One Answer

  1. Islam, like Christianity, has not given anything for science and culture in itself.

    But it gave rise to and influenced the cultures and traditions of the countries of the Near and Middle East, Central Asia, North-West India, North Africa and South-West Europe.

    Islam gave an impetus to the emergence of many different things, without which modern world culture would not be what it is.
    You can recall the literary monument “One Thousand and One Nights”, from the architecture of the Taj Mahal.

    During the so – called Golden Age of Islam, they were generally the vanguard of human development.(And then something popped up…)

    Ibn Sin, for example, known in the West as Avicenna, is credited with discovering infectious diseases, anesthesia, the connection between psychological and physical conditions, and many other areas of medicine. His book “The Canon of Medical Science” was used as a textbook in the best medical institutes in Europe from the 12th to the 17th century.
    I can't find their names, but you can Google them. There was a surgeon in the 10th century who started using stitches made from sheep's intestines, came up with a bunch of devices(for examining the ear, for example). His writings also had a great influence on European scholars.
    One doctor performed a surgical operation in oncology. Again in the tenth century.

    From the industry – babakhi made the first factory for the production of paper. The first paper to appear in Europe was made by them.

    The Muslim was the founder of chemistry.He also first expressed the idea of the huge energy hidden inside the atom and the possibility of its splitting.

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