4 Answers

  1. Religion, as stated in the title. That is, organized forms of public representation of what is experienced by those people who, unlike the author of the question, believe that faith is not only possible, but also specifically real for them.

  2. Faith is possible as a social process. People gather in ideological groups, and this is a fact. Assumptions are only religious postulates. It is necessary to separate the concepts of a social institution and its ideology.

  3. What do psychologists, philosophers, and cultural scientists study? What do chemical physicists study?Religious studies is an interdisciplinary field. But, very little is said about it. And in comparison with the above-mentioned sciences, different religious scholars study different areas of knowledge about religion. The classical division of religious studies consists of:

    History of religion-studies the history of various religious movements, the history of the emergence and stay of various religious trends in specific places. Classic M. Eliade “Treatise on the history of Religions” in 2 volumes.�

    Psychology of Religion-studies religious experiences, religious experiences and emotions of different traditions. Classic-U.James and his book The Diversity of Religious Experience.

    The phenomenology of religion is a field of knowledge that does not deny the existence of God, but rather recognizes his existence, and tries to understand the meaning of religion through mystical states. One of the main theses is that religion cannot be understood outside of any religious movement, it must be felt. Classic R. Otto the Sacred (By the way, M. Eliade also eats works in this direction)

    Sociology of religion-studies the relationship between religion and society. How society perceives religion, what functions it performs, etc. Classic-E. Durkheim ” Elementary forms of religious life: Totemic system of Australia”.

    Also in the Russian tradition, this complex included the philosophy of religion – which includes understanding what religion is, a religious attitude to the divine reality.But it should not be confused with religious philosophy, which, in fact, is a philosophical understanding of the religious doctrine of a certain trend.Classic of the philosophy of religion: E. Kant, G. Hegel (and most philosophers, in fact)

    But since religious studies is a dynamic field of knowledge, we can also talk about political science, anthropology, ethnology, ethnography, geography, semiotics of religion, etc. There are even areas of study of religion and video games, social networks, advertising…

    In general, religious studies supports the basic principles of tolerance and objectivity of research, which are applicable to many sciences. And among the students of religious studies, there are completely different people by religion.

  4. Why is faith impossible? It is possible and exists, it is not difficult to see.

    And religious scholars study how different religions developed, that is, the beliefs and organizations associated with this faith, as well as in what state and relationship they are now.

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