10 Answers

  1. The brain is a material object. The soul is immaterial.

    The connection between the two is indisputable, but unless it is rooted in the material universe, it cannot be fully explored by means of positive cognition.

    Hence, the disjunction contained in the question does not find an adequate solution.

  2. Spirituality is not a product or result of the brain, but a post-mortem state of the brain-the mind is the same soul. In vivo state of the brain-hot head or Affect.

  3. Spirituality is not piety; spirituality is a higher order of thinking, which knows the activity of nature by the direct fusion of reason with its higher principles.

    In other words, spirituality in a person is the result of the development of his consciousness, when he reaches the level of unconditional love and understanding of the one life, in which he, the animal, the plant, and even the stone form a single whole.

    And a person develops his consciousness in the knowledge of the world. Knowledge that requires not only the pursuit of truth, but also sacrifice, compassion, philanthropy, and love. Spirituality is a product of the work of willpower and determination. Naturally, if they serve humanity.

  4. Spirituality is not piety; spirituality is a higher order of thinking, which knows the activity of nature by the direct fusion of reason with its higher principles.

    In other words, spirituality in a person is the result of the development of his consciousness, when he reaches the level of unconditional love and understanding of the one life, in which he, the animal, the plant, and even the stone form a single whole.

    And a person develops his consciousness in the knowledge of the world. Knowledge that requires not only the pursuit of truth, but also sacrifice, compassion, philanthropy, and love. Spirituality is a product of the work of willpower and determination. Naturally, if they serve humanity.

  5. Spirituality is a highly moral intelligence. So all questions to the” morality ” of a person, which the perestroika rulers are trying to cross out completely. But due to the genetic makings of our people, they cannot completely destroy the “spirit-good character”.

  6. Let's first understand the shower. So what exactly is it? Opinion of psychologists and believers. In short, the soul is a synthesis of mind, emotions, and will. It lives and acts only in the material body. Spirituality product? And the product, too. The soul, so to speak, is the foundation, the springboard on which the spirit can stand. Such qualities as joy, love, peace, peace, light are built by the spirit from the soul to the spiritual, which is several orders of magnitude higher and larger. God is love. It is very difficult to know and experience spiritual love (Agape). Spirituality is first of all contact with spirits (angels, demons, God). A person will not be able to become spiritual on their own, and only through joint effort can a person accept all these qualities and so-called spiritual gifts and abilities.

  7. If we determine which of the three indicated in the question is primary, then, of course, the spirit, as the essence of the soul. The brain, as a physical organ, is just an instrument of the mind.

    Spirituality is the essence of a person, his ability of subjective, inner cognition, which is difficult to express most fully in all objective ways and means .

  8. take it higher – this is the result of the work of the spirit – there is such a part in the human being that the ordinary person is poorly involved because of the priority of life according to the flesh, according to the body.

  9. The question is beyond the scope of our science , and if it is explained to you with the involvement of quantum physics, light a cigarette and go breathe fresh air .�

    Let's try to understand with the help of metaphysics . Canonically, we have a body-soul-spirit system . The brain is in the body, scientists observe signals there, synaptic connections and other electronics-it is clear that the brain is a kind of biocomputer that controls the body . A physiological system built on chemical and physical processes, i.e., the body generates energy, and the brain controls these processes. We can say that during the life of a person, the body and soul are connected quite strongly. What about the spirit ? According to available sources , the spirit is the connection of the soul with the higher world-with God (no matter how much this may jar atheists ) . And this essence is not derived from either the body or the soul . Something like your iPhone . Here it would be nice to have a more or less clear definition of spirituality , but it is subjective . It seems to me that spirituality is an activity of the soul determined by the connection with God (whatever that means), and the adventures of the body do not affect it . We can say that spirituality either exists or does not exist . A person makes a choice – to live according to the laws of God, which are set out, by the way , in the Declaration of Human Rights, or to live like this . The body (and brain) don't seem to have anything to do with it.

  10. Spirituality, soul-these are words that can be understood in different ways. If the soul is some kind of non-material object, then you will not be able to say anything meaningful and concrete about it. After all, we do not have tools for perceiving intangible objects. Science is still considering phenomena that occur within the boundaries of three-dimensional space+time (trying to detect hypothetical compactified four-dimensional spaces in a particle accelerator). To believe that the whole world is accessible to human perception is, in my opinion, too human-centered and short-sighted. A more sober idea would be the idea that there are many varieties of matter that are inaccessible to the human senses. Even probabilistically: the universe in its current state exists for many billions of years, man exists for tens, well, hundreds of thousands of years. What is the probability that during this time a person has developed sense organs so that they can perceive (or convert into consciousness signals) all the phenomena of the universe? Billions of neutrinos are flying through you right now, and you don't feel it at all. If it weren't for the science of the last century, we wouldn't know about it now. While we can not determine exactly what are the external processes that affect consciousness, and it is not a fact that we will ever be able to.

    Brain research shows that a person makes a decision seconds before they realize it. Therefore, we cannot say that our actions are a fully conscious process. To a large extent, this is the result of spontaneous internal processes in the brain. The biggest thing we can do to control our behavior is to try to organize high-quality, useful networks of connections in the mind. Get attached to useful things and don't get attached to harmful ones. There is a culture for this. To make it easier for future generations to discipline themselves. If spirituality is a cultural tool, then yes, you can think of it as a network of connections in the brain. Only here one mind is not able to preserve the cultural experience of all mankind. Therefore, it stores only some of the most convenient pieces for itself. Therefore, everyone has their own understanding of spirituality.

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