need to like yourself and be confident in yourself – people feel this. Personally, it is much more important for me that the person with whom I communicate is interesting, that it is possible to discuss all possible topics, that the person has a hobby and / or favorite business, work. If we talk about appearance-the right clothes, hairstyle and (sorry in advance) the right weight will save the situation.�

    And if they don't want to communicate with you because of your appearance, then I don't think you should continue communicating with such people.�

    P.S. If it is difficult to start communicating in real life , you can start communicating with correspondence and then go to a personal meeting. And both parties will immediately understand whether it is interesting to continue communicating, if not, then there will be no special loss of time/effort/money. In such a situation, the emphasis will be on the inner world, not on appearance.

  13. May my readers forgive me!But to all of the above, I would like to quote the lyrics of the song called-Charisma.it's all there 😉

    Music and lyrics – Sergey Parkhomenko

    I don't have a normal job, from Monday to Saturday.

    I don't listen to Russian Radio, Yegor Creed is not on my hit parade.

    I don't make plans for tomorrow, I disappear suddenly for a week.

    I wear something that has gone out of fashion, my chaise is constantly being repaired.

    I ate your pizza for breakfast, forgot to feed your Pomeranians.

    I bought you a ticket to Paris and you would have left me long ago.

    But charisma, charisma, charisma, you're so attracted to charisma.

    Charisma, charisma, charisma – my big charisma…

    I live without an iPhone and a Mac, one day, like the characters of the remark.

    And when it was March 8th, I didn't even call your mom.

    I'm a complete deadbeat, I don't have any money for you.

    I was rude to your best friend by letting my hands go on the street.

    I'm definitely not worth you, I get into history every other time.

    You are always at risk with me, and you would have left me long ago.

    But charisma, charisma, charisma, you're so attracted to charisma.

    Charisma, charisma, charisma – if it wasn't for my charisma…

    Charisma, charisma, charisma, you're so attracted to charisma.

    Charisma, charisma, charisma – if it wasn't for my charisma…

  14. beauty and attractiveness are two different things. standards of beauty change, but neatness, good breeding, intelligence, sense of humor, self-confidence, respect for yourself and other people – remain “eternal values”))

  15. Everyone talks about self-care, which is certainly very important, as well as keeping your clothes in order, but I would like to add about confidence and the ability to behave in society and in the presence of Fraulein. Of course, a great role is played by a sense of humor, the ability to speak, mental development, manners. I personally know examples when a not very nice guy opened his mouth and everyone around him fell silent and listened with trepidation to his amazing speeches and jokes. Conversely, when a” magazine cover guy ” can't utter a single sane and adequate sentence, interest in such a person is immediately lost. Read books, develop yourself, sign up for public speaking courses, and listen/watch lectures. Look around you. One of the best examples is Adriano Celentano. And remember, a man should be slightly scarier than a monkey. Peace to all.

  16. To the wonderful answers above, I will add gallantry and correct posture. A straight back, an open posture ,a confident look is very attractive.

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