3 Answers

  1. No, dear Geo. It simply means that we live in the present, which the diviners once imagined as the future. And to put an equal sign between their vision (more precisely, the interpretation of visions) and the present day is possible only if the person who reflects on these topics has a very large, and perhaps even an irrepressible tendency to fantasize.

  2. So far, there is no objective evidence that anyone could have seen the future.

    This is very easy to see – when you think about the so-called prophecies, they are always applied to what has already happened. Like: “Oh, the submarine sank, and Vanga wrote about it!”: “I warn you, the boat will sink, Vanga wrote about it” – and then it sinks.

    Because the vague phrases of all the prophets in the style of “the world will die out and lawlessness will come” can be interpreted in a million different meanings, depending on your own imagination. And there is no real knowledge of the future behind them.

  3. I don't know about Nostradamus, but Vanga has been registered as a civil servant since 1967. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary of BGN 200 per month, and a visit to her cost BGN 10 for citizens of socialist states, and $ 50 for citizens of “Western” states. Up to this point, Ван Vanga accepted people for free.

    And to get $ 50, you don't need any special abilities – if you want to live, you won't be so far gone.

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