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Religion is an apparatus for realizing the species-forming need of a person: to move to the next stage of evolution, to change.�
Yes, believers don't like the word “evolution”, because it's about monkeys, it's in the past. And the current stage is very different from the previous ones. A group of primates reached the Creator. In Christianity, for example, there are words “metanoia” (superconsciousness),” metamorphosis ” (superform). In Buddhism-the “tao”, the spiritual path, the evolutionary movement, in Islam and Christianity-paradise, the afterlife, those OTHER, NON-MATERIAL form of being
“Spirituality” is generally speaking a creative energy. Which can be fully realized only by creating something incomparable, unthinkable, OTHERWORLDLY. For the realization of this idea, religions are created.
Why is this longed-for super-creative, spiritual path of humanity associated with worship, which everyone thinks about when they say the word “religion”?
Because the highest form is not “it”, but He or She, whatever you want. Paradise is not something, but Someone. Religion also leads to paradise, those in It, in … God. Because He is the “alpha and omega,” as the Bible says. He created everything, and now He is creating the next world-2. And people are His creative team. Perhaps that is why religion is called “reunion”. We are already connected to God as a creature to the Creator, and now we are connected at another level of fusion.
Mir-2, tn paradise is a fusion with the Creator God (for atheists: with the Power of evolution). Amen.
I will note that religion is mainly about humility, and not about rampant fantasy, as it may seem from my definition. This is the main “pitfall” of our evolutionary leap. We need to become not a multitude of gods (this is a madhouse, which is happening now), but one God. Not a part of God, but every human person is the same God. Hypostatic merger. So humility and поклон worship. If a person inadvertently turns into a god with a small letter, without maturing to the Consciousness of God with a capital letter – then this is an evolutionary dead end, hell, the devil. � �
“Religion is an organized worship of higher powers. Religion is not only a belief in the existence of higher forces, but also establishes special relations to these forces: it is, therefore, a certain activity of the will directed towards these forces. (Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron)”.
That is, any worship organized according to one rite is a religion. Orthodoxy has its own long-prescribed rituals (processions, prayers), Islam has (namaz, strictly facing Mecca). These are religions, just because their worship of the gods has a certain consistency.�
In this definition, we find the word “faith”. Catching the quote again:
“Faith is the recognition of something as true, often without prior factual or logical verification, solely because of an internal, subjective, immutable belief that does not need proof for its justification, although it sometimes looks for it. (Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia) ”
That is, if you do not require any evidence to believe that there are some gods, but you do not try to contact, interact or communicate with these gods in any way, just as you do not conduct traditions, rituals and other gestures towards spirituality – you believe. Even easier – if you are lying on the couch like a bag of shit and talk about gods that you don't know anything about – that's your faith, not religion.
In short and simple terms.
Religion-from the Latin “religare”, where” ligare “is a connection, and the prefix” re ” is to restore, repeat. Which collectively means reconnect. Contact with whom? It's not hard to guess. With the Absolute True, the Supreme Spirit, the Super-Being, the Creator of this world.
We are used to thinking that everything happens spontaneously, just like our lives. This understanding of things makes our lives devoid of any meaning. Why live if there is no meaning in the very concept of life? If everything comes from nothing, then it will go to nothing.
The meaning of life is to restore the initially lost connection with the Absolute. This is a person who always loves us, but we chose to turn away from him and created our own world, where we ourselves suffer from birth to the next birth. We are eternal souls, but when we are in a material body, we are forced to think that we are this body.
Difficult question.I consider myself a believer.I deliberately didn't go through the encyclopedia to find the wording.Religion is a set of laws established by the Supreme Creator, the observance of which is the cause of His contentment and blessing.
All the prophets said the same thing: “Faith in one God.” but people are inventing and changing the religion of God. and then the religion sent by God becomes an invention of people, although there is still something of the truth in them. and the truth is that God is one and this world is just a passage that consists of an exam, which we will see the result at the end. And this exam is necessary for us so that later we would not say we are not worthy of hell
Religion is a social cult that regulates the gap between what is considered sacred and profane in a given society.
Belief in God/gods/spirits is not a criterion, there are non-theistic religions ( some varieties of Buddhism), or religions that do not attach super-importance to deities and mysticism ( Confucianism).
The main difference from magic is that in magic there is no community united by common values or goals, fortune tellers have a clientele, not adherents.
Religion is a person's attempts to discover God the Creator, then again attempts to reestablish a connection with this Person, and then-to develop under the guidance of the Creator, learn how to live correctly on this earth and prepare for the transition to eternity.
Let me say, as a Christian, that it is not possible to discover God on your own. Only His personal initiative can make this meeting real.
However, the Creator provided mankind with all the “tools” for successful search – almost all peoples have the holy scriptures. God wants to talk to us, and is always ready to communicate, but He is interested in whether we sincerely want this meeting, whether we want to stand under His authority and whether we are able to accept His love as it is…
For secular believers, for whom the family and the state are the religious form of society's existence, as the divine essence of God's servants in the person of the people (the one church), the authorities (the political-religious hierarchy of the people's power) and religion (the political-religious hierarchy of the people), religion is the “realization of the state line”.
Religion is a form of existence of the individual and society in the existing reality.
The personal form of religion is the genealogy of Adam, the spiritual unity of the Son with the Father, and the civil unity of the son with the fatherland.
A public or popular form of religion is a set of forms of kinship and civil relations established by public institutions: the family, the state, production, education, healthcare, and religion.
Religion is a form of communication with God through human mediation. Just as imperfect, but super-consecrated, having the weight of a voice before God to sanctify, enlighten, and forgive. But not to heal. For the healer is God Himself. Come to the priest, all you who are weary and burdened, and pay the priest's wages, and he will pray for you. He will wave the censer and kiss the icon. And then, maybe, although not a fact, the icon drawn by a person will become quiet. And the Passover fire will come down on your candles for a moment. The Holy Fire. Because it doesn't burn. And you will see a miracle. But in your sickness you will die, and the priest's conscience will not gnaw at him. After all, he has no conscience.
It costs to claim for the trebs. That's the whole discussion.
It's a religion. Following dogmas and traditions, paying attention not to the truth, but to the charter. Not to Him Who lives forever, but to the utterances and opinions of men, voting unanimously against the truth for the accepted opinion of the truth, in order to gain a profit to satisfy their lusts.�
**To understand religion, it is not enough to give a single definition of this concept. Therefore, in my answer, I will compare religion with similar phenomena.�
Religion is a complex social institution that has many definitions. One of them is that religion is a system of views that contains a set of moral norms and behaviors, rituals, cult actions based on belief in the supernatural and uniting people in organizations (churches, communities, etc.)
2. Faith
It should be understood that religion and faith are not identical words. Faith is a broader concept. It simply expresses a belief in something that is not based on rational knowledge. Thus, faith may not be related to religion (for example, faith in one's own strength, faith without building complex institutions and norms, faith in mythological creatures, etc.)
3. Mythology
Based on the previous paragraph, it is necessary to draw a line between religion and mythology. Religion is a more developed social institution than mythology, and it logically continues the former. The main difference between religion and mythology is that in the latter, the real and mythological world are not separated in any way. People believe that mythical creatures are in the real world, surround them, find their manifestation in material things. In religion, there is a clear division of the world into a material and non-material (divine, spiritual) part.
4. The Sect
Also, to understand religion, it should be separated from the concept of “sect.” So a sect is a religious group that has separated from the main direction and opposes it. Thus, the sect itself is not something negative, as most people imagine. In fact, a sect is simply a group of people who give religion an unofficial interpretation or put forward views that do not correspond to the dominant religion.
4.1 Destructive sect
The so-called “destructive” (totalitarian) sects should be singled out separately. This is a type of sect that uses authoritarian management methods, restricts human rights for members of the organization, and whose activities pose a danger to the life and health of citizens. Most often, the word “sect”is used in this sense.