9 Answers
Freedom is the ability to independently decide what, when, where, and with whom to speak, think, and do, bearing full responsibility for this choice and its consequences.
Freedom is the absence of any restrictions, both for any type of activity and for inaction in itself.
These restrictions can be both material (prison) and non-material, ideological (principles). The predominance of one type of restriction over another is very conditional. So, for example, the question of who is more free is debatable-a person who is not allowed to leave the country by internal principles or a person who is simply restricted to leave at the legal level.
Freedom in itself is not a value. It performs more of an instrumental function. Let's assume a situation where the artist is not allowed to draw. In this case, the value is precisely the process of creation, but not freedom itself. Because if a millerist is forbidden/allowed to draw, it probably won't matter to him at all.
So, not all freedom is even a tool for achieving value. Let's assume a situation in which an external force completely controls the life of an individual. But at the same time, this same power provides him with all that is valuable to him. Then freedom loses all meaning. If all of a sudden this external force disappears ,the “value provision” will also disappear, and instead of happiness in finding freedom, only grief will come.
Freedom is when the external pressure to choose is absent (or weak), and a person can choose without taking into account the consequences.
That is, when there is no responsibility for the choice.
That is, freedom is irresponsibility. -
Each of us has the opportunity to create our own world, with our own rules – this is what every person should strive for. Of course, unfortunately, there can be no absolute freedom, because absolute freedom is still chaos. There must be a certain order of things. It's another matter whether someone dictates this order of things to you or whether you are able to organize it yourself.
My freedom lies in the fact that I come up with the things that I have to do. Naturally, I have responsibilities and responsibilities, but all this does not make me any less free. -
Freedom in my opinion is the opportunity to do whatever you want and at the same time not touching someone else's personal space.
But it is also correct to note that freedom carries responsibility and the greater your freedom, the greater this responsibility.
What is “freedom”?
Just a word that has temporarily gained super-value in the perception of a person and clouded his brain.
By itself, “freedom” does not exist and is nothing.
Just like abrdkrvokatru .
What is abrdkrvokatru?
Nothing. There is no such phenomenon in nature. Just like svoboda . 🙂
Свобода = = =
“Freedom” has become a super-value due to the fact that humanity as a whole is only at the stage of maturation.
And only approaching in its conditional age to adolescence.
Therefore, just as a teenager does not want and cannot realize how much he has been given by his parents, society, culture and country, humanity as a whole does not want to realize and understand that no matter how much he tries to consider himself “free”, even this desire is due to circumstances that are a manifestation of the laws and features of the Universe. 🙂
Raising such an important topic, the author writes in the summary::
“So, freedom for me is rage: I want to live my life in such a way that I have no one to blame for it. All my victories are mine, and all my doubts and despair are mine.”
Dear author, why do you want to do this?
You don't want to blame anyone? That's great!
But do you want to know the reasons for your desires and actions, the reasons that led to your choice in this or that situation?
Do you think that all your victories are yours?
What about the World that created you and provided you with abilities, eyes, and ears? And parents, and culture, worldview and values, and science and the planet Earth… ???
They do not have any merit and did not take part in your “victories”? 🙂
The doubts are yours, of course. But does it really matter? And whose could they be?
And your hand, too, and your head.
But the very ability to doubt – did you create this ability, or did you develop it due to circumstances created by others? 🙂
MY – this concept gains strength largely due to the false idea of “freedom”, which climbs and penetrates into all the cracks of human consciousness.
For now.
I hope that the comprehension of this concept will accelerate and humanity will cross the stage of adolescent protest and self-aggrandizement in order to start a new stage in its life.
The stage of cognition of the causes and laws that determine its appearance, existence in the universe, and also the mission for which a person as a phenomenon exists. -
Freedom means trusting YOURSELF!!! Understanding that you are not capable of nasty things :-))))
All those who advocate various restrictions, write TO THEMSELVES – if you do not hold me, I will unravel and do things: -))))) They think the same way about others :-))))))))
There is a classic juxtaposition of negative and positive freedom – that is, freedom from something and freedom for something. With the second definition, existential problems arise: if we define freedom through a goal, then we inevitably come to the question of the meaning of life, and here we enter the land of pessimism.
Negative freedom is easier. In the liberal tradition, it all comes down to freedom from the state or other institutions like the church and the family that want to teach you how to live. So for me, such liberal freedom is not to say the right liberal things, but to be able to listen to nonsense or lies, stand up and say “this is nonsense and lies, go to hell”. And it doesn't matter who exactly it is addressed to. We don't usually get executed in public squares, but Hollywood's William Wallace from the naive Braveheart movie would be a good illustration of this freedom.
Freedom is to yell an insult to a tyrant during execution. Say what you think after losing money, friends, social capital, and anything else, but don't keep silent. This freedom to do what you think is right and take responsibility for it gives you a sense of fullness of life. And in my opinion, being able to have that freedom means being happy.
Rorschach (“no compromise”) was a very free man.
Somewhere nearby, there is a shadow of positive freedom-it is cast by such things as solidarity and empathy. A special, but very important, case of freedom as an opportunity to take risks is the freedom to choose friends. Non-free people choose who to be friends with when it is beneficial or determined by their social status. Free people strive to make friendship a source of sympathy. I made a political bet: this man is my friend, and I don't care what you think about it. In summary, this is a story about independence from public opinion. What the Stoics taught: don't worry about other people's opinions if you don't have any control over them.
And another aspect of freedom for me is connected with the doubt about why people commit certain actions that are “accepted to do”. Why do people get married and post wedding photos? Take out loans? Why do they start a car in Moscow, where it is impossible to get around on it? There is a suspicion that they do all these right things simply because it is so accepted, and so that it is not worse than others, so that they do not judge.
So, freedom for me is rage: I want to live my life in such a way that I have no one to blame for it. All my victories are mine, and all my doubts and despair are mine.
Freedom is the ability to act, speak and think independently without restrictions, while fitting into the framework of morality and moral norms, and these limits should be drawn not by the mind (that is, “I want to punch that guy, but no, I won't, it's wrong”), but by my own feelings from within (that is, even the thought of hitting someone about the priority does not arise). However, a person must still fit into these conditional frames, otherwise it will no longer be about freedom, but about permissiveness.
5 Answers
This is the most important and correct question of all that is on this site.
As soon as we understand the semantics of the word FREEDOM, everything will work out fine. �
In the Russian sense, FREEDOM is will. �
But volya � is Pugachevism.In my opinion, FREEDOM is primarily a responsibility.
Responsibility in choosing the president, wife, partner, and so on…..
Not “for fun”, but consciously, having thoroughly studied the subject of choice and the accompanying circumstances.
That is, FREEDOM is hard work.
Another factor — you need to clearly understand that your partner, neighbor, opponent is also free and also has the right to opinion and actions. You need to understand that everyone is equal on the road and it doesn't matter what you have-the car is cooler and the numbers are more beautiful. -
In my opinion, freedom is the right to choose. Starting from the right to choose your own style, ending with the choice of your future profession. We can choose the president, we can choose to go to the store or not.�
True, we do not have the opportunity to become a different species in biological terms, but this is already someone like. It's not bad enough for me to be human.
Hello, Dmitry.
In my opinion, freedom is the constant pursuit of the ability to make a conscious choice. The more options and opportunities to make a choice, the more freedom a person has. In a sense, freedom is the ability to manage your life.
Well, perhaps it should be said that freedom does not necessarily mean the ability to do something, sometimes freedom can be expressed in the ability to start doing nothing or stop doing something at all, something that a person does not like.
Everything said in relation to a person, of course.
Well, a few of my favorite quotes on the topic:
“Freedom of choice cannot be taken away, it can only be forgotten.” �
” It is free choice that creates a person. To be is to choose oneself”
“Human freedom consists in the free use of one's abilities”
“People can never be free if they are not brought up for freedom. And this is not an education that can be acquired in schools or borrowed from books, but one that is the result of self-discipline, self-respect and self-management.
“Only fools call self-will freedom”
Good luck! -
Freedom of speech is when, no matter what you say, you get no more than words in response.
Not a term, not a spanking, and not expulsion from the institute, not dismissal, but some words (even if they are abusive).
In its pure form, freedom does not occur, but there is a more or less loyal version of the set of civil liberties, in which the list of responsibility for words is very small (for example, only a few articles in the Criminal Code “for libel”, “for perjury”, etc.). -
Absolute freedom is a beautiful illusion that a person likes to entertain himself with. After all, in fact, what is meant by freedom? That is, to be free, and therefore independent of everything-from people, things, obligations and rules that bind your hands and feet with iron chains…
In fact, there is no absolute freedom. It can't exist in principle. A person will always depend on something/someone in one way or another. Another thing is that you can specifically reduce most of the addictions in your life to a minimum.How to do this is another question on a different topic, and to answer it yourself, think about setting priorities and values in your life.
Freedom is usually understood as two different states:
1) I can do what I want;
2) I can choose what I want.
The first is associated with such expressions as freedom of choice, freedom of action, and the like.
The second is associated with such expressions as free will, freedom from addictions and other things in this vein.
As you can see, you can admit one thing and deny the other.
Freedom is the main property of a Single Reality,
which, according to the laws of dialectics, it “loses”, becoming many, locking itself in elements separated from each other by chaos, so that, realizing the Freedom of Choice, it can find Itself again.
With the TK of a person, we have 4 phases of self-realization and, accordingly, Freedom.
1 freedom of choice – freedom of chaos and irresponsibility, freedom of the child.
2 freedom as knowledge of the law, consideration of life in a mature way.
3 freedom as a movement towards unknown laws, relying on, but also not afraid to change, known laws
4 freedom as a conscious supreme necessity, an evolutionary purpose (this is not about reproduction and family, and not about religious or esoteric, and not about scientific speculation)
There are many different definitions of freedom, and there are many freedoms themselves, such as political, economic, financial, free will, freedom of speech, etc. By the way, one of the Preachers of absolute freedom, which would not be limited by either morality, religion, or law, was Marxism de Sade. �Freedom and basic �value of life was considered the satisfaction of the aspirations of the individual – �is so small �touch to the subject, like a colorful illustration of some “freedoms” in �would �”perfect” performance.
Free flight or free fall?
Let's take simple analogies – for example, legal freedom consists in the fact that a person who observes universal legal, criminal, administrative laws lives as a free person, while those who violate these very laws are punished – and if we take a more understandable analogy, then the violator is sent to places of deprivation of liberty, to prison in other words. Based on this, freedom is the ability to live according to the Laws ( moral, legal, spiritual, divine, etc.).�
Or another simple analogy – the mother forbids the child to smoke, and he considers it unfree and resists “oppression” – as a result, he becomes a slave to this bad habit. And although at first everything looked like a manifestation of freedom, in reality it was a road to one's own, in a certain area, enslavement. Therefore, freedom in this case, in my opinion, is quite obvious independence from harmful and harmful habits, actions, inclinations, etc.
The illusion)
A person has the opportunity to choose from various options for action. This is what we call “freedom.” The trick is that what we choose is predetermined. After all, our decisions are dictated by the environment, experience and body