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Evil is rooted in human contradictions, in the inability to fully understand oneself and others. But evil exists only where there is good, and good where there is evil-only the good principle cannot exist separately. And this instability, uncertainty, moral relativism makes a person go forward, look for their own path.
What is the main thing in us that creates these insurmountable contradictions? A very good quote from Aldous Huxley immediately comes to mind: “A man is an acrobat on a tight rope. He walks carefully, trying to keep his balance, holding a pole in his hands, at one end of which is consciousness, intelligence, spirit, and at the other end is the body, instinct, and everything that is unconscious, earthly, and incomprehensible to us. ” Very beautiful, but still sounds a little fatalistic, and a person chooses the path himself in this complex multidimensional world of ours.
There is a lot of obvious evil that comes from the instinctive, the caveman. And there is a lot of evil from a cold mind that makes decisions only from a position of greater efficiency and “good”. But the fact is that contradictions, internal and external hostility continue to boil, and life is born. Evil will exist — our task is to increase its weight on the swing of the world balance.
“I am part of the force that always wants evil and always does good,” I will add words from the famous cultural monument to introduce contradictions in my answer.
The root cause of human evil lies in its very nature. Or rather, in its genetics. Neuroscience deals with questions of human behavior and motivation. It is believed that neuro-humoral mechanisms underlie the human behavioral response. The so-called “evil” emotions like anger, rage, and fear are triggered by the hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, and testosterone. In clinical practice, there are such nosologies as the “prison basketball team” syndrome caused by polysomy on the y chromosome in men. Manifestation: tall stature, rough facial features and aggressive, antisocial behavior. Also, increased aggressiveness is observed in pheochromocytoma. The disease is caused by excessive adrenal production of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
There is no evil, good, right, wrong, good, bad, high, low, etc. in nature. All these concepts were invented by man in the course of the evolution of civilization solely for convenience. Therefore, the” cause of evil ” is the development of the human brain and human society.
In my opinion, the concept of evil is too vague and infantile, so as civilization develops, the concept of “evil” will most likely disappear and be replaced by other concepts that more accurately reflect the essence of certain negative/undesirable phenomena.
Evil and good are opposite points in the system of moral coordinates laid down by God, for real atheists there is no morality and there is expediency. If you kill a child, they will kill you
“Good and evil, like our pain and joy, happiness and suffering, life and death – just two poles necessary just to start the plot”
My answer is that evil in the absolute (metaphysical sense) has neither a root cause nor a cause.
We can only talk about the causes of specific phenomena (for example, a person was poorly brought up and became a criminal). But we won't get to the root cause: “raising children should start with raising their parents,” which refers us to the next parents, to that long series of parents that leads us to Adam or amoeba, and then either to God or to stardust, and here we are already lost in guesswork 🙂
In short, if we raise the question of the fundamental cause of evil (or good), then nothing can be said here, value categories such as good and evil cannot be rationally investigated and integrated into the causal chain either by the first or second number.
So it is better to connect the question of the origin of evil not with the cause or root cause of evil, but with the nature of the values themselves, which are behind the use of words such as good and evil. What do we mean by these words?
It is obvious that we understand a good deed as free, and not committed under compulsion. To do a good deed, you must be able to AVOID doing it. No one will consider a good deed that a person did not do of his own free will.
So the nature of evil is sewn into the nature of good. If evil (as a deviation from the ideal of good) is impossible, then the ideal of good loses all meaning and ceases to be recognized as a value.
According to our philosophy, the source of evil in this world is the original ignorance of the living entity, which creates in him indifference to God, the desire to turn away from Him. Evil can be compared to darkness. Darkness is the absence of light, and evil manifests itself in the heart, where there is no connection with the original source of warmth, love and goodness – God.
The water in the river running to the ocean is usually clean, but the same water in a small stagnant puddle becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes. In the same way, the heart of a person who aspires to God remains pure, and in the heart that is closed off from God, the germs of evil begin to naturally grow.
Evil is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of good. But good is also a relative concept. And its lack means intentional, deliberate, deliberate infliction of harm, damage, suffering to someone. It is difficult for me to get out of this complex contradiction, at least for now.
I think that my evil with you is different evil. Then how do you find what causes the majority of people to suffer in most cases? Problem.
Here we only recall Kant's teaching on the categorical imperative, namely the following laws::
1) Act in such a way that the rule of your will may have the force of the principle of universal legislation; such a rule must apply to all, including yourself;
2) It is necessary to treat other people as well, what kind of attitude do you expect to your person;
3) A person should not be treated as a means to solve their own interests.
And then we take these three points on faith, and all those who do not recognize them, by definition, consider them mixed with evil.
Of course, everything is not so simple, and this question is very complex. But there must still be some moral framework (without explaining why), and I find Kant's thoughts most endearing.