6 Answers

  1. There are dictionary definitions of both, and the difference between them is pretty obvious. Both religion and ideology are systems of views designed to explain, comprehend and evaluate the origin and relationships between the elements of the universe. Ideology explains and evaluates the relationship between people and people and between people and reality. And religion is the relationship between people and God, and between reality and God, and as a consequence, between people and reality. Both ideology and religion present not only explanations, but also ready-made value judgments. As opposed to philosophy, which provides the same thing, but deliberately withdraws from value judgments. Therefore, religion and ideology use the methods of philosophy, but they are not philosophy themselves, in their own way being its opposite. Philosophy, on the other hand, considers ideology and religion as the subject of its study and, in turn, explains and comprehends them in the same way as reality, people and God.

  2. Ideology is basically a political concept. It should not be confused with socio-political teaching. If you relate it to religion, then ideology is a narrower concept. There is a type of politics in general, as an abstract concept, in the broadest sense. There are specific political movements, so they may have an ideology. And there is, like, religion in general (in fact, no), as an abstract concept, in the broadest sense. There are specific religions, so they have a creed. And the creed in religion is more correlated with ideology in politics than other concepts.

    Both the ideology and the creed are based on their own ideas about right and wrong, good and bad. However, in ideology there is usually no ethics, but in the creed there is. Also, there is usually something invisible, supernatural in the creed, but there is nothing about it in the ideology.

  3. Let's try it in a simple way, although I'm not a special expert, but I didn't see such an answer.�

    Religion motivates you to change something inside of you. Think about the soul, the afterlife, a dialogue with some god, and so on, but it's all focused on you.�

    Ideology motivates you to change things around you. Build communism and socialism. Sweep the yard, go to the polls, and so on. Change the world around you.

  4. Ideology is created by people. Very often – as a counterweight, substitute, surrogate of religion. And it is usually created according to religious templates. And the surrogate, as a rule, is much worse than the original. Often ideologies are destructive, calling for the destruction of dissenters and the rapid remaking of the world. Religion just gives the rules of life.

  5. The answer lies in terms. “Religion” comes from Latin. religare, which means “to connect”. That is, religion sets as its primary goal to bring a person closer to God. The word “ideology” consists of two Greek roots idea (prototype, type, form) and logos (word). Ideology implies a system of ordered views of a particular society or social class.

    At first glance, what religion and ideology have in common may be the expression of moral and ethical norms, but the ultimate goals differ significantly.

  6. I have an intuitive answer.�

    Imagine that you have a bunch of puzzle pieces, from which you can put a lot of different pictures. But only with a single combination of y … ahem… without the puzzle, everything will be as good as possible.

    Ideology is an attempt to put together a puzzle without using a picture that shows how everything should be. There can be many different options. Someone comes up with a new concept of how to put the pieces together. He says, ” Let's try this. It might work!” A new image is added. But it will never be perfect, there will always be some shoals, and in the end another hat will come out. Lots of people will be unhappy.

    Religion is an attempt to put together a puzzle using a basic picture drawn on a box with details. The picture shows a god, and everything needs to be put together so that it turns out to be him. If you add it up, everything will be fine, and nothing can be ruined. Never. The problem is that quite a lot of people want to put this puzzle together. Much more than those who actually see the picture. So it turns out again devils-that.�

    The similarity is that both puzzles have the goal of doing everything well. Also, each puzzle can be folded both on the scale of one person and society of different sizes.

    The difference is whether we try to use the picture on the box, or make it up ourselves.

    UPD But no. In fact, religion is a way to see that the puzzle is already put together in the best possible way, and to live up to that knowledge.

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