2 Answers

  1. probably one of the eternal and relevant topics, since demography-basically, immediately recalls experiments about rats and mazes, etc.

    here it is already clearly visible that in a pronounced social I-is still among the relatively. Actual

  2. The sociology of social change studies roughly what its name suggests. The initial assumption from which it is based tells us that there is a large complex social aggregate (society), which, on the one hand, is stable enough to remain itself, on the other, is constantly developing, changing in whole and in parts.�

    This idea was proposed in the mid-nineteenth century by Comte and Spencer, who divided sociology into ” social statics “and” social dynamics”: the former studies” order “and” equilibrium”, the latter studies”progress”. Isthmus (historical materialism), which was taught in Soviet schools and institutes , is also an example of such an early sociology of social change. �

    For the sociology of the XX century, social change is also almost the most developed subject, an insane amount of texts about “dynamics”, “evolution”, “transformations”, “processes”, about “modernity”, “modernization”, “postmodernism” and other “changing societies” have been written. From decent samples, you can take” on trial”, for example, Anthony Giddens (“The Consequences of Modernity”, “Transformation of Intimacy”, etc.).

    The topic is so broad that they usually do not deal with” social change ” in general, but specialize in private subjects such as changes in lifestyle, values, work or family relationships, consumption, technology, and so on. In this sense, the “sociology of social change” is not a single unit, but a very general framework for many topics and directions.

    How relevant: similar to Soviet chocolate brands (“taste familiar from childhood”), which remain afloat even after the invasion of “twicks ” and”snickers”.�

    You can outline in general terms who would answer that “not relevant”. Sociologists of everyday practices and situations who are interested in “here and now” interactions, rather than major shifts at the macro level. Sociologists of mobility, networks, and flows who are interested in reality that is more “fluid” and ” volatile “than is usually studied in the” sociology of social change “(and in general in the”sociology of society”). New versions of sociology that are interested in the “assembly” and ” reassembly “of social objects, their formation: in such a picture of the world,” social change “is just an extra word, and besides, it is more important to understand how something completely new appears, and not how the already existing”social” changes.

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