5 Answers

  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officially known asTransforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a set of goals for future international cooperation that replaced the Millennium Development Goals at the end of 2015. These goals are planned to be achieved from 2015 to 2030. The final document “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” contains 17 global goals and 169 related targets[1].

    The new goals and targets are complex and indivisible and ensure a balance between all three components of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. On September 25, 2015, 193 countries adopted the following 17 global goals: [4] [5]:

    1. Universal eradication of poverty in all its forms
    2. Eliminate hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agricultural development
    3. Ensure healthy lifestyles and promote well-being for all at all ages
    4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
    5. Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls
    6. Ensuring the availability and sustainable use of water resources and sanitation for all
    7. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for all
    8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
    9. Building strong infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation
    10. Reducing inequality within and between countries
    11. Ensuring the openness, security, resilience and sustainability of cities and human settlements
    12. Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns
    13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
    14. Conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
    15. Protection, restoration and promotion of land ecosystems, sustainable forest management, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting the loss of biological diversity
    16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
    17. Strengthening the means to achieve sustainable development and enhancing the global partnership for sustainable development mechanisms
  2. The goal of humanity is to become whole, not fragmented, to overcome all possible diseases of the spirit, soul and body and come to healing.

    # Goal#, #whole#, #is whole# – �words with the same root and single meaning. �

    • How did you learn not to make mistakes?

    • Experience.

    • How did you gain experience?

    • I made mistakes

  3. Hmm… If you think about it, not a single person at the moment can be 100% sure why they live, what is the meaning of life, so I dare say that the goal of humanity so far is to find the right answers to the questions: “how did we come into being”, “are there any lives anywhere outside the Earth”, “why do people grow old and die, and how to prevent it”. After finding the answer to the question “how did we come into being”, it is most logical to think about whether we need to live at all, whether it makes sense to exist? This puzzle can be solved by finding answers to the remaining two questions, i.e.: “is there life anywhere outside the Earth”, “why do people grow old and die, and how to prevent it”. If death cannot be stopped, and there is no life anywhere else, then everyone will have to set personal goals and live as now, i.e. in chaos, in a herd that everyone calls society, society. Well, while no one can afford to control the whole of humanity, it is worth waiting for such a person (s) to appear.

    Maybe such a person could become Hitler, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and other rags that many people considered authority, but I believe that the division of people into poor/rich, famous/unknown, all these games with money and goods, property and rights, all this – utter nonsense, which suggests that humanity is not yet ready for the society that it considers itself, so the purpose of our existence has not been determined, but some still work, racking their heads about these “riddles of existence”, trying to find habitable planets, digging into the “thousand-year-old dirt”, and examining nerve tissue under a microscope. I think that in a couple of hundred years, humanity, morally united, will finally be able to set itself a certain task and begin to fulfill it)

    Thank you for your attentionei: 3

  4. In my opinion, the presence of a goal implies the presence of the person who set the goal. In addition, in my opinion, even procreation is not a goal, but one of the properties that ensures the existence of humanity, but not a goal.

    On this topic, I really liked the joke of one of the American comedians : What if the purpose of humanity and the meaning of its existence is that our planet (nature) does not have enough plastic (polyethylene and further down the list), for some of its own purposes, nature wants plastic , but it cannot create it in the usual natural way , so it has directed evolution in such a direction that intelligent beings

    Along the way, that comedian made fun of the very concept, the possibility , the idea that someone, somewhere, should determine the purpose and meaning of existence for humanity (well, a little bit about environmentalists). In addition, I have never heard of any reason why such a goal should exist at all. So before asking” what ” are the common goals of humanity, I would first ask “why” are the common goals of humanity needed, “whether” these goals exist, and “where” did the common goals of humanity come from.

    But, despite the skeptical attitude towards the goals of humanity defined from the outside, “from above”, there may well be goals defined by humanity itself. At the moment, I do not know such people yet. Claims to be such a stop to global climate change, but it seems to me that Negroes in Africa (not all of course) will be very surprised if they find out that they have such a goal. But I assume that in the event of any global and tangible and real threat to the whole of humanity, such a goal may be to overcome and repel such a threat. In general, the situation here is the same as with the goals of each person's life. No one will dictate them to us , they are not recorded anywhere, and we can fill out the list of our goals with whatever we want . Or we can leave it empty altogether. And none of the options will be wrong or incorrect. Given people's ability to negotiate, I don't think a common goal is possible, except in the case of a common threat to everyone's life.

  5. I really want them to be there. But if you look at a single person, then most likely their personal goals will be the most important, there will be fewer of those who have expanded these boundaries a little without losing their humanistic attitude. Well, probably, in this mass of people there is a minuscule number of cosmopolitans. Therefore, only they are trying to see a common goal – everyone else is deeply indifferent to these problems.

    As already mentioned (thequestion.ru), that from the point of view of ” biology, the goal is to increase its population. And if from the point of view of society, then there is no single goal, since there are many variants of the social structure, and they can vary greatly. Humanity is not a single mind to have any single purpose.”

    But what point of view we need is not entirely clear. It is difficult to see anything objective in this issue, despite the fact that we are such a complex symbiosis of these “points of view” – on a global scale, we are nothing, especially at the micro level, and in general, relatively recently we understood why the ball falls down, and not up, and learned to predict.

    Therefore, this question will remain open for a long time, as it seems to me, if it was opened at all. So far, there are no problems without it – two people can't make up, what can we say about everyone, but with such a variety of cultures.

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