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In his book Hallucinations, Oliver Sacks talks about Charles Bonnet syndrome. Its essence is that sometimes blind people see images generated by the brain.
Here is the beginning of the chapter on this syndrome:
“One day, at the end of November 2006, I got a call from the nursing home where I work. One of the housemates, Rosalie, a woman in her nineties, began to see things that didn't exist, and her strange hallucinations were surprisingly real and plausible. The nurses called a psychiatrist, but they also called me, fearing that the hallucinations could be the result of some neurological disorder – Alzheimer's disease or, for example, a stroke.
When I arrived and greeted the patient, I was surprised to find that she was blind – the nurses had forgotten to warn me about this. The old lady had not seen anything for several years, but suddenly she began to observe various scenes so clearly, as if they were unfolding right in front of her.
– �What do you see?I asked Rosalie.
– �People in oriental clothes!�– she exclaimed.� – People in long clothes go down and up stairs. One of them, a man, turns around and smiles at me. On the one hand, his teeth are normal, and on the other – giant in size. I see animals. Then I see a white building, and a light snow is falling – snowflakes are swirling in the air. Then a horse appears-not a beautiful, elegant steed, but a dray nag, on which the snow is taken away. But the snow doesn't decrease. I see a lot of kids. They also go up and down stairs. The children are dressed in colorful – pink, blue-clothes, also oriental.”
And here's a little bit about the mechanism: “As you know, the brain needs not only to receive information from the senses, but also a certain variety of this information. The absence of this may lead to a decrease in CNS activity, concentration of attention, and impaired perception. The darkness and loneliness surrounding a holy hermit who lives in a dark cave or a dense dark forest, or a condemned man who is thrown into a dark basement of a castle, deprive a person of normal visual stimuli; instead, the “inner eye” turns on, giving rise to vivid dreams, imaginary images or hallucinations. There is even a special term for a series of various colorful hallucinations that comfort or, conversely, torment people who are in the dark and alone: “cinema for the prisoner”.”
In general, some of them see unreal images. As I recall the chapters, they are usually quite colorful and exotic, but initially probably based on life experience. Many people see motley crowds of people who just walk around, not paying attention to the observer.
It depends on when they became blind. People who are blind from birth can't see anything at all, but people who have become blind can see objects at a very close distance and distinguish colors. Blind people have dreams where there is only sound.
I had a serious concussion, with a bruised visual area, or even worse than a bruise, I can't say for sure now (at the age of 12, I didn't really go into such details). However, the vision then disappeared for two days at all, and at first it seemed as if it was not there. It just wasn't there, and I couldn't remember exactly what it felt like to see it. Just imagine that this function has been removed from you, that it, like a lost limb, no longer belongs to you. It was easy for me, because it's still a concussion, and the general condition is muddy, unclear. In such a blind delirium, I had to go to the toilet on the wall, mix up the room, but the most amazing thing is the food when you can't see it. Summarizing, I agree with the already mentioned “nothing”.
If we supposedly turn our eyes inside out, we will see a faded black color. That is, the eyes will not catch weak light and everything will “blur”/become monotonous. It will be difficult to explain, but it all depends on your imagination. To distinguish colors, you need an organ(in our case, the eyes). When it is not present or does not work, then, of course, the light is not captured. The blind can't see black, they can't see anything! It goes beyond their understanding and feelings. They feel the world around them with images that are in turn incomprehensible to us. Although it depends on the type of damage to the sensory organs. If the eyes work “incorrectly”, but are able to catch light, then they still see a faded black color. This seems incredible and shows the imperfection of man as a species.
You have already been answered about darkness/ blackness, and if you want to dig deeper and know a little English, I advise you to go to the channel of Tommy Edison, known as the blind film critic, an incredibly positive person. �
�The channel where he makes reviews�
The channel where he talks about what it's like to be blind
I see from birth with only one eye and I can say that there is no light perception, the pupils have a reaction to light, but this light is not visible. I don't see any darkness, the organ is just turned off to perceive light.
You can talk for a long time about how to represent “nothing” but for me the easiest example for human perception:
Try to remember what you saw before you were born
It's strange that no one remembered the blind spot that everyone has.
That is, you can see with your own eyes “what absolutely blind people see”. Not with your elbow, not with the back of your head, but with your eyes. Cool, right?:)
In order not to explain it in a long and confusing way, I will give you a link to the shortest and most sensible video on this topic that I managed to find (the video is not mine):
how to “see” your blind spots
Pavel there is a little confused in terms of: “the area of the retina of the eye in which the image is missing” (in fact, not so, just in this place of the fundus, right in the middle of the retina, the optic nerve is located, which, of course, does not work as a retina). So just listen to the “how to see” recipe, not the explanations (they are quite OK, just not perfect).
Thanks to Pavel Nikiforov for the short and clear video!
I don't know how much I can tell about it, but I haven't been born to see with one eye completely. And it just feels like saying… Well, just nothing. It was as if that eye had never been there at all. No discomfort or anything like that… Just nothing.
No, not at all, they can't see the dark. They don't know anything about it at all. You try to present the sensations through the prism of your own experience, which the blind person simply does not have, for him there is no black, white, light, darkness – for him these are just words. For example, try to imagine the sensations of a different spectrum of electromagnetic waves that are not accessible to the eye, I will tell you that for me they “splice” and “vgordiruyut”, some “scroll”, but this, if absolutely “trunets”. Replace any word with black