2 Answers

  1. I think that a person is absolutely free if he is taken “as such”. The problem is that no one can exist”as such”,”on their own”. From birth, everyone is involved in an infinitely complex network of causes, consequences, conditions, choices made by others, and so on. Our freedom is limited by our parents, laws, morals, other people's actions, and even our own actions: any action has consequences, and consequences bring some measure of certainty to the future and thus limit the complete uncertainty of freedom. Therefore, it seems to me that to realize absolute freedom is in the broadest sense not to do anything and not to be included in any cause-and-effect relations. I think that this is impossible for a person, so I suggest that you go to nirvana for complete freedom.

  2. Hmm. And why become free if you can be Free?�I prefer the primacy of сути to the essence more than to the adjective. People are too focused on, so to speak, adjective thinking, and this enslaves. Be a noun, not an adjective — an adjective and everything else will follow…

    Our concepts of the world, of ourselves-transmitted to us by society – are nothing more than a raw mental semi-finished product, which each individual needs to bring to the “finished product”. And you need to work with almost every word, claiming the abstract value (God, freedom, truth, truth, justice, mind, body, being, matter, energy, space, time…). This is the human mind that each of us has to re-create the values again (for myself, for family and friends, for the people and of the Motherland, nation and humanity…), carrying out a kind of permanent and endless Sisyphean work, which, from the point of view of French existentialists (Camus, for example), is, so to speak, absurd.

    But you can look at any absurdity from the outside, so to speak, aesthetically, and see the beauty of the limitations and borderline of both absurdity and logic… Learn to be an absurd being and become complete …logically reasonable.

    Absolute submission is the shadow of Freedom. Deconstruct concepts, identify their angles, circles, points and ellipses of contact with our world, fall in love with them and live by them, feed on them, chewing softly and gently appetizing philosophical texts of Mamardashvili and Pyatigorsky, Losev and Florensky, Bibikhin and Rozanov, Shestov and Merell-Wolf…

    Nikolai Berdyaev, the philosopher of Freedom, liked to tap into the meanings of captivity in order to reveal the free life of Truth.

    Good luck with your love of freedom!

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