6 Answers

  1. The statement “If God is the absence of world harmony” is a conditional assumption, which means, suppose that…

    But harmony is a temporary state of equilibrium in the dialectical process of interaction of opposites.

    If we say to this harmonious moment: “Stop for a moment, you are harmonious, and therefore beautiful”, then we will stop development and time, and this means death.

    The divinity of God is that he constantly organizes movement in the world that he has created, and does not allow its death.

  2. Science and Religion have long since answered-what is the reason for the “lack of interpersonal harmony” and “the presence of interpersonal conflict” – the lack of sufficient general and moral experience and development of all persons.

    Science is easier – science has long and firmly known that all earthly Superiors are very far from perfect – this is the main beginning of all eternal conflicts and tragedies. Even the perfect one The boss won't change anything in the mundane world. This is a general principle.

    Religions are a little more complicated – there are absolutely perfect People in religion, but there are also a lot of imperfect people.

  3. I don't know exactly how it is with the gods who work, but the universe is exactly harmonious in its construction, which gives us the opportunity to be with nature, in one place. The planet is the third from the sun and as they often say, God seems to love the Trinity?�

    Cards, money, two barrels


    Faith, hope and love,

    The choice is up to the individual,

    While still breathing.

    And the universe is just mutual.

    What you want, you get, but they want mostly different stupidities, stupidities are obtained in the end.

    And the process goes on as usual,

    Where the fourth component, which everyone is afraid of, but which simply exists as an indisputable fact, acts in the interests of the natural process, and no matter how anyone tries to dodge, time is on the side of this fourth component.

    I think you already understand what I'm writing about.

    Only fools are not afraid, cowards do not know how to control their fear.

    And the world's harmony depends on people, not on the gods.

    God (s) simply gives an opportunity, and how to use them, the choice is up to us, people.

    With respect

    Poet-Power Engineer

  4. The fact is that now the ruler on earth is not God, but his opponent – Satan. This is the main reason for the lack of harmony, if it meant harmony in human relations, crime, war, disease, hunger, injustice. Because otherwise, in the whole universe, everything is very harmonious. But even on earth, this will not continue indefinitely. This is the main meaning of the Gospel or Good News. Soon the Kingdom of God will be established and then there will be absolute harmony.

  5. World harmony is exactly what God created at the creation of the world. It is the harmony of the world that is good, and God is the source of all good. Therefore, God has nothing to do with the absence of world harmony, that is, with evil.

  6. Strange substitution of concepts: God is precisely the expression of world harmony. In addition, etymologically, ” divine “is from”God”. What is otherwise divine?

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