8 Answers

  1. This is a philosophical poetry from Ecclesiastes about 3 thousand years old

    Here the phrase “Everything has its time” is played out on the theme of the dualism of Winter-Summer, Night-Day, Life-Death.

    This seasonality is experienced by countries after revolutionary events, such as the military after the end of the war in ' 45. When a soldier from the army was sent home to restore life.

    For example, former military personnel went to work for newly organized bridge construction factories in order to “collect stones” , that is, to restore bridges, roads, and cities destroyed by them during the war.

    Or at the time of Yeltsin and the collapse of the USSR, there was a time to “throw stones” and the slogan for the regions became popular: “gain as much sovereignty as you can”, and the regions began to separate. And when the parade of sovereignties was held, it was time to “collect stones” in a single country with uniform rules and governance, and this also became a popular slogan.

    The same time of “throwing stones” has now arrived in Europe, when X-exit ideas have become popular in different countries of the United European Union (Britain, Scotland, Catalonia, the Netherlands,…).

  2. For some reason, I thought about the wars that could not completely destroy the image of the majestic”stone age”-the age of construction of stone, polyganal masonry, star fortresses, granite embankments of the native stone city of St. Petersburg – temples, cathedrals, churches, forts, towers…Then it was time for the red brick , a high-strength man-made stone. After the destruction of the last World War, it was time to sort out the ruins, collect the stones, and rebuild…The fragments of artifacts scattered everywhere speak for themselves. So we collect our lost history from the rubble and crumbs. The metaphor is applicable to different spheres of life-in Russian it corresponds to the proverb: “Everything has its own time”.

  3. This means that each of us has periods in our lives when we need to sow the harvest – and when to harvest it; and that the good deed will return a hundredfold, and the evil one will eventually respond with a reciprocal misfortune; and the “time to embrace”, that is, to love, is replaced by “time to avoid embracing”, that is, to forget about love in the name of other, equally important things.

  4. I think it's like Timur Bekmambetov's “Tamerlane”ad:
    Going on a campaign, Tamerlane ordered that each of his soldiers take one stone and build a mound from them. Upon returning from the campaign, each soldier of his army took one stone from the abandoned mound, but many stones remained on the ground. Then Tamerlane talked to each remaining stone, remembered their names, mourned them, because each remaining stone is one fallen soldier of his army…

  5. Most likely, we are talking about “information for thinking” – such as “a pebble (problem) is not up to the teeth”, “granite of science”, etc. It is with this that the “stones” in the symbolism of dreams*correlate.

    It would be more correct to rearrange the times-first collecting (accumulation of material, comprehension), then scattering (distribution). In this case, apparently, we are talking about the problem of a preacher who is faced with the incongruity of his old materials with the spirit of the (new) time, which forces him (in his old age) sit down at your desk again.

    *See мои представления о ПаРДеС'е на https://yandex.ru/q/question/za_kakoe_vremia_sotvoril_gospod_zemliu_5d8ae8c8/?answer_id=4d8dc3e6-6205-425c-9600-73cbb89da302&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=answer#4d8dc3e6-6205-425c-9600-73cbb89da302

    I described my ideas in more detail in the book “Dreams in Spiritual Search-scientific, creative, religious” (https://disk.yandex.ru/i/2-kZnsuQDY48Qw).

  6. In this biblical passage, King Solomon spoke not only about stones, but also about 26 other actions, each of which “has its own time.” If we take them and the context into account, then we can say that these words help to determine what it means to be on time and not on time from the point of view of God, and how to build your life correctly.

  7. There is an interesting version. Since the area is hot during the day and cold at night , the stones were laid out in the sun during the day, and at night they were taken to tents for heating…

  8. What is the strange phrase – time to throw stones and time to collect stones? Its general meaning is clear — “all in good time”. But what do the stones have to do with it?

    In this form, this phrase seems really strange. But, alas, this is how it is pronounced by those who are eager to show their knowledge of the Bible texts. It doesn't occur to anyone that a person who was caught doing this — throwing stones around and then collecting them — would be mistaken for a madman.

    In fact, this phrase only refers to the seasonality of peasant labor.

    The soil in Israel is stony, so during spring plowing, you have to remove a lot of stones from the fields to the roadsides. In autumn, they are used to build fences for land plots. If Bible translators knew such subtleties, they would write: “Time to remove the stones and time to stack them.”

    Now it's too late to blame the translators. In the Book of Ecclesiastes we read:

    “There is a time for all things, and a time for all things under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to destroy, and a time to build; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to lament, and a time to dance; a time to throw stones, and a time to and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.”

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