5 Answers

  1. Well, now it's all explained. So, our corruption is the work of Byzantium)))

    It's very simple, Russia did not have particularly close ties with Constantinople. Except for religious ones. The metropolitans of Vladimir were supposed to be confirmed by the Patriarch in Constantinople. At first, our metropolitans generally came from there. Well, there were also joint military actions, but mostly during the time of Vladimir Monomakh. And so, in general, everything. For example, Ivan Kalita, a rare corrupt official and bribe taker, has never been to Constantinople at all.�

    And corruption was the absolute norm in the Middle Ages. It was then equally characteristic of Byzantium, Russia, France, England, and Germany. But by the twenty-first century, it has ceased to be the norm. But that's another story.

    1. Without close ties with Byzantium, Russia in its modern form would most likely not have developed at all.

    2. It doesn't follow out of nowhere that Russia has a particularly high level of corruption.

  2. Russia would have lived more or less well for itself, if not for the Byzantine (before the arrival of the “Genghisids”) influence-guardianship(complete fragmentation of unity in Russia), Under the Yaroslavichs and the Horde, they were more or less freed; and here the” werewolf “Ivan the Third” Eurodev ” wrote out for himself from the Vatican. They stayed a little “Byzantium-2”; the corrupt boyars of “Propolsky”, from under the fence, put forward Tsar Michael. Peter the Great (Alekseyevich) turned to the construction of the Russian Empire of the German nation(the common people, with the exception of Pomerania and Siberia-in the status of administratively and indefinitely arrested, on forced labor). The short years of 1917-1985, relative freedom; and again forward to “Byzantium-3”, where the soulless dictatorship of the law…. and no development for the common people, and a decent future too…

  3. Byzantium ended its existence when Russia was just beginning. And there is no particularly high level of corruption in Russia.

    Well, in terms of its influence on the formation of Russia, Ulug Ulus was perhaps more important than Romania (this is what the states that we know as the Golden Horde and Byzantium called themselves).

  4. Very strange opinion. Russia did not have any particularly close ties with Byzantium, there were just ties, mainly trade, there was communication along the church line, although even the first metropolitans were not from Byzantium. In addition to Byzantium, Russia, at least in Kiev, had connections with German lands, Poles, and Czechs. Corruption in those days was a somewhat far-fetched topic, certainly not relevant to the current situation.

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