2 Answers

  1. All philosophical questions are eternal. But not all eternal questions are philosophical. In addition to philosophy, mathematics also deals with eternal questions. But people are less concerned with mathematical questions, even indirectly, and in order to be concerned, you need a certain level of production. While philosophical questions, at least indirectly, concern humanity always.

  2. I would call “eternal” questions that will always be of interest to humanity, regardless of the era, people, civilization and culture. In particular, such eternal questions are (here I rather take groups of these questions):

    1. Religious and existential group. Is there a “supernatural” or “transcendent” (God, gods, spirits, demons, superintelligences, higher powers, higher super-civilizations, etc.)?

    2. Religious and epistemological group. If the transcendent exists, then in what relation to us and our world is the “world of the transcendent” (it can obey us and our laws, on the contrary, we obey its laws, it is open or cognizable for us, it is closed and unknowable for us, etc.)

    3. Religious and emotional group. How should we feel about the transcendent (or the possibility of its existence)? Interest, respect, contempt, hatred, love?

    4. Philosophical and ontological group. What is the meaning of the existence of the material world as a whole? Is this world finite or infinite? Is the whole world or is it a set of elements? and so on.

    5. Philosophical and epistemological group. How do we learn about this world (with the help of what tools)? What is truth? Is it possible to reach the truth, or are there only subjective opinions? Does the knowledge of the world differ from the essence and existence (here-being) of the world (visible from true)? How can a person perceive himself?�

    1. Philosophical and anthropological group. What is the meaning of humanity's existence? Is humanity as a whole mortal or immortal? What is the meaning of an individual? Does a person's life have any meaning? If so, which one is immanent (goals set by the person himself), transcendent (problems that are objectively set before the person), and so on.?

    7. Philosophical and existential group. Does man have a self, a soul, or is it an illusion?” Is man mortal or immortal? Is man free, or is he subject to necessity? If you are free, then what is it and how? If it obeys, then what necessity (natural or social) and to what extent, etc.?�

    8. Philosophical and ethical group. Does a person's life have a moral meaning or not? Is moral behavior natural or unnatural for a person? What is more good or evil in a person, and what is good or evil in general? If evil exists, does man and humanity need salvation from evil, the eradication of evil? and so on.

    9. Historiosophical group. Does human history make sense or not? Does the existence of a society or people make sense? What exactly is this meaning? Are there objective laws that operate within the framework of social development, or is it determined by external forces/blind chance? and so on.

    10. Philosophical and aesthetic group. What is beauty? Is beauty our constructed ideal (it is subjective) or is it contained within the objects described (it is objective)? Is truth and beauty the same? Is beauty ethically neutral or not? and so on

    I think that's all. In fact, the existence of these questions and needs in humans has given rise to culture and its institutions-religion, philosophy, science, art, and so on. Moreover, once they appear (in ancient times), they will never disappear.

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